I have been using the bis-glycinate iron and mucuna pruriens and getting between 6 and 8 hours of sleep each night, but it's interrupted sleep. Each dose of the above only lasts 4 hours, then I have to get up and take more, wait an hour for it to take affect, then I can get at least 4 more hours sleep before the legs start jumping again. My doctor wants me to try Gabapentin for a month to see if I can get uninterrupted sleep with it. My question: HAS ANYONE TRIED GABAPENTIN WITH SUCCESS?
Has Anyone Tried Gabapentin for RLS? - Restless Legs Syn...
Has Anyone Tried Gabapentin for RLS?

Nice to hear from you Super. I've never tried Gaba but I've heard good things. XX

Good to see your response too, bi-glyc. We'll see what the morning brings.
My neurologist has just put me on Gabapentin together with Tramadol and I am having the best sleep I have experienced in years. I also use Rotigotine patches so all together they are working, and it is the best I have felt for years. I do not, though, know how long it will last. My sleep is always interrupted but I can put up with that.
Gabapentin and magnesium are what I use and they work great. I get breakthroughs but I'm on a low dose because it was making me narcoleptic, so that's something to keep in mind. I would talk to a your doc about prescribing the lowest effective dose so you're not sleepy all the time. Also, it has been extremely difficult for me to lower the dose or titrate completely. So the lower the better. You should be able to get 100s so you can have more control over your dose.
Just my suggestions.
I had to give up the dopamine agonists as I could not tolerate them. I was put on Gabapentin, initially 900 mg a day now 1800. I also have 200mg of tramulief. I am sleeping very well usually pretty solid for 6 hours then on and off until my wife wakes up. I take 1mg of clonazepam when I go to bed.
I have been given Gabapentin for Nodular Prurigo by dermatologist. I was a bit chart about taking it . However having spoken to my GP (who I trust) was told it was very good . I sleep well with it ( I suffered from insomnia before) . No scratching in the night. However I would advise you to take it about 8pm, because when you first take it you are a bit hung over in the morning if you take it at bedtime. Enjoy a night's sleep.
Thank you, corsaUMM. My first night was not good, but it may have been due to other factors I am highly allergic to some foods. Sometimes oils that I am allergic to sneak into foods that are okay, and then I suffer. So I am still going to give it a try, experimenting with it. My doc put me on 300 mgs (one capsule) 2 hours before bedtime.
My doc prescribed it 2 months ago. It was very - but partially - successful, knocking out nerve shocks and violent convulsions that had taken me to the very edge of what I could endure. Wonderful! However muscle spasms and contractions continue, not unendurable, but they keep me awake. Am seeing a neurologist in 2 weeks and hope she will help with the remaining problem.
I haven't slept a night through to morning this century.
I take 300mg of Gabs 3 times a day. Minor side effects only.
Does macuna p. help? Sounds interesting.
Good luck.
rkatt, what side effects do you endure from the Gab? Yes, Mucuna Pruriens has been the answer for me, but it does not last me throughout the night. That's what my doc wants to see if he can alleviate.
Hi SuperMNew, I increased the dose of Gabs gradually. The only side effect was slight muscle ache. When that faded I upped the dose. Now there are no side effects.
Thanks for this, rkatt! Did you experience any weight gain with the meds?
Yes, it makes me hungry, so I've gained a few pounds, but this has plateaued now. I was quite skinny so I don't mind. The help Gabapentin has delivered outweighs everything else. But as I said annoying muscle contractions continue to keep me awake. I knock these out with a herb orientated remedy. Can't wait to see a neurologist in 2 weeks and hope I can substitute something medical for the herbal thing.
I was concerned about taking klonopin for RLS so my doc switched me to gabapentin, 100mg, increasing by 100 mg every 3 days until effective. At 300 mg I slept 7 hours for first time in years. Don't take magnesium within 3 hours of taking the Gaba at bedtime. Lost some effectiveness after 2 years but still working fair.
Hi Super, I take 300mg of Gabapentin and 50mg of Tramadol before bed. I still have occasional interrupted sleep, but I am much better than before when I used Requip, which only worked for a very short time. I hope you have success with the Gaba.
Hi SuperMNew Gabapentin seems to be one of those meds that either works really well or not at all so it is truly a try it and see one. I got up to 3,600mg a day and unfortunately it made not the slightest bit of difference to my symptoms but I have heard of some getting amazing results from it so worth a go . The main side effect I hear of is weigh gain which I hear alot! Good luck ..Pipps x
You'll be be better with DHC it's codeine based but I haven't lost any sleep since I started using it.I tried gabapentin but not as good
I am on Gab and found it works for me over the last 18mths. Although i have had to increase the dosage - with GP agreement. It does take a while to kick in so don't expect miracles and also you start on low dose and work up so not sure a month is long enough
Worth a try though
I was put on gabapentin in November last year, it worked brilliantly... for 2 months. By the end of January my rls had come back, an increase in gabapentin didn't seem to work so I decided to stop taking it altogether. I know it is a god send for a lot of sufferers, but sadly not for me. I hope you find it helps if you do try it.
It worked, but I felt drugged, and felt awful in the morning. Not worth it.
My doctor gave me an RX for gabapentin. Small dose, max 300 mg nightly. It did work somewhat for the RLS but the side effects were terrible: Very swollen puffy red eyes ,
muscle aches and weight gain. I started a self prescribed diet (No McDonalds) as a new Year Resolution. Great results- lost almost 5 lbs just in January...Then I started the gabapentin and POOF! I gained all the weight back and more. Suppose it affects everyone differently but for me it wasn't good. I'll stick to my regimen of magnesium and iron supplements and hope for the best. I had said good things about gabapentin previously but unfortunately I must go back on that advice.
Yes, I take Gabapentin and 1 mg of Ropinerole. I never take more than 1 mg because I weaned myself off of it. Gabapentin has been very successful for me.
I was recently informed by my pharmacist that Gabapentin can cause dementia so am sending myself off them. My restless legs are really bad.
I meant weaning
Try 300 at 5.00 and 600 at 11.00. Seems to work for me.