Me my restless legs and I .
When all I could do was cry.
The frustration and the pain ,
The thought of was i going insane.
Me my restless legs and I
I would sit there alone and think of death
Yes, what would it be like to take my last breath .
Just as I lay down to rest the pain .
My restless legs kick off again.
Me my restless legs and I
I sit and I hope and I pray that one day
I can sit and watch my son in his school play
Without my restless legs ruining the day.
Alas it was not ment to be ,
My restless legs saw to that for me.
Me my restless legs and I
With no sleep i lost my job today
My restless legs are here to stay .
So in the madness of the deep dark night
I decide not to give up without a fight
My restless legs might rule my life
But I'm still a mother a lover and wife.
Me my restless legs and I .