Not sure if this would or could help anyone, but this is my Story and what happened to a Friend of mine also.
I had bloods taken and vitamin D was found to be low, so my Doctor prescribed me 1,000iu of vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol)
I use to find it difficult to sit down for long as it hurt so much on my cheeks, my Doctor diagnosed Tailbone Pain and said nothing could be prescribed to cure it
I also had daily painful Sciatica type pains all down the backs of my legs and RLS type symptoms, I found it difficult to sit comfortably at night watching TV as I had to keep moving and stretching my legs to try and get comfortable when it was bad I would take myself off to bed earlier, but that sometimes didn't always stop it.
After taking the prescribed 1,000iu vitamin D3 for just two days all my painful symptoms just fell away, but by the end of the week the pains all came back.
I experimented by 'upping' my vitamin D3, again by day two all pains went completely. So now I keep myself on a higher dose, but when I forget to take my vit D3 my Tailbone pain, sciatica and RLS type pains all come back and are excruciatingly painful once more, but when I restart dosing again they dissapear.
I also noticed that I no longer get up out of chairs and bed without moaning about my buttocks, hips and legs hurting and taking almost a rooms length to straighten my body up.
My friend said she had the same problem of getting up out of bed and chairs too, also painful knees that no non prescribed pills seem to cure, I gave her a weeks worth of D3 from an unopened pack, after one day, she said reckoned she felt slightly better and we laughed over it, after day two she said she could get up out of a chair/bed no problem, even her knee was better, by day 5 she said she could run around.
Many of us are vitamin D deficient without knowing it. Often people say their bones feel better when the sun is shining.
Vitamin D is often called 'the sunshine vitamin,' but is apparently a hormone, not a vitamin.
I have read there has been a recent vitamin D or D3 trial test with volunteers who have RLS.
Be aware when taking vitamin D3 you need to have your D bloods tested to keep an eye on your 'D' level so you don't overdose on it.