THEY’RE PLAYING OUR SONG …..: Together we'll... - Quit Support

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Together we'll stand

Divided we'll fall

Come on now people

Let's get on the ball

And work together

Come on, come on

Let's work together

(Now now people)

Because together we will stand

Every boy, every girl and man

Now this is one of those tunes that once it’s in your head you can’t shiftttttttt itttttttt!! And the words well you just can’t stop singing them. I do try to avoid singing out loud though when outside as it does tend to make people look at me a little queerly/oddly – remember one particular song that was in my head for ages “Hit me with your rhythm stick” but the fact that you repeat “Hit me” three times as part of the song did earn me some very weird looks!

Together we'll stand has however been going around and around in my head virtually all day but I do think it is very appropriate for us. Maybe if others nominate their favourite, we could then have a vote and the most popular could become our anthem?

But I digress – I have a question for you all. What’s worse than boredom? Answer: One of Buttonssssss blogs!

Whey, hey, hey, I’m in good form tonight – jokes within the first couple of sentences – excuse me, it is supposed to make you laugh not agree with me!!!!

First of all, I have to apologise to everyone – bit of a drama queen methinks and definitely a touch of Zsa Zsa Gabor (well I think it was her but aren’t too sure) anyway her of the ‘I want to be a-lone’ fame. I am very sorry and can only say it must have been a brain storm and hopefully it won’t happen again. Thank you to everyone who put comments on the blog in support – you must all be a little bit mad because I am – staying that is and you may live to regret asking me to as it means I can post even more blogs and even longer ones as well!!! I do thank you all very, very much – you are true friends and your kindness and support mean more to me than mere words can say.

How’s everyone’s day been? Good I hope. Mine was better than I expected and could have been worse but only going to focus on the good things – bad things I have decided need to be totally and utterly ignored.

Now today is my day 26. Good things – proud of me little self but have to be careful as if my head gets much bigger it won’t go through the doorway or alternatively, if that halo of mine slips it could quite easily strangle me! So, 26 x £5.00 is £130.00 – good grief, so much. Wonder how long 13,000 pennies would stretch if you laid them all down? That’s 6 x crisp £20 notes plus 1 x £10. Or 26 x £5.00 notes or 130 x £1 coins or 65 x £2 coins. Sorry, just getting carried away with myself now so I will stop – honest. Whatever the notes, how lovely to seem them whole and not burnt to ash – think I will stick to notes as you can’t burn coins but I suppose you could melt them down. Easier to keep notes as they don’t take up so much room and as I add another every day the pile will just get bigger and bigger and be worth more and more! Yippee, retirement here I come – can’t wait! Hey just think folks, when I am retired I can blog all day every day – now aren’t you just such lucky, lucky people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now today has (and still is) a very good day as I haven’t had an ‘I crave/I want’ moment. Now at one time I would have said that ‘I CRAVE’ is totally different to ‘I WANT’ but it would appear that I am wrong. CRAVE as defined in the dictionary I use means ‘I have an intense DESIRE for’ and WANT has two definitions, the first being ‘to feel a need or a DESIRE for’ and the second ‘to wish, need, CRAVE, demand or DESIRE’. Like I’ve said before a dictionary is fascinating reading but who would have thought that what appear to be two totally unrelated words could be linked by their definition. So it would seem that it doesn’t really matter whether you use CRAVE or WANT, the meaning is the same you desire a fag! Now I am not certain if my brain is getting conditioned to doing without all the nicotine and chemicals in a cigarette or maybe it is a bit of mind over matter. Whichever it is today has been good so I hope it has for you all as well.

Now this is the evening of day 27 – yep, had to leave this unfinished yesterday and it’s now nearing bed time so probably only a paragraph then I’m off to the land of nod and will finish this tomorrow all being well. Kept myself busy today getting thee (our) car ready for the meet tomorrow – note that although it’s OUR car, I’m the one getting it ready!! Rinse, wash down, rinse down, leather down – thankfully no polishing today – dust round inside, vac out and mats in. (Folding) chairs plus little (fold down) table in boot and all being well, weather sounds good as it’s due to be slightly warmer than today so off we jolly well go. First outing since last September so fingers crossed it don’t rain as to put it in the words of my other half ‘don’t do rain’ so here’s hoping! If it ain’t drizzling or anyfink, then you will all have a quiet day as I ain’t got a mobile thingy, whatumecallit so (lucky for you) can’t blog so you can all breathe easy for a little while anyway!

Well, if you’ve read the ‘board’ you will know that I arrived back home safe and sound and still smoke free after today’s outing. Wasn’t as warm as yesterday but it was OK and I have never, ever seen as many Ford cars in one place before nor have I ever, ever seen as many motor bikes either. Think the venue must be the haunt of every biker in Yorkshire but some lovely people in both cars and on bikes and a really good day especially for me as bikes take me back to my youth when I was a rocker as opposed to a mod! Always a bit of a rebel me but blame me Dad as he was into bikes – think this was because a motorbike and sidecar were cheaper than a car! Know he learnt to drive whilst in the Army and actually think he knew only how to drive a bike in honesty. Smashing turn out and hopefully loads raised for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance - will try and find out how much and let you all know.

Well it’s definitely been a mixed day today – ups and downs and rough and smooth – such is life as it’s like that and you have to take it as it comes and it’s a bit like stopping smoking, you can prepare as much as you like but there are occasions when it all seems that bit too much. A tad too much some would say but we have to be strong which, I know through personal experience, is not always easy but we can do it!

Question: How many times do we go back for more?

Answer: As many as it takes to ensure that we win/are victorious!

Question: Is it worth fighting for?

Answer: Of course it bl***y well is, if it was that easy we wouldn’t need this site or each other and let’s be honest, we knew it was going to be hard from the outset.

Question: How do we fight?

Answer: We fight it together. There is definitely strength in numbers. We fight it anyway we can – words, thoughts, deeds, anything and everything. We stay positive – negativity is defeatism before we have even started.

Question: Can we win?

Answer: Again, of course we bl***y well can – we must, we have to, we can and will win without a shadow of doubt, we will win!!!

We owe so much to those that have gone before us including of course Emjay and jarvo – they have and still do help, guide and support us without question through the good times and the bad and never once have they said ‘I told you so’ or words of that ilk. They are so immensely strong as the first ones had to do it basically on their own so we should realise how lucky we are to have them with us, fighting our corner, giving us the strength to carry on. Their advice and wisdom, their words of encouragement, in fact, everything about them their thoughts, words and deeds are shared not only with us but are for our benefit and to help and assist us in our long, arduous journey. They never ever lose their faith that we can do this and they are determined to help us achieve our goal. We owe it not only to them but to ourselves as well and those that will be following us on this same journey never to give in or give up. As I’ve said before and will continue to say TOGETHER WE CAN AND ARE DOING THIS! TOGETHER WE ARE STRONG AND TOGETHER WE WILL WIN!

I make no apologies for putting the whole song below because I think the words, small and simple though they be they just seem so right and because I like using words to describe how I feel, they are eloquent, poignant and inspirational and whether you agree with me or not does not matter.

Together we'll stand

Divided we'll fall

Come on now people

Let's get on the ball

And work together

Come on, come on

Let's work together

(Now now people)

Because together we will stand

Every boy, every girl and man

People, when things go wrong

As they sometimes will

And the road you travel

It stays all uphill

Let's work together

Come on, come on

Let's work together

You know together we will stand

Every boy, girl, woman and man

Oh well now, two or three minutes

Two or three hours

What does it matter now

In this life of ours

Let's work together

Come on, come on

Let's work together

(Now now people)

Because together we will stand

Every boy, every woman and man

Ahhh, come on now...

Ahhh, come on, let's work together...

Well now, make someone happy

Make someone smile

Let's all work together

And make life worthwhile

Let's work together

Come on, come on

Let's work together

(Now now people)

Because together we will stand

Every boy, girl, woman and man

Oh well now, come on you people

Walk hand in hand

Let's make this world of ours

A good place to stand

And work together

Come on, come on

Let's work together

(Now now people)

Because together we will stand

Every boy, girl, woman and man

Well now together we will stand

Every boy, girl, woman and man

In one hour and 18 minutes (oops forgot the clocks went forward last weekend so make that two hours and 18 minutes) I will have been non-smoking for 28 days - 4 weeks - YIPPPPEEEEE!!!!!!

You will all probably have very heavy eyelids now or even be asleep so I will leave you all with a pic taken this morning on my walk and here's hoping you've all had a great smoke and stress free day and I know it's Monday tomorrow but take heart you may get me in the morning but I'll be at work then until the evening.

Take care each and every one of you and sweet dreams.


(Written over three days 5th to 7th April)

11 Replies
jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

You certainly deserve an applause for writing all that. I might go on mastermind and when asked what subject I will say the life and times of Buttons. :D

Who needs a kindle with you here. At least its interesting.

well done on reaching 28 days. You must be a proud NON SMOKER. :)

Thanks jillygirl - so glad I didn't send you to sleep - if just one person reads it and finds it interesting it makes it worthwhile and gives me a nice feeling as well.

Just so you're prepared, I have already started on my next one - bet you can't wait can you?

Thank you again - 28 days never thought I'd last 28 hours never mind 28 whole days! Can't quite belief it myself - better pinch me to make sure I'm not dreaming.

Take care and sweet dreams.


PS Hope you got some of the nice weather we had over Leeds way today just a shame it wasn't quite as warm as yesterday but at least it wasn't snowing or raining, thank goodness!

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Heres a song old mr nic might sing. :-

"Every Breath You Take"

Every breath you take

Every move you make

Every bond you break

Every step you take

I'll be watching you

Every single day

Every word you say

Every game you play

Every night you stay

I'll be watching you

O can't you see

You belong to me

How my poor heart aches with every step you take

Every move you make

Every vow you break

Every smile you fake

Every claim you stake

I'll be watching you

Since you've gone I been lost without a trace

I dream at night I can only see your face

I look around but it's you I can't replace

I feel so cold and I long for your embrace

I keep crying baby, baby please

Every move you make

Every vow you break

Every smile you fake

Every claim you stake

I'll be watching you

Good one - I like it. Amazing what we can think of when we put our minds to it. Surely there's got to be more out there?

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to

Brain cells getting tired. will try tomorrow. :D

Night night jillygirl won't befar behind you must be all that fresh air today.

Sweet dreams


monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Love it :) :) you 2 are just ''ACE'' I love the cotton socks off you both :) :) so there :) :)

EmJay profile image

Buttons, a fab read :-) Glad you enjoyed your day, sounds like your car really is in good shape :-) I remember the Cosworth being the 'must have' car in my younger days, although I have to say I'm more of a VW Camer / old shape Beetle fan :-)

Jillygirl, those lyrics can mean so much! :-)

Hey Pete :D

Morning EmJay

Glad you enjoyed the blog. Answered once but system went down before posting so hopefully I can remember some of what I said at least! Yes, did enjoy the day and the car is pretty good but himself has waited a long time for it (he's 67 next month) so at least it seems to have been worth waiting for. No what you mean about the old shape Beetle - as himself says 'proper bug' and you can't beat the 'proper mini' not this BMW monstrosity that is supposedly a mini - nothing like in our opinion. The old style is definitely right and proper and it's a shame that today young will never be able to see, feel and certainly don't want to listen when you talk of the 'old days' when we were young.

Still firmly believe that our youth had the best of everything and that the 50's and 60's was the time to be young and/or in your teens. The music, the cars - basically everything!! It was just so different back then and a pity we haven't a time machine or the power to turn the clock back if we had and knew than what we know now, wonder how many of us would have been smokers? Shame of it is that we wouldn't have met everyone on this wonderful site - there's always a down side to every up side isn't there?

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Somebody help me, yeah

Somebody help me now

Won't somebody tell me

What I've done wrong

When I was just

A little boy of seventeen

I had a girl

She was my queen

She didn't love me like I loved her

Now I know

Now I'm so lonesome on my own

Somebody help me, yeah

Somebody help me now

Won't somebody tell me

What I've done wrong

I need someone in my life

I need a girl to hold me tight

Someone who can make me feel

Make me feel all right

Somebody help me, yeah

Somebody help me now

Won't somebody tell me

What I've done wrong

Somebody help me, yeah

Somebody help me now

Somebody help me, yeah

Somebody help me now

Somebody help me, yeah

Somebody help me now

On the down side, am truly sorry that I get carried away (and yes there are some that would say I should be - carried away that is far, far away!) and use too many words but once I start there are some that would say I don't know when to stop and they could quite possibly be correct in that.

I am me and always will be and this is how I am and this is one of the ways I fight the good fight against nic and cigs. We are all individuals and each have our own differing ways of working through our quitting and I am sorry but I fully intend to carry on exactly as I have been doing.

Some folk would say a typical woman never knowing when to be quiet but some people seem to like my ramblings.

My Dad used a phrase 'you can't please all of the people all of the time' and I guess in this instance he would have been correct.

Me personally, I like words they allow me to express myself and the more words I use the better I like it as it is very nearly like having a conversation with someone - well not quite as I do all the 'talking' but our imagination is a wonderful thing and I can I am almost sure here people talking back to me as they read! Well I like to think that they are anyway.

I am really and truly sorry if my blogs, writings, ramblings or whatever you prefer to call them are not of interest to you but would respectfully suggest that you do not read my blogs or writings if they cause you upset or offend in any way.

Thanks for reading this and hope I haven't upset or offended anyone by saying what I have said.



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