Has everyone had their vitamin d checked? When my rls was first diagnosed 3 yrs ago,I had my bloods checked and vit d,it came back that I was low on vit d but not low enough for the gp to treat so was told to get some from the health shop or wherever. Since it made an appearance again a month ago,worse than ever,my gp sent me for blood test and again my vit d was low,but very low this time and now they’re treating me. Just wondered if there was a link? Anyone else experienced this?
Rls and vitamin d : Has everyone had... - Restless Legs Syn...
Rls and vitamin d

I have low Vit D due to ME, mind you if you are up pacing all night and all day sleeping I can see RLS being a cause too.

Just seems odd how when mine has been at its worst I’ve also been low on vit d.

raffs - Are you sure that your ME isn't partly caused by low Vit D? Vitamin D is well known for affecting mood and anxiety. It's easy to raise your Vit D by taking supplements. You would probably feel in a more positive mood. I know that before I started taking supplements, I felt very down and unmotivated, and wondered whether I had ME myself.
Was thinking the same. I read up on ME and the symptoms are very similar to being very low on vit d. Been on strong vit d from the gp nearly a week now and my bones are feeling better already;the fatigue has got better but still could sleep for England!
No, unfortunately the ME isnt low Vit D. The specialist I seen said low Vit is common in people with ME. I then started Vit I had a loading dose, can't remember how high then a standard dose which I take daily. I also spend as ,much time in the sun as I can.
I believe I have had ME for about 13 years but couldn't identify it and put the exhaustion down to work and parenting..
I certainly improved in mood with the Vit D and believe that more people should be taking it, especially in the winter

What is ME?
You is a human Sorry couldn't resist that.
It is Myalgic Encephalomyelitis a really bastard condition that caused me to loose a job and spend the better part of three years asleep

Haha! That's the same condition as fibromyalgia, isn't it? That's what they tell me I have. Fibro is quite horrible.
Yeah there are a lot of similarities in symptoms but would have differing causational factors.
Unfortunately for me I have had little laughter with it.
When i had all my bloods tested last year my Vit D was low, and my doctor gave me a prescription for Vit D pills and taking them made no difference to my RLS.

Mines no better either from taking vit d,but wonder if it makes the symptoms worse?!
Lack of Vit D can cause depression and agitation among a host of other things. When we are like this our pain receptors are more active and we therefore feel more pain/discomfort and God knows it can be bad enough dealing with RLS when everything else is OK.
The fatigue has been the worst for me. I do nothing but sleep every opportunity I get! Now my rls seems to have settle with Dihydricodeine,I can’t seem to get enough sleep
I have spent the better part of three years sleeping. Sometimes all I did was post on here an d have a cuddle with my wife. I have gotten a lot better yet still have terrible sleep. I can't sleep properly at night. I have tried all the suggestions for good sleep hygiene yet at times I lie in a haze unable to sleep, my mind awake refusing to switch off,
I can take sleeping pills to sleep at night but they are not good and not used too often. On the flip side there have been times when I would have spent at least 20 hours a day sleeping. That was very difficult as I feel it damaged my relationship with my kids, (although they have gotten to that teen age so maybe its just that - fingers crossed).
What dose of Dihydrocodeine are you on? It can be very sedating. Have you the opportunity to reduce slightly? How do you manage work & family wise? Are you trying anything for the fatigue like iodine?
Sorry for all the questions.

Hi. I take 4,30mg tabs a day. I take 2 around 4pm and then another 2 between 8/9pm. I really think it’s being so low on vit d that’s making me so tired. I work 3 days a week at the moment and juggle 2 children. I manage ok really,considering I don’t have any help. I just have to go to bed early and weekends have a lot of sleep! Being so tired is very hard though and it does have an effect on my life. All I can manage is work and the kids at the moment,my running has stopped because my bones ache,hoping the vit d will level soon as I’m on meds for that.

It can also be stimulating. I can't sleep when I've taken opiates. I fall asleep fine but wake up all through the night.
As for Vit D - no improvement for me.
Just putting it out there. Best of luck.
I read an report showing that some folk with low Vit D had improvement of RLS when treated so had mine checked a few years ago. It was at the end of the summer when it should be at its highest because we all know sunlight on the skin is the best source of Vitamin D - why folk in northern areas especially with dark skin have low Vit D or even rickets in some dark skinned children.
It was on low side so GP gave me high dose Vitamin D for several weeks - and sadly it made no difference
Vit D is actually an enzyme produced by skin exposed to sunlight. so deficiency often shows up in winter. Some say that it would be advisable for everyone to take supplements in winter when the days are short and we tend not to get outdoors much. I don't think there is a connection between low vit d and rls. My guess is that your diet is changing slightly. Maybe more sweet foods or carbohydrates, which coupled with less exercise in winter ar giving you higher than normal blood sugar.
Yes I agree,we should all take vit d throughout the winter. I’ve only noticed my restless leg is worse when I’m low on vit d. My diet never really changes and I still exercise as normal throughout the winter