Scan results: So I posted awhile ago... - SHARE Metastatic ...

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Scan results

Kimr2081 profile image
23 Replies

So I posted awhile ago about getting my scans done. I was in Hawaii the following week working so did not want to get the results when I was by myself in case they weren't what I was hoping for. I got back and tried to email my onc twice and he is so good about responding but nothing. I finally called and they were having computer glitches and then they found out the results had never been sent to my doctor. So after all that....the scans were okay. Some of the tumors in my liver were smaller and some just slightly larger...thus the increase I guess in my tumor markers. I feel okay with the results. I am seeing the doctor on Friday and we are going to decide whether I stay on the Xeloda for another 3 months and see how I do or he said we could do a mild traditional chemo or possibly try another hormonal therapy drug - Tamoxifin. I would really like to avoid chemo infusions as I don't want to be at the doctors all the time and he said that the volume of my disease is small enough that he would rather not put a bunch of toxic chemical in my body if we can avoid it. So..... will let you know tomorrow what we decide.

On a really good note, my first grandson was born last Saturday and I can hardly believe how in love I am with that little guy. He is God's gift to our family and such a blessing and he is adorable to boot!!! Biased Grandma talking!!!

Thanks ladies for all the prayers you offered up for me.

Love you all,


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Kimr2081 profile image
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23 Replies
Francesca10 profile image

Awe Kim congratulations on your grandson. I know the feeling and revel in it. 💕

I have had mixed results also but onc didn’t change meds yet.


Barbteeth profile image

Hi Kim

Congratulations on your darling grandson..fabulous news..must have given you a boost

As for scan results..I’m just like you..worry far too much but what can we do?.. it’s normal

Your oncologist sounds sensible in recommending another hormone treatment..I’m really reluctant to have IV fact I will be really up in arms if it’s suggested for me...I have a fear of it but the oncology nurse assured me it’s not that bad nowadays...hmmm

All the best

Barb xx

Hi Kim,

Congratulations on the birth of your grandson! You must be overjoyed.

I wish you all the best as you decide what to do next.

Take care,

Sophie ❤

laurac1014 profile image

Congratulations on the new family member!

In Hawaii working, that’s awesome too.

I wish you well figuring out the next step for you in this on-going journey.

Evaf profile image

Congratulations on the birth of your grandson💕!

I would not mind working in Hawaii...

I wish you all the best for your next plan, perhaps they can still keep you on hormonal treatment .


Justme153 profile image

Congratulations grandchildren are the best!!! Wish you the best with your decision. I'm like you don't want to do the iv chemo either.

PJBinMI profile image

Oh, I hope you get to spend lots and lots of time with that grandson! Grandchildren are so different than our own children......I remember my father taking my daughter to Disneyland when she was about 8. They went on every ride at least once and I don't think he said "no" to her the whole two weeks she visited him! lol I'm not quite that generous with our granddaughters but we savor every minute with them. Depending on the scan, some scans take pictures in "slices" and no two scans are exactly the same in terms of placement, so the very same lesion can look different sizes depending on just where the pictures are taken. Kinda like slicing a hard boiled egg--some slices are bigger than others and knife placement will determine the diameter of each slice. So ask your onc about that. The bigger and smaller could be explained by that. If you are feeling good, that is more important than slight changes on a scan. I hope that whatever decision you and your onc make will work well and that you will have peace of mind about it. Sending hugs and best wishes, Pam

Snowcone16 profile image

I just started on the lighter version of chemo. The combination is referred to as Gem Carbo. It’s pretty tolerable. I go once every 3-4 weeks because the initial labs after treatment weren’t in range for a repeat.

NShaft profile image

Scan times are scary indeed! Our first grandson is now 10 months old and such a joy. Time with him helps with the MBC anxiety. I hope you have lots of opportunity for that.

Annieandme profile image

Have you had any side effects from Xeloda

Kimr2081 profile image
Kimr2081 in reply to Annieandme

Hi Annie,

Yes I have had some - the stuff that happens to your feet and hands. It's annoying but manageable. I just try and lather up my feet and hands in Aquaphor when I go to bed and when I'm home I just wear flip flops. It really hasn't stopped me from doing anything I want to although if I do do alot of walking they kind of hurt when I am done. I just soak them in some Epsom salt with lavender oil.


Annieandme profile image
Annieandme in reply to Kimr2081

Thx Kim. Appreciate your reply. I like that idea of lavender oil with epsom salt. It’s nice to share ideas on this site. 👍

Kimr2081 profile image
Kimr2081 in reply to Annieandme

i would rather try something a little more natural than always some prescription. I hope your side effects are minimal and manageable. Not sure where you live but when its warm here in So Cal i try and where flip flops as much as possible. It seems my feet bother me more when I have to wear heals so am trying to wear more flats when I go to work. Sometimes I don't feel dressed up enough but am getting over that.

Annieandme profile image
Annieandme in reply to Kimr2081

I like the natural too. I live in Kansas City .

I like ginger tea for nausea. Works better than zofran. Zofran blocks me up and then I have to take something for that. No fun

Kimr2081 profile image
Kimr2081 in reply to Annieandme

Yea ginger works great.

Survivornow profile image

Blessings on the good results of your scan - and they do sound good! Prayers for healing and congratulations on the new grandbaby!

BeckyinMaine profile image

Wow, a new grandson and pretty decent, as we say here in Maine, scan results. Good for you! Enjoy your new grandson.

RLN-overcomer profile image

Greetings Sister/warrior: Congratulations on your first born grandchild. I know you are beaming with joy. XoXoX

Sunnydaz profile image

Congratulations on the birth of your grandson! ❤️

I wish you the best with your next decision. Your Onc sounds very reasonable. I like that! xo


worldtravel75 profile image

congrats, grandma ! and glad your scans are stable. one are also so heading to Italy next week to relax

mariootsi profile image
mariootsi in reply to worldtravel75

Enjoy! Italy is on my bucket list!

mariootsi profile image

Congratulations grandma! Beautiful gift!

Glad to hear about your scan. It's a rollercoaster. I know they are not what you wanted, but it sounds like your onc has a plan

I wish you well!

Love, Marianne

NPmary profile image

Congratulations, Gramma ♥️

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