Good morning everyone.
End of the week - the weekend's nearly here and IT'S SUMMER!
Hooray, get out your hats and sunscreen and make the most of the big outdoors this weekend - lots of distractions and lovely fresh air for us to enjoy.
Good morning everyone.
End of the week - the weekend's nearly here and IT'S SUMMER!
Hooray, get out your hats and sunscreen and make the most of the big outdoors this weekend - lots of distractions and lovely fresh air for us to enjoy.
Good morning everyone
How are we all doing today? The sun is out and I'm loving it
Andi you got on here early today!! I was just getting everything together before I put a post up! Thank you for starting the day Are you still doing all your exercises?
Hi Betts, how are you doing? The only ladder 'thingy' I can find that Emjay has put on it.....
If it’s not the right one please let me know. Sounds like you're doing really well. Keeping positive and taking each day at a time will make a big difference in your quit journey.
I hope Jillygirl is getting on ok with her move. I'm sad I haven't heard from her this week. Hopefully I'll catch her at some point.
Brien and Chrissy, welcome to Quit Support. Today is day 3 , well done. I hope you find this site very useful in your journey. If there's anything in particular you need please give us a shout.
Veecatz and Pete, thank you for all the support and advice you gave Brien and Chrissy yesterday. I think you could be Advisors too!!
Pete well done, I see you’re still doing well. It’s really good the support you can offer others.
Nixy, 5 months well done, you’re a * (star). Keep up the good work even when things get hard you’re proving to yourself you can do it
Daily chat was very busy yesterday. Thanks everyone
Sue, how’s the decorating going? Just think, your house will smell lovely and fresh and smokefree
Sinfree, well done on your quit. As you can see on here, everyone’s quit journey is different. The good thing is there's lots of support. If there is anything you need please give us a shout and we will do our best to help. Another * (star)
Speak soon, well done again . Enjoy the sun
Good morning everyone,
I love your pic Andi, I could do with one of these fans right now, it's roasting here so no decorating for me today, gonna go out a walk in a bit, get some vit. D
and enjoy the sunshine while it's here
I'm glad you have the sun as well jarvo, hope you can get out and enjoy it later
See you all later x
Evening all, are you all watching the tennis then, or out in the garden, gone for a walk?
Aup Andi
Sorry gal, am late tonight
am not watchin tennis either, cos it gives me neck ache
Andi I just looooooove that pic gal, its just ace
Are you going out on your bike tomorrow?
Whats a bike then
Just wonderin Andi, if you may have had any choc cake today
Look, erm Andi,but am so sorry, but I have to go now, so I bid you a gorgeous nights sleep, and try to have a flippin lay in gal
A luvs ya gal, and will speak tomorrow, if your about
Nite nite Pete, early one for me too. Sleep well, you need it. xxx