I just had an appointment with my neurologist. My ferritin is good but my Absolute Lymphocytes was 1.3 (a bit low) and my Absolute Monocytes was .33 so he is recommending Iron Ferrous Sulfate (325 mg) and Vitamin C (500 mg) three times a day. Anyone else taking these. I also take Magnesium Glycinate in the morning and I'm on Gabapentin (600) which we are increasing slowly as I'm still having symptoms and not sleeping much. Thank you!
Iron Ferrous Sulfate & Vitamin C - Restless Legs Syn...
Iron Ferrous Sulfate & Vitamin C

Just be sure to keep magnesium and Gabapentin at least 3hours apart.
There is no point in taking it 3 times a day as hepcidin is released after the first dose which prevents you from absorbing any more iron for 24 hours, Also it is now recommended to take it every other day because research shows more is absorbed that way.
Also take Lactobacillus plantarum 299v as it also helps its absorption. Ferrous sulfate is fine for most people, but if you have problems with constipation, iron bisglycinate is better (take 50 mg to 75 mg).
Take it at night. at least 1 hour before a meal or coffee or tea and at least 2 hours after a meal or coffee or tea since iron is absorbed better on an empty stomach and the tannins in coffee and tea limit absorption.
If you take magnesium, calcium or zinc, even in a multivitamin take them at least 2 hours apart since they interfere with the absorption of iron. Also antacids interfere with its absorption so should be taken at least 4 hours before the iron or at least 2 hours after.
Don't take your iron tablets before or after exercise since inflammation peaks after a workout. Don't take tumeric as it can interfere with the absorption of iron. If you take thyroid medicine don't take it within 4 hours. Ask for a new blood test after 3 months.
You say your ferritin is good, but what is good for others is not good for those of us with RLS. So ask what it was and reply back here.
I usually take the magnesium in the daytime
I'm confused. You say that your neurologist said that your iron levels are fine I'm assuming that means normal. If that's the case then your absolute lymphocytes and your absolute monocytes have absolutely no bearing on your iron levels at all. It is only in iron deficiency anemia ( which your neurologist would have mentioned if your iron levels weren't normal, one would assume - and additional testing would be in order) that lymphocytes and monocytes would have a bearing, since decreased iron influences your immune system negatively. In normal people, a depressed monocyte/lymphocyte count indicates a current or recent viral infection. Did your doctor order or advise additional testing? Have you very recently had a virus? A cold?