I am now on 2 tramodol so stopped 1 a day ,I want to stop another tablet so how long would I wait to stop another tab ,its 4 days since I went from 3 to 2 tabs,I am on pregablin and the patch , thanks for help
Tranodol: I am now on 2 tramodol so... - Restless Legs Syn...

That is a hard to to say beady, as we are all different on how well we do in reducing meds. Did you doctor not give you any idea on how long between stopping each of the tramadol..? My own opinion is give it a week, but please dont take what i say as right.

Thanks Elisse he didn't say it's just I keep getting this awful itching and I know it's the tramodol,but I was going to give it a week and hope to just have 1 tram and up the pregablin he did tell me to increase those x
Agree with Elisse. The problem is that you are going from opiate to no opiate- so cannot have a parachute.
Depends on how you are feeling with the current rate of taper. If you're feeling good and have gone through any withdrawals- then continue. But give it time.
It might be worth thinking of using the ER version for a longer drawn out taper. Depending on whether you're on 50 or 100.
Good luck.
Thanks madlegs what is E R version I am on 50mg tabs and take 2 a day will just keep going a bit longer and see how it goes x
You are on the "short life"ones. They last about 6hrs. The extended release ones last 12 hrs and have 100 min strength.
So - if you are reducing the number of pills, you are exposing yourself to a period without cover.
You don't have any alternative but to continue as you are.
Rest loads and take multivitamins.
Thanks rest what difference will that make and why take vits
Rest allows your ravaged immune system to recover. Multivits- especially vit C help in that process.
Sorry how I am thinking but what's rest got to do with rls ,because you could rest all day and still get rls at night and I think a good diet should give you all your vits
Morning Beady I don't know how long you have been on Tramadol I was on them 10 years.
It took me 7 months to come of them they are a strong addictive drug. Do it slow drop one a week ask your doctor to give you a lower dosage half the strength your on so you can reduce slowley. I did a blog on here about 2 years ago how I was coming of and how I coped please try look it up.
Don't do it without your doctors help sometimes I felt like giving up it's so easy with the side affects. Hope you find my blog and it helps. Good luck Rose x