Day 7 Cold Turkey: Hello all; Saturdays... - Quit Support

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Day 7 Cold Turkey

kronoskeylock profile image
kronoskeylock19 Months Winner
6 Replies

Hello all;

Saturdays finally arrived and I'm setting out on the thin ice of the last day of my first full week of being an ex smoker. I'm having terrible cravings this morning for some reason; perhaps i underestimated how long this battle against myself would go on for. Oh I've found an inspirational poem;

On Quitting


How much grit do you think you've got?

Can you quit a thing that you like a lot?

You may talk of pluck; it’s an easy word,

And where’er you go it is often heard;

But can you tell to a jot or guess

Just how much courage you now possess?

You may stand to trouble and keep your grin,

But have you tackled self-discipline?

Have you ever issued commands to you

To quit the things that you like to do,

And then, when tempted and sorely swayed,

Those rigid orders have you obeyed?

Don’t boast of your grit till you've tried it out,

Nor prate to men of your courage stout,

For it’s easy enough to retain a grin

In the face of a fight there’s a chance to win,

But the sort of grit that is good to own

Is the stuff you need when you’re all alone.

How much grit do you think you've got?

Can you turn from joys that you like a lot?

Have you ever tested yourself to know

How far with yourself your will can go?

If you want to know if you have grit,

Just pick out a joy that you like, and quit.

It’s bully sport and it’s open fight;

It will keep you busy both day and night;

For the toughest kind of a game you’ll find

Is to make your body obey your mind.

And you never will know what is meant by grit

Unless there’s something you've tried to quit.

I guess it does really come down to courage and a battle against yourself, it's been a real help to share my journey with you lovely people and I will just have to take a deep breath and carry on, this isn't going to be something that is over in just a week, or a month for that matter; but it does get easier as the days go on. I will finish there for now and crack on with my day. I will keep an eye out for posts.


Written by
kronoskeylock profile image
19 Months Winner
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6 Replies
EmJay profile image

I love this :-)

Welcome into week two of your stopping smoking journey, keep up the good spirits and thanks for sharing it with us, you're helping others by doing so :-)

Hello and good morning to you Martin

Firstly, I must thank you for your comment on my blog and I am sure you know which one I mean - it was very comforting to know that I am not on my own in feeling the way I do even after all this time.

I love this poem - so much so, I'm going to copy it and stick it in my scrap book (more about that in my blog later on). As you have gathered I have had a hiccup in my attempt but I am reliably informed that as it was only a puff (no offence to anyone) and that as I haven't returned to full time smoking (which I haven't definitely) I can still count my days from the start but what I am going to do is say 34 days including hiccup (if anyone has any objections then please just say so).

Like you, I have done this cold turkey (mad fools that we are - well I am and really I should only speak for myself) and I don't know whether it is easier this way or not. Perhaps there is some gentle 'weaning off' if you use NRT or something else, I don't know but I decided that quit I was going to and the only way to do so, for me anyway, was as you say 'cold turkey'.

I do so hope that you find something (apart from reading my daft comments) to take your mind off your 'pangs' but am certain that you can do this - positive vibes being sent - start your own scrap book if necessary with all the bits from the blogs and stuff that make you smile or laugh out loud - copy and paste then print. Keep safe whilst you take a nice walk (good morning to walk anywhere sun and blue sky) to get yourself a kiddies scrap book and then you can stick them in when you get home and anytime the 'pangs' become insistent, pull your scrap book out and read and have a good laugh.

Hoping I've distracted you long enough for 'you know what' to disappear!

Have a nice rest of the day and catch you later.


monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Aup Martin, nice to meet you pal :) love the poem, and a massive well done to you for getting to day 7 :) :) especially going cold turkey !! you stick at it, cos like you say, its flippin hard, but it does get easier as the time goes by :) speak soon.

Pete :)

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER

Well done Martin. Doing a week cold turley is very brave. :-) I'm on day 12 with an e cig although I usually only put a "live" filter when I'm out with smoking friends.

Love the peom :-)

Well done Buttons. 34 days is so great.:D

Morning to all. Gonna pop back out in the garden as I have been out since 7am and rain is due soon :-( Catch up later. Stay strong and have a fun day.

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hey Martin brilliant poem. 1 week of being a non-smoker. 2nd week commencing. before you know it it will be months. well done. :)

Buttons, 34 days well done. I bet you are really proud of yourself.

Just think how much money you are all saving. yipeeeeeeeeeee !

catch up later. xxx

Betts profile image

What a wonderful poem. Thanks for this Martin. It is so true, doing battle with deep ,d long-learned habit is the hardest thing, for me, at any rate.

44 years of it! Time to get some grit !.

Huge congratulations to you! You have done so well. We can do this together!

I am really pleased to have you all to share the journey with.

All aboard the Grit'n Quit Train to health!

Wishing you a happy smokefree evening all :)

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