Hi gang,don't know where my first letter went try again. After 6weeks of sure bliss from rls not a twinge,it's backlast two days not good but now back as norm,I was on 2 x50mg Tramodol I am just going to stick it out for a bit and hope it goes back as befor. What does anyone think. It's 1.30a m hope that isn't it for sleep tonight beady 3
Tramodol: Hi gang,don't know where my... - Restless Legs Syn...

I am up too Beady.All I can say about your symptoms is nothing seems to work 100 percent of the time so hopefully its just a blip.If it carries on you will probably be ready for a change, Sometimes we have to swop and change a bit .Tonight my patch has failed me but works most of the time, Lets hope yiur Tramadol starts working again. Kim x

Hi there,thanks for reply,can you go up a tab or will that make it worse thanks
Hi fellow suffer.
I'm on 8x50mg tramadol. A few months ago I tried reducing them. Boy was that a mistake. I now set my mobile phone every four hours and take them religiously. I hope you find peace soon. Richy.
Have you been on that does for long and did you start at 2mg and had to keep increase tab thanks
I've been on this dose for two years. The doc said I could take two 50mg every four hours. She said take eight a day. It has totally cured my rls.
You can take 2 of the tablets together at night instead of just the one but check with your GP first.Also bare in mind you will probably feel even more sleepy the following day as I know this has been a problem for you x
When I started on tramadol, it worked great for three months. Then it stopped working and I had to increase the dose. And that worked great for another three months. Then it stopped working again. I could see where this was going and decided it was time to find a different medication. Tramadol lowers the seizure threshold, so you can't take more than 400 mg / day. With my dose having to increase every three months, it wasn't going to take very long to reach the limit. And then what? At the time, it seemed like the best idea was to find an effective medication that had a higher ceiling. Also, not to scare you, but tramadol has some anti-depressant-like properties, so coming off of it is way worse than going off opiates. I've tapered off of tramadol, methadone, codeine, morphine, oxycontin, and oxycodone - and by far, hands down, tramadol was THE worst experience. Keeping that in mind always makes me hesitant to "get back into bed" with tramadol. That being said, I still haven't found anything that works as well or as long as tramadol. 15 mg of oxycodone does an admirable job, but (as per many of my other posts) I'm unable to take that much due to side effects. I hope tramadol keeps working for you, but it sounds like it might be time to increase your dose. Hopefully it'll take tolerance a lot longer to kick in next time. Good luck!
Thanks Ookla ,I am going to have 3 tabs today and see how things go ,what would you do I had 1tab 1.00 1 at 5.00 and 1 at 10.00 ,would you come of them and try something else Went back to bed and got up 12.00 that was because no sleep. God I wish there was a cure. What are you on. Best of luck hope you reply xx
When I was on tramadol, it lasted about 6 hours for me. I started out taking 50 mg at 8 am and another 50 mg at 9 pm. Then after 3 months I had to increase it to 100 mg at 8 am and 100 mg again at 9 pm. I was supposed to take it three times a day, but decided to stick with just two hoping that would slow down the tolerance. Since everyone is different with this thing, it's hard to give advice on what to take and when - I don't know what your symptoms are like or where your trouble spots are. My rls bothers me pretty much all day long, but I've given up on getting relief around the clock, so I pick and choose when I need to get a break. I get the feeling your most difficult time is at night trying to sleep. So if I were you, if you've only been taking 50 mg at bed time, I'd move it up to 100 mg. For me, 100 mg at bed time usually got me through the night... but if I got woken up and couldn't get back to sleep, it would only take 50 mg to get back to sleep.
As for what I'm on now... well, technically, my prescription is 10 mg oxycodone three times a day. But like I said, I'm trying to fight tolerance. So I've just been suffering the symptoms throughout the day and taking 5 mg at bedtime. It doesn't help very much, but it helps a little. I'm trying to get by with as low a dose as possible for as long as possible. On really bad nights, I'll go ahead and take 10 mg and that might last a few days, but I try to get back to just 5 mg as soon as possible. The worst part is oxycodone only lasts 3 hours, so sometimes it seems like why even bother taking it for such a short window of relief... but then other days it's like: "man, i would KILL for just 3 hours of relief!!!" You know?
Nothing takes the pain away completely, I'm on tramadol
Slow release 200mg morning and 200 evening it takes the
Edge off, if I have breakthrough pain I then take a 50mg
Maybe the slow release would be good for you but you would
Start on a lower one than me
Regards viv

Will speak to doc Fri ,I used to be on Requip Xl which is slow release that was great for about 2yrs. I will let you know then. Hope you have a good night not much to ask is it Viv x
I find extended release tramadol works best for me. But I have robinerole for the RLS and that is brilliant stuff.