Hi all. I suffer from restless legs and arms when I don’t have the iron and magnesium but I also take ppi’s On and off for the above. Can anyone please advise me which ppi’s, H2 blockers or antacids affect restless legs the least. I know otc Zantac made my whole body restless for days after I had been on them a couple of days. I know what all you extreme sufferers feel like now (thought I was bad!). Thanks for any help.
Acid reflux/GERD/hiatal hernia - Restless Legs Syn...
Acid reflux/GERD/hiatal hernia

I have used Omeprazole, (Losec) with no problems.

Thanks Raffs. I am 7 days in on osemaprazole and everything’s ok so far (except it makes me hungry. Lol). Don’t want to stay on these forever though.
Have you tried Symprove for your acid reflux? My daughter’s close friend has had miraculous results with it. It’s expensive, but then so are all the supplements we take. symprove.com/
Yeah, I've read about them interfering with the absorption of important nutrients and stopped after years on them by eating smaller meals with less fat/crap in them and seems to be working.
Good luck.
No. Never heard of it. Thought I’d tried everything none prescription. I will look into it thanks.
Probiotics. One of the only probiotics that survives stomach acid and gets to the gut to colonise it.
My daughter uses it for IBS and it’s transformed her life as well. She couldn’t absorb iron so was anaemia. The probiotics healed her gut, allowed iron absorption and she’s no longer anaemia.
Her friend with Acid reflux also is now completely free of symptoms.
Hope you try it and it helps.
I've just come to the conclusion about magnesium and iron for restless legs as mine were getting worse after going through the menopause. A nurse doing a blood test to see if I was short of any vitamin or iron mentioned that going through menopause your body starts to lack these vitamins and by a miracle mine has subsided so far after taking them for just a week, lets hope it continues. Wish someone had mentioned this before and the doctors, I've had rls for years now, it drove me mad. Coinsequently I have hyetis hernia too but take nothing for it as yet.
The hiatal hernia is the main culprit with my heartburn. And according to my doctor more and more they are finding hernia to be cause for many. Mine is moderate to severe and the heartburn has been greatly reduced for many years at a time when I was thinner. Being thin allows the stomach to rest in place more comfortably and less likely to rise into esophagus. And according to my ENT it also gives the LES valve a chance to tighten up. There are massages and techniques on the internet to help push and keep stomach below esophagus. I'm not there yet but working on it. By the way I would not sleep without the iron bisglycinate.
Don’t let them operate on the hernia with mesh as there’s a big health scandal worldwide with mesh use. Causes excruciating pain and there are thousands suffering.
I know it’s not relevant to RLS but just wanted to point that out.
Taking ppi's can lead to osteoporosis and other problems. As mentioned by others, modifying diet can get rid of GERD. Search on gerd at nutritionfacts.org. Also information from people who made the above changes at
Microbiome changes very quickly from bad to good as high fiber containing veggies and fruits and whole grains replace fat and meat .
Thanks for that. I am thin and I have a hiatal hernia and eat a good diet. I will check out your links.