Hi All Beautiful people, I have been reading these posts for sometime now. My mother has diagonised with BC in late 2017, gone through 3 cycles of Chemo, then surgery, post that 3 more cycles of chemo followed by 15 radiations. Post that things were lot better from July 2018. Routine checkups did not point towards any further migration and this was confirmed in the PET scan report in May 2018 that no other organ is impacted. Out of a blue she started having some stomach pain in Feb this year and the Ultrasound report highlights some bulkier metasis in the liver. Follow up PET scan report confirmed the spread to the liver and this is in advanced stage. The biopsy report was ER/PR + and HER negative. The oncologist has advised to start with palbociclib and Fulversant. One month of medication is over and all of a sudden my mom has become very week. Got admitted to the hospital for last 3 days and getting discharged today. The Bilirubin level is at 10 now and there are some chest infections. Doctor has advised to review the condition after 4 days and suggest on the next steps. I am just trying to figure out what to do and how to do things now. Any help is highly appreciated. Wishing you all a great recovery too.
MBC migrated to Liver, how should we ... - SHARE Metastatic ...
MBC migrated to Liver, how should we treat this
So sorry to hear that your mom is going through all this. How old is mom? Only thing you can do is be there for her and make sure she's getting a lot of rest right to build back up her strength. I'm thinking Onc may give her a 6 day antibiotic for her chest infections. Keep us updated and we will keep her in our prayers.
Hi...thanks for your note, my mom is 60 years old and last couple of days on antibiotics that has helped ease the cough. Though the weakness persists and she is not able to stand up and walk. Not sure if the onc will suggest to continue with palbace or suggest alternative of chemo therapy..have an appointment tomorrow, keeping the fingers crossed.
From July on was your mom on any medication for her MBC? Unless there was a good reason for her to not be taking anything at that point, I would think she should have been taking something since MBC is never cured. If you don’t get answers you feel comfortable with, you might ask about a second opinion and in any case it’s never a bad idea. Good luck. Elaine
Thanks for your note, after her initial surgery last year, the pet scan was fully clear and there were no traces in the whole body, she was taking anastrozole 1 mg and some iron and calcium supplements. Her MBC has been detected a month ago and one dose of palbace/ibrance has completely drained her, have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow and planning to certainly have a second opinion before going ahead with the next set of treatment.

I’m sorry it has come back for her. That has happened to many of us when we thought we were done with cancer. The first couple of months on Ibrance can be difficult as your body adjusts to it as well as your mind adjusting to the idea that now you have a noncurable cancer. But her doctor should be able to pinpoint the source of her weakness and give you some help in getting her back on her feet again. Good luck to you both and thank you for being one of those good daughters! Elaine
Hi....I need some urgent help, after the first does, the Bilirubin level has gone up exceptionally and the lever is not showing any progress on the mets, this is advanced stage in the liver and the doctor is prescribing only pain and palliative treatment for my mother...any help for any kind of alternative will be highly helpful..please help.

You usually won’t see results from the first month, it’s more long term than that. If there was no progression, that’s good news. I know you are feeling desperate right now, and you have every right to feel that way. It does take time which you are feeling like you don’t have. I don’t use any alternative therapies so I can’t help you with that. Are they keeping her on Ibrance?
Thanks for your quick note..actually because of the problem in liver the Bilirubin level has gone up alarmingly and the oncologist is now not ready to give ibrance and only prescribed supportive care, have a feeling that the doctor is planning to discontinue the medication and hence I am really worried for my mother. Is there any other medication available as an alternative?

I’m really sorry that has happened. I don’t have any more information I can offer you. I don’t know about any of the other treatments except knowing there are some. Let’s hope her bilirubin level goes down quickly after getting off Ibrance so she can try something else.