My journey!: Hi my name is Claudia, I... - SHARE Metastatic ...

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My journey!

Abby2312 profile image
25 Replies

Hi my name is Claudia, I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer in May 2015. Then in July I had a mastectomy of the left breast they removed 19 lymph nodes and 3 were affected with cancer. After that I started chemo 8 treatments+ 25 radiations. It was a long journey but God got me through that. All my scans came out good , until 2016. I started feeling a lot of pain in my right shoulder. A week later I was due for my scan. I find out that it mestisis to my humurus, and liver. So they started me on chemo. I did 8 cycles and 10 radians. My appetite was poor, felt tired all the time, a fog. I didn't drive for 8 months, cuz of my shoulder. I finished chemo/journey in July 2017. I have a great Dr. He put on inbrance/ letrezole in August. I just did my scan last week and he said my cancer lesions from the liver are shrinking. I am blessed to be alive and God got me through it again.

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Abby2312 profile image
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25 Replies
marianne88 profile image

Congratulations that’s awesome. How do you do on ibrance?

Abby2312 profile image
Abby2312 in reply to marianne88

I get tired.. ! From the ibrance. I drink the vitamin water.sometimes it helps.

JulSoul profile image

So happy for you! Keep praying, keep living!

Abby2312 profile image
Abby2312 in reply to JulSoul

Thank you:)

Kats2 profile image

Hi Claudia,

I’m happy that you’re responding to the Ibrance! Keep us posted as to how you do with it. I believe that I’ll be on it in a month.

How many mgs of Ibrance are you taking?

Wishing you well and keeping you in my prayers.


Abby2312 profile image
Abby2312 in reply to Kats2

I'm taking 75mg of the inbrance. I will keep you on my prayers too.

Boogitymom profile image

Congrats on this good news, the combination of Ibrance and lettozole seems to be working well for many of us

dianeygirl profile image

I'm on Ibrance too. I get tired at about day 19, during the cycle. I wish the best for you. 😉

Abby2312 profile image
Abby2312 in reply to dianeygirl

Thanks so much!

RLN-overcomer profile image

Greetings: Sister/Overcomer/ Abby2312. In 2006. I went to have a mammogram and a full check up (physical) . I was told then that I was a specimen of health, and was sent a mail notification that said my mammogram was negative, even though I had a visible lump on my breast. I was told to have my next mammogram in a year. In 2007 almost 1 year later, I now had a second visible lump, this time under my arm. Suffice to say I was misdiagnosed for a year. In 2007 I was now correctly diagnosed with stage ll triple negative MBC .Ten (10) of my twelve (12) lymph nodes biopsied were positive for cancer. I had aggressive chemo and radiation,and was told these treatments would allow me to live for about a year. With the information of my prognosis, I was waiting to die, and praying I would make it to heaven. I had blood work every three months which kept coming back NED. Well God has given me 9 years of test that are still coming back NED. My doctors have been questioned by my health insurance provider as to why I still have to continue certain test. I have to request testing which is now once a year. I clearly know this was/is not luck. I know in the core of my being clearly that God has worked a miracle, and restored healing to my body. I believe God has kept me here to, show he is in control of my life here on earth, and in heaven. I also believe I am still here with NED to give others hope. Sisters/Over-comers/ Warriors continue to keep the faith, encourage, empower, and help others. If we fall down I pray God will provide others to help us up, along this journey we call life. God did not keep me here to have selfish, narcissistic, or self indulgent ideals. I do live a joy filled life, and yes my cup is full full overflowing abundantly with all of God's grace and mercy.I pray this same outcome for those struggling with this disease. Over-coming is possible. Pray Praise and never give up or give in Amen

Neverforsaken profile image
Neverforsaken in reply to RLN-overcomer

You are such an inspiration!

When you can praise God and give him all the glory amidst this storm called cancer. . The Bible says he Inhabits the praises of his people, and in his presence is fullness of joy.. and the joy of the Lord is his strength!

People without faith cannot understand this.

May the Lord bless us with many more years of NED.. I am in middle of chemo hoping it will take care of the one 3cm lymph node that was shown on the PET last month. This is my second time with bc, and I’m just getting geared up for this battle again.

Blessing & Love~ Lisa

RLN-overcomer profile image
RLN-overcomer in reply to Neverforsaken

Sister/ Over-comer /Neverforsaken: God has restored you before, and can

do it again. Remember this verse "Your faith has made you whole'. I have a

girlfriend who attends, and is a member of the same church I am also a

member. My girlfriend has had 4 recurrences since 1996. By God's grace

and mercy she is currently NED once again. She is grateful to be living a joy

filled life. God's continued blessings Warrior(s).

Abby2312 profile image

Thank you for the encouragement. I will never give in or give up. God has done so much in my life and he is my strength and i live to serve him to tell everyone that he is a healer. RLN- overcomer God bless keeping you in my prayers.

Kats2 profile image


God must be well pleased that you’re giving Him all the glory that is truly His. You are so right about many many things, especially having Faith that with God all things are possible and that yes, miracles DO happen.

You’re truly an inspiration to so many on this site. God bless you!

Keep spreading the word. We need to hear it often.

Blessings to all. Kats2

sweeetk profile image

You Go Ladies!!!

Great Testimonies!!


Cowgirl2 profile image

I'm so happy for you. God is great! I have been fighting Stage IV Metastatic Breast Cancer since April 1, 2014. I'm doing really well and am so thankful.

I pray that you continue to do well. A positive attitude is really important. It's okay to have down days, but get right back up keep believing.

Abby2312 profile image

Cowgirl2 I'm really happy you are doing well too. I have my down days. Then I get right backup. Let's stay positive and pray !! Keeping you in my prayers.

Petreep profile image

That is absolutely wonderful. Hope you continue to do well.

BeckyHobson profile image

You are a true inspiration! Thank you for sharing 💕

Selmac profile image

Praise God. He is still in the healing business. I was diagnosed in 2013. Stage 4 in July of 2017. Praying for healing. I have a personal relationship with God. He us my father and my best friend. I talk to him about everything. I gave faith but if I'm not healed here I'll be healed in heaven. I teach children's quizzing in my Church abd I love doing it. As long as I'm on this earth I wish to serve him. Prayers and healing to you all. I'm in my 3rd cycle of ibrance and take faslodex and xgeva. A dr that did a bone biopsy fractured my upper thigh so had to have a partial hip replacement. It's got me down a bit. Healing is longer because the ball was placed on the hip with cancer.

Abby2312 profile image
Abby2312 in reply to Selmac

Glad to hear that you have a strong faith and a personal relationship with God. Keep staying positive and God will do the rest. God is great!! Keeping you in my prayers.

Blessings to you.!😊

Neverforsaken profile image

I was just feeling so discouraged today. And then I found you all!

The initial breast cancer from 2013 just came back and I believe it was (once again) a miracle that I found it..It was a tiny 9mm tumor at the end of my right scapula over an inch and a half deep down where breast cancer normally never returns. It was sitting on a large nerve which gave me pain.

I just had a "clean bill of health" from both my oncologist and surgeon the month before.

I am now stage 4.

I write about it on a blog, but have been struggling to find many people of faith to get them through.

Thanks~ Lisa

Kats2 profile image

Never forsaken, (Lisa)

Well you have MY faith and my belief that there is a higher power, God, looking after each and every one of us. He has his plan for us and knows us intimately. After all, he created us!

We may not know the whys of what happened to us, just as others who are afflicted with other maladies don’t understand their whys. But we will someday, in the next world, which, hopefully, will be in heaven with our creator and our loved ones, friends and pets who’ve gone before us. We’ll get answers then!

Right now, you need to follow your treatment plan and do what you can to stay strong mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Show God that you’re up to the challenge. With His help, you’ll get healthy again, (maybe not completely healed, but healthier) and be able to help others on this earth using whatever gifts you were given by our creator. We DO have a mission and purpose in this life. (And it’s not to win the lottery, or seek out materials “things” to fulfill us.) We need to help others.

In some way, shape, or form, you’re helping by just being you. You’re here for a reason.

So, get well, and by showing courage in dealing with this cancer, you’re helping someone else , (whom you may never know) ,be able to face “their” challenges, whatever they may be, And it may not be cancer either.

God works in mysterious ways. We may have no idea right now how He’s using you, or any of us, for a greater cause that we’re completely unaware of.

Keep the faith. Pray. Believe. Warmest wishes,


Neverforsaken profile image
Neverforsaken in reply to Kats2

Thank you for the words of encouragement!

We are like iron that sharpens iron..edifying one another to prepare for battle!

You are so right about being an encourager to others in battles other than cancer, as I was able to minister to a dear friend whose son and his wife were among the killed in the Texas church Last Sunday.

Only God can give us beauty for ashes and turn a tragedy into triumph for his beloved children.

Blessings &Love~ Lisa

Kimr2081 profile image

That is awesome. I have my scan on the 25th of this month and am praying for the same results. I am on Ibrance and Letrozole also. I started in September and am in the middle of my 5th cycle. Feeling good so not to many complaints. Praying that things consider on a positive note.

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