I have had quite bad rls for the last two years and over time, very little sleep. However I have tried to persevere without drugs, although my GP has prescribed low dose codeine (15mg) which helped at first but I now try not to take. My rls is currently much better. It hasn’t gone away but it’s sort of manageable and I can now sleep well for about 7 hours without drugs for two out of three nights. For bad nights I can take one cocodamol (over the counter in uk) which usually allows me some (5 hours) peaceful sleep. I still occasionally use cold water leg bathing, and/or stretching, red light lamp therapy, and gun massager on really bad nights.
How did I get here? Well I’m really not sure, but I offer these ‘Rules’, most of which I garnered from this wonderful blog, in the hope that these are what has made the difference, and in the hope that others can get to the same place.
1. Be dopamine aware. Cold, hunger and mild pain sharpen dopamine receptors so a walk in the cold before bed can help. A drastic cold shower can bring down body temperature and give a small dopamine rush in the night if you are desperate.
2. Full-on anti inflammatory diet. That means NO sugar or grains. All calories from lots of vegetables, eggs, meat, fish, olive oil and yoghurts plus small amounts of fruit, cheese, coffee and alcohol. Fill up on vegetable purees, ferment your own yoghurt and eat lots of it including the whey. (I use Easiyo).
3. Fast overnight for 12 to 15 hours. Just coffee for breakfast then two meals a day. Never eat snacks. I make prune and flax bars with water, oat bran and coconut oil and have these as a dessert.
4. Regular exercise. A walk everyday. Take stairs not lifts. Try to go and stay outside for most of the day.
5. Take iron pill every second day late afternoon. (I use Floradix). Take daily dose of multivitamins and multi minerals including high dose fish oil and 600mg alphalipoic acid everyday after lunch.
6. Take 2g L taurine, 800mg marine magnesium and 400mg L theanine every night at bedtime. Take 800mg magnesium citrate when you wake in the night. This all helps scavenge the extra glutamate associated with rls and relieves hyperarousal.
Is this all a bit of a faff? Well yes, but so much better than drugs and all good for general heath especially when you are nearly 76. I do hope these details can help someone else.