I was wondering the success rate for acupuncture for RLS. Has anyone tried it?
Has anyone tried acupuncture for RLS ... - Restless Legs Syn...
Has anyone tried acupuncture for RLS as apposed to meds?

Yes, I have tried it, with no result or sucess.
I got one treatment/week for five weeks.
Yep, I spent a couple of thousand pounds on alternative treatments at one point but none of them worked including acupuncture I'm sorry to say.
Sorry,me too spent a lot of money on acupuncture, wonderful for my neck problems but did nothing for R.L.S.x
I tried it. I was told it would take 6 sessions for it to work. I was afraid to stop before the 6th session so I continued, but it did not help.
Thank you all for your replys. Now I know that's one Avenue I won't take.
Yes, tried it with no direct results on the rls. It's gassy foods that cause my rls...once I stopped eating potatoes, peppers, high fiber breads, greasy foods, the rls went away
So how did u find out it was foods and those particular ones?
Hi, I suspected my rls was related to foods because some nights, particularly if I was travelling, were rls free...and I also realised that if I awoke at night with rls, it would often disappear after going to the toilet....try eliminating gassy foods and doing simple gas relieving yoga movements before bed to see if they make a difference....try avoid taking drugs....cheers
Nobody wants to take drugs unnecessarily Gwenlou but some sufferers like myself and many more on this forum have very sevete life alterating restless legs so have no choice but to try medications . admittedly they are not always told about the possible side effects and withdrawal problems by their doctors and this is very wrong.I always tell people to research anf take advice from others before starting or stopping treatment.For me getting rid og some wind would not make my legs manageable.Glad it works for you
Getting rid of wind never stopped my RLS. Taking medication is the only thing i have found to give me relief and let me sleep and i have tried many many things over the years before meds and nothing worked.
I tried it and then I was told that it might work depending on how
much I want to spend. The more that I put into it meaning more
than one treatment. I took 6 sessions before I decided Enough.
I would recommend it if you can afford it because it did a lot for my
back and legs and neck. RLS is about the only thing not improved since
having it. Good luck in making your decision. Jaynielynne..
Had acupcturefor hip pain and he also tried to treat Rls at same time.Seemed to help for couple of nights but no more. Dr said he was not hopeful for good results, but all other conditions improved
Well that's out for sure. Thank you all for your input