I have posted about this before and I seem to remember that my post upset somebody so hope I don't cause a problem by saying this. But I know how much you are all struggling so I did want to share my own experience.
I have rheumatoid arthritis and a number of other health conditions and am not able to take, at the moment, the meds indicated for RLS. I have had RLS for many years, on and off, and usually mildly in comparison to many others, with the odd more severe bout. But recently I started to have big problems with it affecting my legs and arms, day and night and it was really getting me down.
My GP prescribed some Liquid Oromorph (10mg/5ml) for me to try and, from the first time I took It my RLS has been hardly noticeable and I have been sleeping through the night almost every night. I have found that usually 10mls in the early evening and another 10mls before bed works brilliantly for me and, apart from constipation, I have no side effects from the Oromorph at all. The GP tells me that, within reason, I can take it as needed and that it is not likely to cause problems when I want to stop (in terms of withdrawal etc). Obviously it is only helping the symptoms of the RLS, rather than the cause but, for me, it has been an absolute miracle which is why I wanted to share this information.
Also, my Mum has had severe RLS for many years and struggled with the RLS meds she was prescribed. And she found, that by taking magnesium and a vitamin B supplement, the RLS is hugely better and she rarely now takes the Rivotril. This may not be of help to anyone else - and I know how frustrated i get when people suggest that my rheumatoid arthritis could be "cured" by taking vitamins or eating/not eating particular foods - but just thought I would mention it anyway in case it was of interest..