Recent blood test looking at iron levels / potential anaemia. Iron level, serum 9.0 umol/L, transferrin level, blood 2.88 g/L, transferrin saturation 14%, ferritin level, serum 12 ug/L ( Mar 2021 54 ug/L). Not had a clear assessment yet, anybody able to give an interpretation?
Blood test iron results: Recent blood... - Restless Legs Syn...
Blood test iron results

That's not just low, its very low. You need an iron infusion.
As Sue says your serum ferritin level is low at 12. NHS guidelines vary a little by Trust, but this is one guide (provided by South Tees just as an example):
Low: Less than 15 ug/L Borderline: 16 – 40 ug/L Normal: 41 – 400 ug/L
High: Greater than 400
So your doctor should come back to you, probably with a recommendation to improve the ferritin level: as Sue recommends, the doctor may suggest an infusion - but in some areas infusions are difficult to get or only available to patients who are judged to be really anaemic. If your doctor can't get you an infusion they will suggest a programme of oral iron supplementation.
We then get to the next potential issue for an RLS sufferer: see the very wide range for 'Normal' given above. So your previous reading of 54 would have been considered normal.
What few doctors realise or accept is that RLS sufferers need a higher level to combat RLS: over 100, preferably towards 200. It will take quite a long time to get to that sort of level taking iron tablets.
Do let us know what action your doctor proposes and whether they'll accept that you need to try to get over 100.
NOTE: having a ferritin level over 100 doesn't guarantee that RLS will go away, but it's a start. There can be other factors involved, including reactions to prescribed and OTC medications, diet, exercise etc. People on this forum can advise you there too - but iron is a good place to start!
Just had advice by consultant that he thinks I should have a colonoscopy so they can rule out gastric bleed or see if anything else affecting this. He describes the ferritin and iron saturation as "slightly low". Whatever, I am agreeing to a CT colonography before any decisions on iron deficiency treatment. As per my other post to you, RLS is not an issue for me right now, so can hold back on that aspect.
Wouldn't a fecal occult blood test be a simpler alternative unless you are due for a colonoscopy anyway?
Yes, had one recently which was borderline, maybe false-positive, so the medics want to investigate via colonoscopy. Should have had one couple of weeks ago but cancelled at last minute as was having an atrial Fibrillation episode (body couldn't handle the stress of bowel cleansing prep). My suspicion is that diverticula maybe bleed from time to time if upset and anticoagulant (for AF ) exacerbates, leading to blood loss, low red cells etc and iron deficiency. Hope they get to bottom of it.
Have you been checked for celiac disease? Low iron stores is a classic symptom. And realize that many celiacs do not suffer classic GI distress even though the lvillous lining of the small bowel is being damaged such that vitamins and minerals are not being absorbed well.
trentshs, I think that may be the issue with me (non celiac but anemia due to gluten) and I’ve come off gluten a month ago.
But every now and then I accidentally get some gluten - it can’t be helped, at this point. Is that very problematic?
I mean, I know that celiacs can’t have the least bit of gluten or they get into trouble. If I ingest a little gluten now and then, is my trying to be GF pointless or is almost GF enough to prevent this anemia thing ?
Thanks in advance.
My daughter has celiac, not been checked myself, maybe another piece to fit into the jigsaw puzzle.
As to the discussion about the small intestine and its role in digestion and absorption. Two thoughts. If you have SIBO, small intestine bacterial overgrowth there is a study suggesting it interferes with iron absorption and could be a consideration in RLS.
On the other hand, there is a prebiotic that helps with increasing absorption of iron through the small intestine and it can be found here:
For some people oral iron intake of Ferrous Sulfate lessens the RLS symptoms, for others iron infusion of ferrous carboxymaltose improves the condition in 60% of those who have received it. It still leaves a lot of ground to cover about the iron/rls relationship and a silver bullet to treat all of us that suffer from the ailment.
as everyone says ferritin way too low. Lowest mine was 5– doc made start with iron pills and woo hoo got it up to 15. After years finally was started on infusions once sent to a hematologist. If could do it all over would have demanded a hematologist years before. She also investigated my b12- I was found to have megoblastic anemia- had me get upper endoscopy etc to see if reason not absorbing various nutrients. Whatever you do, make sure they understand your ferritin is not good and don’t stop advocating. If they start oral iron blood work should be done on a regular basis and if the number isn’t moving push for infusion