A former physiotherapist recommended trying Transcutaneous Electronic Nerve Stimulation. I’ve used it before for back pain with good results. Has anyone tried it for RLS? If so, what was your experience? I borrowed a machine today from my own physio and received instructions on how to use it but haven’t done so yet.
Has anyone tried a TENS machine for RLS? - Restless Legs Syn...
Has anyone tried a TENS machine for RLS?

I tried it but it didn't help
Hello I bought and tried an expensive tens machine but I didn’t find it much help
Ive found a tens machine to be good relief when I really need to get to sleep. I keep one by my bed. I've found for me, I identify the muscles that feel like they need to move and put the pads at either end. Start of low and go as high without it stinging. As I get used to it start cranking it up. If the pads are in the right place the muscles should start to flex with the pulses. Then, crank as high as possible and read for 10 minutes or so while they are well occupied. After that, I often have enough relief to fall asleep. If the pads just sting, they are not in quite the right place so need moving. Also, trying the different programs is worth doing.
I tried a lot. It helps a little bit but it is not a reliable relief. Sometimes works better, sometimes not at all. May be an emergency measure to alleviate symptoms only when you have to seat for hours and can't bear it anymore. Like in a plane. Because it is small and can work on batteries. I prefer my vibro plate machine, it shakes off my RLS any time in 3 minutes.
Thanks so much. I’ve never heard of a vibro plate machine but will look one up.
I used a tens machine for a few years and found it to be helpful. It provides some relief as it will distract you from the RLS sensations. I have also used the tens unit for pain relief. I think that electrical stimulation in some cases can speed healing for damaged nerves.
I use the rebuilder...7.83 hz plus it has the tens and ems ...i use the 7.8 hz setting. when the pain in my feet and side of legs gets severe a half hr. treatment does wonders. The problem is if you cannot feel the tingling in the nerves it will not work. That and I use a Red Box or Joove Box that helps with the pain when the meds quit working. When the pain gets really severe it means that I need to go see the vein doctor and get some veins collapsed. It did not cure RLS but gets rid of the extreme cramping. Weight training helps with my attitude all negative but the price I pay the next day my whole body is in pain for days. The opiods destroy
my testosterone so to rebuild muscle is kind of hard. The pain doctor states that
lactic acid has nothing to do with the pain. Try working out the upper body and forget the legs. good luck.
Thank you for replying. That's a lot of interesting information which I'll look into. I've also had to have veins collapsed, but I don't know if there's a relationship between that and RLS. I understand how your attitude can become negative with this issue. Good luck with the weight training.