Hi! First time posting, but wanted to share my experience because I'm kind of on top of the world right now!
I have battled RLS for many years, and imagine like most have felt helpless at times, felt like no one understands what it really is and won't take it seriously, and have spent countless hours researching and wondering why it happened to me and if I'll ever be able to "cure it!". As you all know, when uncontrolled, it's a quality of life destroyer.
I truly have it bad, and my guess is most who are on this board do too. I've run the gamut of medications and treatments. ..dopamine agonists (made it worse), gabapentin (worked for years but just stopped working at even the highest of doses), tramadol (same experience as gabapentin, years of efficacy then just stopped working), CBD oil, every vitamin, mineral, and herbal supplement that even has a whisper of evidence of helping, direct iron infusions, CPAP, foot wraps...you name it, we've tried it. I now take 20mgs of oxycodone each day, which honestly I'm absolutely fine with doing as it works fantastically well and is a low enough dose I don't seem to have any sort of withdrawals or anything throughout the day. I'm an otherwise very healthy and athletic 50 year old male, fwiw, and have been dealing with the RLS for probably 15 or more years now. It affect both legs and occasionally my arms.
I write all this to say that I really do have RLS. When I read testimonials from other people on things that they claim work (like those miracle herbal supplements!) I read what they describe as RLS and chuckle...uh, having some nuisance twitchiness in your legs is not RLS folks. I'm sure you know what I mean. So, with my RLS cred established, I'm posting this to say that I recently started using kratom, and I can honestly say that it works. I've used it for the past three days and have not needed any oxycodone. That's a freaking miracle! Now, my legs are not as truly calm as with the oxycodone, but I'm able to sleep. I actually feel more side effects than with the oxycodone, mostly nausea but also a bit of dizziness, but suspect those things will pass with time. As many have already attested, kratom absolutely does work to treat even very extreme cases of RLS.
I think I'll probably just alternate nights (or weeks as it plays out) between my oxycodone and the kratom so both stay effective, but I am more hopeful than I've ever been!
I should also disclose that I'm an executive in the pharmaceutical industry, so I'm definitely not someone who is inherently opposed to prescription drugs or of the opinion that pharma companies are out to get people, so hoping my story may help someone who's feeling skeptical as I was to give it shot. In fact, and this will likely be an unpopular statement, my guess/hope is that someone in the industry is working on isolating the effective compounds in kratom today to develop an formal drug formulation from it, and suspect we may have an Rx version available in years down the road. I actually see that as a best-case scenario as we'd have a controlled, consistent, easily dosed product, and of course the natural form as well for those that prefer that, which I do understand and respect.
Anyway, the reason for writing all that is after years of dealing with this awful and completely misunderstood disorder I'm extremely skeptical when I read about herbal cures and solutions. So, fwiw, if you're on the fence, take it from this pharma executive, this stuff really does work. (Which also makes it a drug btw, but that's a discussion for another time, lol)