For anyone waiting to decide if it is time to move on to IV Paclitaxel I wanted to assure you that for me it has not been that bad. The side effects are tolerable . I have finished 6 rounds (12 infusions ) . It is a long day at the clinic on treatment day the first week I get all 3 medications with blood work and port flushes in between . The next week is Paclitaxel,bloodwork and flushes. It takes about 4 hours . The medications takes about 6 hours . I have been able to drive myself each time other than the initial treatment .
Side effects for me have been mild neuropathy in my figure tips mainly my right hand at beginning it was intermittent but now it seems to be a constant but I do not find it limiting . A little bit of nausea but the Prochlorazine works to ease it quickly for me . Fatigue , body aches mainly joints tolerable . Moodiness I find I can get unusually grumpy a day or two after treatment ( I think it was the steroids ) lol .I will blame it on them . I will also blame my appetite on the steroids , I want to eat all the time .I have put on about 10 lbs while taking this treatment .
But I just had scans and the treatment is WORKING , bone Mets are stable , nothing showing in the lungs and the liver Mets are showing significant decrease.
I am taking a month off treatment and will resume with the Pertuzumab & Trastuzumab after an echocardiogram .
I am looking forward to a little more energy , starting to work a little again, hair growing back , and getting outdoors more . I am feeling good , much better than I did before this treatment started. I still have not seen the Ears Nose & Throat specialist to see about regaining a normal voice , it has been 9 months of sounding very feeble and weak I am waiting for a referral from my oncologist to the E.N.T. That is how our “ universal health care “ in Canada works .
If anyone has any questions please ask , I am happy to share my experiences if it will help others and ease fears.
P.s. sorry for the mess of this post , the editing options are brutal today .
This picture is of my grand pup at my sons house . I love to visit especially in the spring .