Daily Chat Tuesday 16th April 2013: Good... - Quit Support

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Daily Chat Tuesday 16th April 2013

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER
29 Replies

Good Morning you smoke free Warriors :-)

What sad news from America. I check the weather at midnight and heard about the bombs. My thoughts are with the families who lost loved ones and the countless injured. There sure are some evil people in this world.

Well that's 2 weeks down and only the rest of my life to go :D :D :D

I hope you all have a good smoke-free strong day and that the weather is okay wherever you are!!

Take care

Sue x

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bunnyrabbit profile image
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29 Replies
jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Good morning Sue, and everone. Yes its a sunny day here too. Bit of a strong wind though.

Yes I too saw the news about the bomb attack. There are some cruel people in this world.

Have a lovely day. xx :)

simba196 profile image
simba19618 Months Winner

We are doing well as sun shining in Derbyshire although like you Jillygirl there is a strong wind. Off into work today for a few hours just trying to get back into swing as been off since January but have decided thank you to everyone for their advice that I will be finishing in August at the end of this school year.

Have a smoke free day everyone. Take care and keep smiling suec x

andi22 profile image

Good morning Suebun, Jilly and Suec and everyone else. Yes, I survived my holiday and came back in one piece. :)

Yes, I agree, terrible news from across the pond, at such a festive event too - there really are some sick people in the world. :(

Well, my belly seems to have grown back whilst away so today I went to the gym to try to kick-start it's final reduction! :o I used to call it my twin-pack but at the moment I'm calling it my one-pack. :D :D No doubt I'll have some funny looks from pt on Thursday so from now on I've really got to be good, after all, summer's coming and I've got to get back in that bikini! ;-) :o :D :D

sue52 profile image

Good morning everyone, we have strong winds here as well, just saw someones bin get blown down the street :D :D

My thoughts and heart also go to the people of Boston

Have a great day everyone :) xx

EmJay profile image

Good Morning All :-)

A beautiful day here with a gentle breeze, even though we're still only in April fingers crossed for a glorious May bank holiday :-/

Well done on reaching your 2 week milestone Sue and welcome into your 3rd week. You are doing really well. The longer you crack on at this game, the easier it becomes :-)

Jillygirl, your an old hand at this now :D How often do you reckon that you think about smoking now?

Simba Sue, have a nice day catching up with your work mates. Glad you've made a decision that suits you best regarding going back to work. Onwards and upwards to a positive rest of your life :D

Sue, there you are :D Glad to see you about :-)

Hey Andi, lovely to have you back :-) I'm sure that one pack of yours isn't as bad as you think and no doubt you'll be back to your usual energetic self in no time :-)

Really sad to hear about Boston, thoughts to everyone involved and those who have been affected :-(

sue52 profile image

Hi everyone,

It's great to have you back Andi :) I agree with Emjay, you'll soon be back to your usual self :)

Well done on reaching week 2 Sue :) onwards and upwards for you now :)

My kettle is playing up today, hope i survive :D:D :) so i brought biscuits for a cuppa


I'm off out for my ten minute walk, i have to do it regardless of the wind, doctors orders, so will see you all later :) xxx

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hello all, welcome back andi, hope your holiday went well.

Just had my walk Sue52. very strong winds not easy.

gremlins just posted my blog before I was ready. Normally don't want to post anything. flippin things. :P

You asked how many times I think about smoking :-

encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/... to this

see you all later on. xxx

Reply to this

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Looks like the picture might have gone with those gremlins.

Answer was once a blue moon. :O

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee


sue52 profile image

I hope those pesky gremlins aren't annoying you anymore Jillygirl :)

I got back from my walk in one piece, just :D :D hubby's off to work, hooray! :D, so now i'm off to get a cuppa seen i got my kettle fixed, thank goodness, I nearly went into panic mode at the thought of no tea :D :D :)

hope your all having a great smoke free, craving free day :) xx

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to sue52

been to docs about the heat rashes I keep getting he had a fancy name for it. Anyway got tablets. He thinks its a type of allergy (maybe the gremlins) so yet another blood test next week. After so long you don't really care just do as I am told. :O

Bit hard work in the strong wind today. I feel shattered now. xxx :) :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee


Good luck with the job application Pete. If you need any help etc. Sue52 and myself have done caring for a job. so ask if you need us. xxx xxx :) :) :)

sue52 profile image


Good luck Pete :) xxxxxx

sue52 profile image

:D :D :D I love the pics Jillygirl

I hope your heat rash clears up soon, that can be so annoying, as can constant tests, i have to get my plasma one done again, bet they did it wrong :o like you i just do what i'm told now

Hope you have your feet up now :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to sue52

sure have. :)


Hope you have too. xx

sue52 profile image

My feet are up too, and i ain't moving till bedtime :) xx

andi22 profile image

Good evening all, a bit quiet on here today - given you plenty of time to look up funny pics :) (in between blood tests :( :P )

Thanks for your "welcome back"s ladies. I've just about caught up with all the shenanigans that have been going on in my absence. Lovely to see so many new members joining in and all at different stages and using different techniques - great help for everyone following on - keep up the good work. :) :)

sue52 profile image

Hi Andi,

hope you had a great holiday, again :D :D :) think i'll need to sneak in your suitcase the next time, i could do with one of these

solotravelerblog.com/wp-con... :D :D :)

andi22 profile image

Hi Sue, I'll be off to Spain at the end of the summer if you want to come - I'm sure all the sun and sea would do you the world of good. :) :D


Just had to have a bit of chocolate (only a small bar from a multi-pack) think I'll have to go back to doing my food diary to keep me on the straight and narrow. :( :D :D


sue52 profile image

You deserve a treat Andi, and surely that's what holidays are for, and once your home :D :) I'm sure you'll get back to where you want to be in know time :) I've started my diet so i can fit in your suitcase :D :D :D :)

Gggrrrr gremlins again!

andi22 profile image

No Sue, not gremlins - I think you pressed the enter key more than once! :o I think maybe that Pete's about. :D :D

sue52 profile image

:D :D :D :D so Pete did it, wait till i get him :D :D :D

andi22 profile image

Maybe it's time to get those spears working again. :)


sue52 profile image

I'm off to bed now, I'm sitting here sleeping

nite nite everyone, sweet dreams, love and hugs :) xxxxxxxxxxxx

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to sue52

Nite nite Sue, sleep well - all sleep is restorative for you and you're getting there with your recovery. Sweet dreams. :)

Evening everyone, yes- really windy here on the north east coast, but it HAS been sunny- big difference!

Glad you got something for your rash Jilly, hope you sleep better tonight.

Into my fourth week now, and I still don't want a Rollie - don't understand that really. Still, I hope it continues. ECig when I get a heavy craving, but hopefully in a short while, that too will drop off.

I live on a very steep hill, and coming back from the Dentist today ( with cleaner teeth)! I did notice I could get up the hill much better. Quite a difference in such a short while. So hoping the chest Scan goes well on Friday, with follow up x-ray on Monday.

Hope all goes well for your job interview Pete. Fingers X for you!

Carpet up tomorrow, Brr... builders in on Monday, not much looking forward to that, but needs must. So three weeks or more of dust and muck to clean up. Ah well, at least it's a bit warmer!

Buttons ( Kath) is quiet just now... waiting for the next chapter Kath!... Where are you?

Night folks,

Gill, xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Good evening everybody :)

Heyyyyy welcome back Andi :) :) :)


I aint missed ya, so there :P well, erm perhaps a little bit then :o alright, alright, ave missed ya flippin loads gal ;) :| :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Good night to all of you, lovely, friendly, helpful people :) :) will go and get some shut eye myself now, so you all have a lovely sleep and recharge them batteries of your's, to keep nic away :) :) nite nite xxxxxxxxx

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