I’m 61 and have pretty good health insurance in the United States. I see an internist, a sleep neurologist, and a psychiatrist (the latter necessary because of medication side effects.)
Long story short: Klonopin was helpful for many years; they want me off Neupro; Suboxone just kept me spacey and in bed; now they’re suggesting methadone. I wonder if I could go back to Klonopin after being off it for so long.
History with RLS
I’ve had RLS with periodic limb movements since I was six, although there were some wonderful breaks from it in my 20s and 40s.
In 1991 I started 0.5 mgs of Klonopin, and by taking occasional “holidays” from the drug (strange term for a week of hellish nights), I was able to stay at the low dose for many years. It lowered my mood enough that I needed an anti-depressant, but it worked great for RLS.
After about 10 years I increased to 0.75 mgs, then a long remission with only an occasional need, then back to 0.75 mgs from about 2010 to 2015. At that point I needed to increase to 1 mg, but the increased dose made me confused. The neurologist was thrilled to take me off the Klonopin, saying “We have much better options these days!”
Nine years later, I’m still waiting for that “better option.”
I’ve tried Sinemet, ropinirole, pramipexole (those dopamine agonists are torture), gabapentin, and pregabalin. An iron infusion a couple of years ago also helped some, but my iron numbers are too high to allow for another infusion.
Current RLS success: Neupro
A friend (!!) with Parkinson’s suggested Neupro, and that has worked fairly well for me at 1.5 mgs (I split a 3mg patch) for over two years, but I have RLS breakthroughs about once a week. This leads my doctors to say I need something different in place of Neupro.
History with non-24
Also, since my 20s I’ve had non-24 sleep disorder, which has gone from having a “26-hour day” (falling asleep about two hours later every night) to something more chaotic. Trazodone worked fairly well, giving me reliable sleep and allowing me to lead a productive life for decades.
I was able to take Trazodone from 2002-2010 when my RLS was mostly in remission. Now, though, I can’t. Unfortunately, once I stopped the Klonopin in 2016, Trazodone made the RLS unbearable, with a gnawing ache in addition to the “itchy, creepy, crawly” legs and spasms: I just can’t take it. Without Trazodone I’ve spent the past nine years breaking plans, and I had to retire.
Current attempts to end Neupro
My doctors said last year the goal was to get me off Neupro and use an opioid instead.
So in August I started 0.5 mgs of Suboxone (with buprenorphine). It did help the RLS, but the side effects were too debilitating: feeling “spaced out” with no initiative to do anything, simultaneously hot and cold, sweating, and worst of all, ANXIETY. I got hit with anxiety and had to start Buspar four weeks after starting the suboxone. I was able to reduce Neupro from 1.5 mgs to 1, but no less than that.
Two weeks ago the doctors told me to stop Suboxone, and I could try a different opioid.
Good news: The anxiety went away when I started tapering off the Suboxone. (Tried quitting cold turkey, but the withdrawals were too strong.)
Bad news: I had to go back up to 1.5 mgs Neupro, and I still have the breakthroughs, but no Klonopin to help. Hydrocodone cough syrup works in a pinch, if I feel like I’m at my breaking point, but it’s not workable long term.
The doctors suggested I try codeine next, but I already know it makes me feel awful, so now they want me to try methadone.
Methadone?? Has anyone had success with that? What might I expect, especially given how sensitive I was to suboxone?
I’d really like to find something that would handle the RLS without making me feel wiped out or confused, and let me get back to taking Trazodone to keep my sleep schedule closer to normal. I had to retire because of all this, but I’d really prefer to be working.
Sometimes I wonder if, after nine years of very little Klonopin, I might be able to get some benefit from it again.
Thank you