Good morning everyone,
Just the kind of view I'll be having this time next week.
Have a good day.
Good morning everyone,
Just the kind of view I'll be having this time next week.
Have a good day.
I got up early to go for a run but there's so much frost and the fog's a pea-souper so I'll wait til later. It looks like it'll be a beautiful day, one for getting out in that fresh air if you can - maybe a nice walk in the park in the dinner hour for the workers.
My day yesterday turned out to be a run a round, my poor daughter has got glandular fever and we were at the doctors and in the afternoon my father in law turned up with an electric saw to chop a tree down on my front garden. I loaded the car 4 times and unloaded trees at the tip. Not my idea of fun. I also had to cut my walk short with Daisy the dog to be home for the tree felling.
Anyway today is much of the same, Zoe is back at the doctors for a blood test, I've arranged to see a poorly friend for lunch and I have the tree felling father in law round for his dinner tonight. Somewhere along the line I need to fit a dog walk in too.
The sun is shining here and it looks like it is going to be a glorious day. I'm back at work tomorrow for a rest.
On a positive note when I used to feel stress previously I'd of now been standing outside the back door having a fag, at least now I can sit in bed with a nice cup of coffee as I'm ciggy free.
Take care all, have a good day
Oh dear, your poor daughter - hope it doesn't drag on for too long for her/you. Couldn't you have a nice bonfire to get rid of the wood? It's a long old job felling trees and clearing up after. When you do it yourself and it takes days, you realise it's worth paying the tree fellas when they can do the whole job in a couple of hours. Enjoy the dog walk - it'll be your "you" time for relaxing.
Hi andi and wonder,
I too am busy this morning off to the hospital with my daughter who is having a scan. Problem with liver or gall bladder area. It must be hospital week as I go for check up on thursday.
May be able to have a short walk this afternoon the fog should have gone by then.
See you all later. Xxxx
Good morning all. Hope everyone has a great day and the hospital appointments and doctors apps go to plan. I can sympathise with your daughter jilly as I had my gallbladder removed quite a few years ago but the pain before I got the op was horrific. Here's hoping for a nice sunny day as I am working later this afternoon until 10 pm boo but nevertheless I am still not smoking so life's still good.
Have a smoke and stress free day.
Linda xxx
here you are Pete, just managed to bake you this before I go out. Dont want you sulking
because you missed out yesterday. see ya later. xxxx
Hi Linda..well done on staying smoke free And Jillygirl hope all goes well for your daughter and find out what it is.
Linda its beautiful here on the coast,I may go down to the sea later but right now i have to paint kitchen and remove units .
Have a lovely smoke and stress free afternonn xxx
Cor this is hard flipping work !! why dont I have a man to do this for me !! ..ok,coffee/tea/or water break,in the garden with this glorious sunshine..i think spring is here ..well at least today lol
Most of flooring is up(yuk),cooker is moved to where bukit in oven will be,all units dismantled from worktop and walls,ready to be chucked(not before time!) walls now ready for proper paint final coats(had to diluted as new plaster) what a busy busy day..still keeps me fit and stops old nic hehehe ..
if you fancy a drink Im off to the kitchen(not to work)..see you in the garden
At least it's keeping your mind off NIC and! Keep up the good work!
What is abit? Think Im bring stupid but too tired to try and think about it
You're a right one to talk with some of your typos!
More seriously though, I think it's 'abit as in habit as opposed to a bit.
A bit of what
Ok got it....... Im mainly on my ipod hence my typos can be tempremental at times...... usually I am very picky about spelling, maybe because its the one thing I did learn to do properly at school lol
Hello everyone, another long day... Managed to sneak in an hour in the park this afternoon, can't believe how quickly my freckles came back!! It been a long time since I enjoyed some proper sunlight!!
Lots all hospital visits today, I do hope all went well....
Well done Dawn and Jan for making it through another day. Sounds like interview went well Jan so fingers crossed?...
I too am wondering about ABIT?
Wonder, don't suppose you could send father in law this way... Could do with some help controlling some of our larger trees!!
Hoping you all have a super chilled smoke free evening, any tv recommendations tonight?
Hello everyone, another long day... Managed to sneak in an hour in the park this afternoon, can't believe how quickly my freckles came back!! It been a long time since I enjoyed some proper sunlight!!
Lots all hospital visits today, I do hope all went well....
Well done Dawn and Jan for making it through another day. Sounds like interview went well Jan so fingers crossed?...
I too am wondering about ABIT?
Wonder, don't suppose you could send father in law this way... Could do with some help controlling some of our larger trees!!
Hoping you all have a super chilled smoke free evening, any tv recommendations tonight?
How about Supersize v Superskinny? and 16 kids and counting looks quite interesting!
Ahhhh get in now - durrr
Hi all,hope all those hospital visits went ok and glad that your interview went well Jan. It sounds like you and Dawn are keeping nice and positive, why don't you take it in turns doing a sharing blog? Less confusing for you both then.
What a beautiful day. By the time the fog started lifting at 9 o'clock I'd got cold and gone off the idea of running so decided to go later in the day instead. I dropped something in to my solicitor's office and the person I've been dealing with heard me and she came out of her office to speak to me. She's a lovely lady but has the most dreadful, black, eroded teeth. When she spoke to me she'd obviously just had a fag and I had to hold my breath as she spoke - YUK! Funny thing after that, I saw the local pet shop had a "retirement sale" sign so popped in for a chat. When asked what she's going to do, the owner (a widow for 10 years now) said "I'm going shagging and cruising - I'm seventy now and I don't care!"
Had a stroll on the prom with a friend later where we sat on a bench like a couple of old biddies people watching for about half an hour - it was lovely. Finally got out for the run at 4.15. Nearly everyone I passed on the path was smoking and they're going on about how 20% of the country smoke - I wonder where they get their figures from!
Where do they get their figures from? From the number of people they know have been stopped for 1 month, after that they bury their head in the sand and pretend that struggling quitters never go back to smoking again.
How fantastic spending some time on the beach... Envious
Walking to the office this morning, a colleague was smoking outside.. I cannot deny, it did smell good ... Hopefully that will pass one day... No wonder cravings have been worse than normal!!
Hi everyone, been busy today, then i fell asleep, again
think i need an energy boost from somewhere
I hope all the hospital visits went okay, i hope your daughter is better soon wonder
I hope all goes well for your daughter too Jillygirl, i feel her pain, i had my gallbladder taken out last year, it was keyhole surgery so out the same day thank goodness
That pet shop owner reminded me of my gran Andi
she used to like watching, her words " the big hunky rugby players playing in the mud"
Hope your all having a nice relaxing evening after the busy day you've all had x
Jillygirl thanks sooooo much for the cake gal
yum yum
even with little starter cakes, just to get the taste
I hope the hospital went ok for your Daughter
Monky's home hopin em farmer ain't been keeping u as busy as me today!!!!
Hi Pete, that's brill that you got finished on time, your boss must be behaving himself
Admittedly, I have to confess Pete, farmers have not kept me too busy today. They're taking advantage of the sun, ploughing, drilling and praying the sun shines some more!! This Arvo's meeting cancelled (late delivery of feed ) so chance to take a late lunch hour in park and catch a few rays!!!
Hello again, daughter got to gofor results of scanon thursday, same day as I go see my consultant. She has some sort of blockage near her liver.
Going to get ready for bed now. Had a fairly long walk this afternoon. Not used to All this freedom.
See you all tomorrow. Nite god bless. Xxxxx : )
Nite nite Jillygirl, hope all goes well for you daughter, sweet dreams, luv ya xx
Ever better u were late with that delivery Pete
I'm off to bed now, had a draining day, nite nite everyone, sweet dreams, luv yas xxx
Nite nite Sue, you get some zzzzzzzzz in gal and luvs ya too xxxx
Good evening Andi love the pic gal, is that where you ski
We got a good frost and fog this morning plus the flippin fog came down again about an hour before i left work
Hi Pete, Haven't got a clue where it is, just found it when looking for the daily pic!
I didn't fancy slipping up on the pavements this morning the frost was that thick.
Yeah, my windscreen took some scraping toooo
It sounds like you had a nice time being an old biddie sat on a bench people watchin
love it gal
Yeah, we had a laugh. For some reason the council are moving a load of sand from one part of the beach to about a mile further along so there's about 4 blokes playing Tonka toys on the beach driving huge trucks full of sand back and forth. It's quite a sight really - can't wait for it to get windy and the sand blow back up the beach again! What a waste of money!
Off to bed now, Nite nite Pete and everyone, sleep well, love you all. xxxxxxxxxx
Nite nite Andi, you get a good nights sleep too, luvs ya loads xxxxxx it's not long before you go on your jols is it
speak tomorrow
Nite nite everybody, try to have a good sleep and if them cravings come to call, then just kick em outa that door
luvs ya all and take care xxxxx