Fifth week for me, just wanted to let you know the cravings have all but gone ;0) my taste buds are back and blooming ;0/ I'm on a fat free diet, so these strawberry laces are fantastic! Haha. Anyway my skin on my face feels softer, I'm not as tired, I still have the odd light headed moment but other than that I'm doing good. I didn't use anything to help me stop just will power. My house is gleaming like a new pin and my hands are now raw with scrubbing, my freezer is full of casseroles, soups stews etc oh and I treated myself to a fab new handbag! ;0) keep up the good work ppl we'll do it together!!! ;0)
5th week Cold Turkey: Fifth week for me, just... - Quit Support
5th week Cold Turkey

5th week is brill. its amazing how much better everything is. Well done you non-smoker. :)xx

Thanks Jilly, hard going at times but worth it ;0) xx

Well done, week 5 is amazing your a star

Woo Hoo that's excellent
Sue x

Thanks Ladies;0)xx

Brilliant news Lovely to hear that all the positives signs of stopping smoking are showing.
Just remember that when a craving does raise it's little ugly head then it's a sign that the nicotine receptors are still active. This may take around 12-14 weeks for them to die down so at least you only have another 7 weeks or so
You've done ever so well, especially jumping in at the deep end and going cold turkey. Andi22 went cold turkey too and she's quit now for almost a year
Keep up the good efforts and remember to give yourself a well deserved pat on the back
Hi Jill and well done on getting through your first month. (Yes, you're only 11 months behind me!
) You will get times when you're feeling down and really fancy a fag but I always told myself (and still do) "I don't do that any more".
Hi its fantastic to read this..thank you and great big well done !! x jan

Thanks andi, and thanks Jan x

Thanks EmJay ;0)
Excellent jillian
How long have you smoked for?
I've smoked heavily for over ,30 years.
And I've stopped 9 weeks today.
The carvings are really bad for me.
I seem to get like a panic attack.
First time tonight I took two pain killers to calm me down.
The last time I took a pain killer was about a year ago.
Unless I am just a whimper but it's getting harder for me
Kevin (the nark )

Thanks Kevin, I actually stopped 3 weeks on Tuesday ;0/ whoops.....dunno what I was thinking erm memory loss Kevin I'm blaming the cigs, well lack of!! I have smoked since I was 14, that's 32 years!! Packed up for about 6 years when I got pregnant. I was smoking between 25-30 a day. I lost my dad to lung cancer a year last March, that was the incentive mate. I have had a rapid heartbeat a few times & light headed ness quite a bit mate, but since I've gone just over 3 weeks I'm not going back even if a Tsunami type affect hits my body!!!! I've gone through too much to start again now!! Are you sure it's not rapid heart beat and the light headed ness cos that's normal yanno. All those toxins and chemicals are gonna have some affect leavin ya body and like me it's a long time to have smoked for, oh I have been like the exorcist Kevin, ask my fella he'll tell ya!!! Anyway big well done for 9 weeks that's amazin!!! Keep it up, it's like climbing a mountain at times &'wanting to kill everyone just cos at times, but we've done the hardest part!!! Let me know how a getting on. Are you eating more I Am??? Could do without that like!!! ;0)
Nice one jillian
I've put on half a stone but that's not a problem.
I am not drinking so it will soon come off.
I am doing a lot of walking playing golf and cycling.Not very good at any of them lol.
I have an irregular heart beat that's why I packed the fags in.
My dad died of lung cancer also.He smoked senior service. I remember robbing them out of his pocket.How daft I was.
Cheers Jillian ,funny how talking about it helps. So I am off the cigs the ale.They might make me a Saint.

Haha saint Kevin, I'm drinking less...makes me crave! My dad smoked senior service, he was given them in the army as part of his pay packet. He used to laugh and tell the drs and they'd shush him up!! I'm walking a lot. Good for you with the extra activities. Yeah I come on here a bit less now than I used to selling my house at the mo so very busy with that!! Thank god for packin in the cigs it's like a new pin!!!! Haha keep up the good work mate ;0)