Hi folks thought I would let you know how I am getting on,well I have had 7nights sleep and that's a mirical ,because of the awful tieredness I have cut Tramodol down to 1 tab so now on 1 tab and 50 mg patch and I havnt had a sleep for 3 days so am very pleased I realy do feel better ,one of these days I am going to see how I get on with just the patch just ever hopeful ,
Tramodol: Hi folks thought I would let... - Restless Legs Syn...

Hi Beady, really pleased that you have doing so well! ! That's great news I have sent you an email regarding my postal delivery
Pippins2 x
hi beady3 just read your post I'm so glad you have had 7nights sleep, wish it was me,its know 3.30 in the morning I haven't slept for three nights I am so very tired like yourself. do you think by cutting the tramadol down to one it makes a difference? because if it does I think I will give it a go, what time of day do you take it? only my legs only start dancing when I'm in bed.
Connie I do feel for you as no sleep is just the worst thing,as you know the tieredness was awfull I was having so. Thought I would have 1 tab I can honestly say it has made me more human and I havnt been back to bed in the day ,I take 1 tab at 7.00and the patch at 9.00 ,let us know how you get on x
hi beady am a little confused with part of your post!!! how can you be (very pleased not to have had a sleep for 3 days) is it typing error? am pleased you are feeling better have sent you a message
Beady have you thought of trying the CBD oil from CBD Brothers look it up it works xx
Good on you beady I tried them but I got hooked so I came off them becuase they are morpheme based I'm stuck on Lycra and Loranzipam

Well Ernydoes that mean you have an addictive nature being as you were hooked on them. Are you getting on ok or do your legs play up bad. I am now on 1 Tramodol and the 2 mg patch and I feel good no more tieredness ,all the years I have had rls it's my turn to have a rest from it I think anyway xx
Yea it it works for you great and to get relief at last is what we all want Yes I still get terrible pain all over and Tinatass drives me nuts but I try to be happy and positive Nice to hear from you xxx