Having finally got broadband working again I was able to check my blood test results. They included:
Serum Iron: 25.2 umol/L [range 10.6 - 28.3]
Serum transferrin: 2.42 g/L [range 2.02 - 3.63]
Serum ferritin level: 70 ng/ml [range 30 - 400]
Transferrin saturation index : 42%
Blood tests for neuropathy (re: hot feet sensation triggering RLS) - Serum folate level and Serum vitamin B12 level - were negative.
Overall conclusion of my GP was that the results were "satisfactory".
My plan is to increase my iron intake by using Iron Bisglycinate (which I hope will avoid constipation). The question is what is the correct dose. (previously I had been experimenting with 40mg/daily for a few weeks - which I stopped taking 48 hours before the blood test - but not convinced it made much difference over that short term).
Any advice welcomed.