I am including below a post i made about a year ago, after discovering that it was Chocolate that is the trigger for my long term RLS and poor sleep. I do so purely to make sure you consider what food items could affect you. I'm not saying chocolate is a trigger for everyone or irs avoidance is some universal solution. I know it's the trigger for me and when I discovered that I was amazed, relieved of course, but the idea chocolate could be detrimental to my health was so surprising. I have a friend who has after my experience discovered it has a similar effect on him, so I know I'm not unique in this response. If chocholate is not a bad actor for you I hope you can find what is.
I'm not looking for lots of replies to this post, I just wanted to highlight that chocholate is a bad actor for me and just might be for you so worth checking it's effect on you.
Here's my post from about a year ago ...
My blood tests showed Fe levels all as expected. After starting to eat only simple plain foods with no alcohol my RLS subsided and sleep improved. However after many weeks of checking my sleep (smart watch) and carefully controlling my diet by introducing one food at a time I have discovered that the bad actor in this is Chocholate. If I eat milk/dark chocolate then I get restless legs through the evening and at night. I did extensive tests of abstinence and careful reintroduction and know 100% it’s chocholate that triggers my restless legs. I can eat sugary foods sweets etc but that just keeps me awake but no restless legs. White chocolate is similar so I can eat that in moderation. So it’s something in chocolate, cocoa solids that is the trigger ? I have stopped eating chocholate now and am sleeping better than I have in many many years.
I tried reducing screen time, evening baths, Mg, Fe, digestive additives etc and nothing worked until I discovered the effects of chocholate. No wonder I was worse at Christmas.
I have found that eating one chocolate bar has the bad effect on me ( I’m not gorging on chocholate if that’s what you are thinking !! ).
Laughingly, when I was getting up in the middle of the night as I couldn’t sleep due to restless legs I was making a milky cocoa drink to help me sleep - everyone knows cocoa at bedtime helps you sleep right 😂
I hope this information helps someone. We all know that checking diet is importantly to find bad actors but it takes discipline and good method but it’s well worth doing to identify any food issues.
Incidentally, I had a food intolerance test but that showed no effect by cocoa !! Though I had stopped eating chocolate many weeks earlier.
Good luck.