As my previous posts have indicated I'm a long term sufferer of RLS which was "successfully" ! treated with Pramipexole over a period of 7 years....Due to an unfortunate side effect leading to some disturbing events in my life I stopped it about 12 weeks ago . For reasons associated with said side effects the recommended opiate treatment was not an option , nor the various GABA treatments were advisable . I was having moderate success with Iron supplementation and ice cold showering of my legs, coupled with careful diet changes both what and when .I came across an article on ADHD treatment which lead to an experiment . The most successful treatment mooted for ADHD is amphetamine based , various types . But recently there has been a move to combining Caffeine and an amino acid L Theanine . This seemed to have a dopamine boosting effect without the undesirable caffeine jitters etc. As there is a strong correlation with RLS and dopamine regulation i decided to try and see if it helped .
I take a Galfer FE about 90 mins before bedtime with 1000mg Vit C on an empty stomach . About 30 mins before lights out I take 100mg of caffeine ( a can of Sugar Free Red Bull , I kid you not!) and 100mg of L Theanine .
Since starting this regime 10 days now , I've had zero disruptive RLS episodes , and Zero problems sleeping!
A sample size of one is a poor study ! I'm not prone to psychosomatic effects nor bias ( well not much )
I would love for some brave sufferers to forgo their normal treatment , or those who are finding their regime unsuccessful to try this .
I've ordered a combination caffeine-l theanine pill which is due to arrive this week and will move on to this but I thought I'd throw it out there. It's working for me, could it work for you?