Some happy news. Our Daughter and Son-in-law had a healthy baby boy yesterday. So nice to have a little one to snuggle❤️ Takes your mind off other things for a while. Hope to meet him tomorrow since Covid will not let us go to the hospital to see him🙁
Good news: Some happy news. Our... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Good news

That’s wonderful news to hear. It will have to be virtual hugs for now but wonderful to know you have a little bundle of joy to share. Congratulations to everyone.

Congratulations! If there's anything more heartwarming that cuddling a warm newborn, I'm not sure what it is. Enjoy! 👶
Congratulations on your new grandson enjoy him all you can.
Most of my grandchildren are adults now but my son and daughter in law have been trying a long time and finally had a little girl. They live on the same block as me. She is two now and they are afraid to put her back in day care due to COVID. I text her each morning if I feel good enough to have her for a few hours so daughter-in-law can work from home. She walks her down and it is the best time of my day. She is funny, always happy. I am now potty training her. Brings back memories of my own four children.
I hope you get to see him a lot as it is good medicine. Enjoy every minute you can.
Thanks Barbara. Our youngest grandson was 8 until our youngest daughter started her family. Now we have a 16 month little boy and the baby. They will be good company for each other. You are right. It is the best medicine. Enjoy your little girl💕
What a great situation with your daughter and granddaughter living so close! Your response warmed my heart!
Wishing you the best,
Hi Barbara,
I hope you are doing well.
It’s heartwarming to hear of how you live so close to your son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter. You must really treasure the time you get to spend with your granddaughter. I live three doors away from my dad and middle brother so I get to see them a lot.
Sophie 💐

Thank you Sophie
She really makes our day. She just turned two. She talks so well. The other day a man called and said a baby left him a voice mail. We have a land line phone and she was on it the other day trying to take my picture, so funny. I am teaching her to go potty and she gets a prize if she does. She went and I said what is your prize. She said a chocolate cookie in the red box. I said just one. She said using her hands also no one bite of five different cookies. She keeps us laughing all day.
Well not to bore you but yes it is a great feeling to laugh all day.
Also knowing we are helping keep her safe from children at day care during this COVID and my daughter in law can work from home for a few hours a day.
It is great that you have family near by although I know you are needed to help also. But in our condition we know we are not helpless and are still needed.
My daughter and husband came in from Long Island 🌴 to visit Sunday and noticed I was in the middle of painting the kitchen and dining room. They made me sit and started painting. I felt bad as I did not know they were coming. I have been working on this for two weeks already. My best day is Monday when I have chemo. They give me a cocktail with dexamethizone and it gives me super energy for two days.
I will stop boring you yesterday was chemo day back to my painting.
Hi Barbara,
You are not boring me! I was smiling as I read your message.
Your granddaughter sounds very bright. That's amazing that you are potty training her so successfully at her age. Is two about the right time for that? Sorry if that's a silly question, but I have no idea. I'm sure she enjoys being with you too. What a good idea to have her with you to allow your daughter-in-law to work from home and to also protect your granddaughter from the dangers of this pandemic.
I don't blame you for using your energy to get some jobs done around the house. When I am feeling motivated (I'm not exactly a domestic goddess!) I like to clean or batch cook. I have to be in the mood for it though! Tonight I'm planning to cook naan pizzas and vegetable stir fried rice. A former work colleague of my husband's gave us the idea of using naan bread as a pizza base. So all we have to do is add tomato puree, the ingredients and cheese and pop them into the oven until they are done. It's so simple and healthier than restaurant pizzas.
Yes, I know what you mean about how we are still needed by our families even in our condition. I think I prefer that to being treated like an invalid and having everything done for me. We are still wives, daughters, sisters, mothers (not me though) and friends, so I embrace the opportunity to still help others.
Enjoy your painting! When can you come round and paint my kitchen?! It still has the cow design the former owners painted when they lived here.

I often think there is something wrong with me as I sit in my chair and look around my house watch the decorating shows. Then I am on the run. Last November our loved dog did not have long to go. But with my condition her bathroom accidents were hourly she could not get out side, we put in a ramp.
So I had my kids come and pull up all the carpet through the house. Then I beautiful gray wood look waterproof laminate flooring. But then I had to paint all rooms. Went nice light gray fresh and clean. Looks like a magazine with coral and agua blue accessories.
Kitchen and dining room are being painted in coral cloud. Very pale and fresh.
Oh well there I go again better use this energy quick tomorrow I will be a little fatigued. Just enough to watch my Mollie.
Thank-you Sandra, can hardly wait💕
How wonderful! Congratulations on the birth of your new grandson. You must be so happy. Have a lovely visit tomorrow.

Thanks ...." I am sure we will!!
My grandbaby was the best gift I could have asked for three months after being diagnosed. When I’m with him, the outside world doesn’t exist. They are the best gift. Congratulations.
Congratulations! Enjoy bonding with the new addition to your family❤️
Congratulations! I hope you get to see him soon! Are you new grandparents? Have a blessed Sunday🥰👍🏾🤗💐🎈🍩
Oh, how lovely. It does take your mind off other things. I can still remember how my heart melted when I saw my little granddaughter. She just celebrated her seventh birthday. They would have wanted more children but unfortunately it is not possible. The whole family, both sides, try hard not to spoil her too badly! She is wonderful.
Enjoy your new addition. A wonderful time.
Cheers, June S.
Congratulations! My daughter had a baby boy last Friday- I got to meet him on Thursday it’s such a special time- enjoy every second xx
Ahh many congratulations. How lovely. There's no better medicine that snuggles with your grandbabies. X
Congratulations! I cannot remember the last time I held a baby...but your post brought the memory/feeling back!
Wishing you many wonderful times with your sweet little one!

Thanks Lynn..........I hope I can spend a lot of time with him💕
Oh how wonderful! Now you are a grandma so fulfilling for those who want to not miss out on life’s experiences that our disease robs us of. Enjoy, indulge what a source of happiness.
Best wishes,
Congratulations on this heartwarming event. I miss babies/ my youngest is 4 already and that’s it for grandma having more. Enjoy♥️😘😘😘😘
Congratulations grandmother!! <3
That’s so exciting! Congratulations! I An extra special joy during this time!