Daily Chat: Wednesday 27th February 2013 - Quit Support

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Daily Chat: Wednesday 27th February 2013

andi22 profile image
53 Replies

Good morning everyone,

I hope the sun's shining where you are cos it's another gloomy day on the south coast.

Have a good day. :)

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andi22 profile image
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53 Replies
jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Good morning Andi, Funny enough the sun is actually shining here in Yorkshire. Why? Because I am having a lovely week. Monday I sold my house, :) :) Tuesday offer accepted on the flat we wanted. So yep things are looking good . I feel much better, although still slow. But hey ho whats to hurry about. I think everyone on here deserves a medal,


just for deciding to quit. This must be the best site on the internet.

Hope you all have a lovely smoke free day. and take care of each other. Back soon. :) :)

EmJay profile image

Good Morning Andi and big waves to everybody else :-)

It's looking like a typical February (almost March) Wednesday morning here. A tad cold, but not as much as it has been lately.

I know that Sarah says she hates Wednesday's, but let's see if we can turn her thinking upside down. Without Wednesday, where would we be? It's our midweek marker. It's the happy hump day ( 8) ), we've made our way up to the top of the mid week hill and now we're heading fast to the weekend :-D

Off to pop the kettle on :-)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply toEmJay

Morning Emjay, Heres my treat ( Iknow not healthy! :O ) But its a mid week pick me up. Still better than them there ciggys. see you soon. :) xxxxx


sue52 profile image

Good Morning Everyone,

The sun is shining here, although a tad cold, there was lots of frost this morning

It's brill to see you again Jillygirl, I'm glad you've got the flat you wanted :), :) I agree, this is the best internet site :) :) You take care Jillygirl :) xx

That's why i like Wednesday Emjay, nearly the weekend again, then i get to see my lovely daughter and her hubby :) xx

What you up to today Andi, whatever it is i hope you have a great day :) xx

Have a great smoke free day everyone :) xx

Bellabella profile image
Bellabella18 Months Winner

Oooh those cakes look nice, not sure I'll make it into work without stopping at the bakery now... Definitely at great mid week pick me up!

Have a super afternoon all you non smokers xxx :-)

andi22 profile image

Hi everyone, nice to see you Jilly and great news about the house/flat. Will you be moving far from where you are now? I'll keep everything crossed that it all goes through okay for you. :)

Emjay, definitely over the hump now, nice to see you about today too. :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply toandi22

No not moving very far away. Its only about 10 min walk from where I am now. But the flat is in a lovely position, overlooking open fields. :)

thenunn profile image

ere get off John..I want the one at the back..go nice with my coffee :)

Orkneysarah profile image
Orkneysarah25 Months Winner

Hey all..... hubby says that about Wednesday's, Ive tried to think that way but it akes no difference, Id still rather have a Monday lol

Its a lot cooler here today, will certainly need the heating later on......... so long nice sunny days

Sounds like you are having a great week Jilly, nice to see you upbeat, hope you are feeling lots better too.

thenunn profile image

HEllo all..Andi where abouts on the south coast are you ? I'm in Gosport and yes gloomy although right now the sun is trying to add a touch of brightness.

Jillygirl Im so pleased you are having a lovely day and that all buying and selling has gone well :)

Hi Sue and Emjay..I agree wednesday is so close to the weekend..it means moody mad monday is long gone,trouble trying tuesday is dust on the heels. WayHey Wednesday always wears a smile :)

Lots of noise and mess going on here but all in a good cause.Ive just done all the paperwork for the job ive been offered,and all lined up for interview for the othe job next week lol.

Now just reading through Allen Carr's book whilst havinf my coffee and one of jillygirls cakes :)

love an dhugs to all xx jan :)

thenunn profile image

oh I can hear Amor and Vida singing from here :) have a good quit visit John .


andi22 profile image

Evening all. Isn't the British weather fickle? Just when you think that it's going to stay grey forever there's suddenly half a chink in the clouds, then a tiny patch of blue, then 2 hours later suddenly there's only blue sky and sunshine up there in the sky and you want to smile and do things. Just seen the forecast and it's supposed to be back to grey again for a t least the next few days. Heigh ho, the weekend's just around the corner. :)

in reply toandi22

haha, the weather here is quite straight forward really, we get one sunny day out of about every 10 and today was it. Very nice though, its almost 9.00pm now and we haven't got the heating on yet. Yay.

andi22 profile image

Hi John, was your reading normal today? I thought you said that Amor and Vida keep you awake at night - don't you leave them in the dark then? :)

andi22 profile image

Oh dear, poor you. :( I bet you're wondering when it'll ever start getting better. Yes the days are certainly starting to draw out now - can't wait for it to be light enough to go out for nice evening walks and bike rides. :)

thenunn profile image

Thats how they happen normally John ,I know they do for me and my dad :) hugs x

andi22 profile image

Hiya Sin, brrr -I'm forever turning up the thermostat - don't like being cold and what we're having at the moment just goes right through you! :o

in reply toandi22

Hi Andi, sorry am still listening to music, I have these youtube evenings of reminiscing. So who remembers the Whispers. Must admit the only one I'm remembering is "And the Beat Goes On" their others were a little bit before my discoing times, but listening to all their tracks they're very smooth and relaxing. Haha, their dancing makes me smile though - some killer moves there lol. Yes it was a bit chilly in the wind but we had a lovely sunny, clear blue sky day, which is good cos it makes it a good deal warmer than freezing in our house.

Bellabella profile image
Bellabella18 Months Winner

Aaaah John please don't be sad, these CO readings are crazy. I got accosted by a lady in Boots last week. She tested my CO levels (after 4 days of giving up) and was shocked when it came in at 2 after 24 years of smoking!! I spend lots of my working days out on farm visiting customers, talking cows and breathing the smell of cow poo. I have no doubt if I walked Oxford Street in London, my reading would be a lot higher. Does it make a difference in todays mission? it's the non smoking that important.... Says she's thats holding onto this horrible plastic ciggie for comfort!! Chin up Hun, tomorrow's another day xxxx

Bellabella profile image
Bellabella18 Months Winner

Aaaah John please don't be sad, these CO readings are crazy. I got accosted by a lady in Boots last week. She tested my CO levels (after 4 days of giving up) and was shocked when it came in at 2 after 24 years of smoking!! I spend lots of my working days out on farm visiting customers, talking cows and breathing the smell of cow poo. I have no doubt if I walked Oxford Street in London, my reading would be a lot higher. Does it make a difference in todays mission? it's the non smoking that important.... Says she's thats holding onto this horrible plastic ciggie for comfort!! Chin up Hun, tomorrow's another day xxxx

Bellabella profile image
Bellabella18 Months Winner

Aaaah John please don't be sad, these CO readings are crazy. I got accosted by a lady in Boots last week. She tested my CO levels (after 4 days of giving up) and was shocked when it came in at 2 after 24 years of smoking!! I spend lots of my working days out on farm visiting customers, talking cows and breathing the smell of cow poo. I have no doubt if I walked Oxford Street in London, my reading would be a lot higher. Does it make a difference in todays mission? it's the non smoking that important.... Says she's thats holding onto this horrible plastic ciggie for comfort!! Chin up Hun, tomorrow's another day xxxx

Orkneysarah profile image
Orkneysarah25 Months Winner

Oh John, poor you, have a good cry and you'll feel lots better, I usually do (think Im due a good cry coz havent had one for a while and it would prob do me good.

I wouldnt worry about the plastic fag Bella, at least its not a real one ;)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Good evening all :) :)

I hope you've all had a lovely smokefree day :) :)

Riet am off to read some blogs :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Hmmm bella you got your glasses on gal :o :| or is it me :o cos I can see 3 of you :D :D

My daughter came this afternoon with her CD and DVD of the 4D scan she had yesterday of her baby girl. OMG they are sooo good. They did lots of close ups of her little face, so strange to be spying on a little life that hasn't even appeared yet. My daughter said the cord kept getting in the way of her face when they were doing the scan and the baby kept batting it away with her hand and seemed to be getting really annoyed with it. Awww amazing stuff.

andi22 profile image

Hi Bella, don't know if it's the gremlins or that you hit reply 3 times :o but you can delete the extra comments if you like. :)

Talking cows and breathing cow poo eh? You don't have to shove your arm up them though do you? :D :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toandi22

What ?? the gremlins :o :D :D :D

Good evening Andi :) :)

in reply tomonky

:D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Thats the way to be JC :D :D :D

Bellabella profile image
Bellabella18 Months Winner

Oops having a few Internet issues here, good for u John, exactly the right focus....

Hello Monky Monky ;-) hoping you've had a good smoke free day :-))

Excuse if I post a million times....

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toBellabella

Bella, if it does something for you gal, you can post as many times as you want to :o :D :D :D

Yes I've had a good day thank you :) how about you ??

andi22 profile image

:D :D :D

andi22 profile image

Good evening Pete, how was your day - did you get out on time? He hasn't had you on nights for ages - does he shut up shop at night now then? :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toandi22

Yeah ave had a good day thank you Andi :) had to wait to load a wagon, so a bit late tonight :(

No we still work nights, but 2 of em like it so they do it at the moment :) until the boss changers his mind :o :

Orkneysarah profile image
Orkneysarah25 Months Winner

I think you are a bit obsessed with clapshot..... you really need to get over that one John ;)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

JC do you hear the young Lady :o :|

Get out more :) :)

Bellabella profile image
Bellabella18 Months Winner

Oh dear me and computers, tried hitting delete button - it doesn't work!!!

Thankfully no, not a vet Andi although have often been pesent during carving periods.... Stayed for limited periods, worried I'd set the barn alight!!

Hello lovely Monky, you do seem to work long long hours.. Long day me too but ok I guess. Lost the headache of last night, replaced with a streaming nose - oh such pretty sight!!

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toBellabella

Aup Bella, am so glad you lost the headache, hmmmmm just wondering if you have tried this for your streaming nose -


:D :D :D

Bloody hell John, you'll have me feeling 100 in a minute lol ;) For long reasons I won't go into and because children are funny my almost 3 year old grandson calls me chicken rather than nan, as long as his soon to be sister doesn't call me turkey I'll be happy :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply to

:D :D :D

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to

Squawk! Squawk! Squawk! :D :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Jillygirl its lovely to see you on here again gal :) :) I aint half missin ya gal :( :(

Sue are you ok :o I hope your just havin a lazy day :) :)

andi22 profile image

I've got to go to bed now before I fall asleep on the sofa. :o

Nite nite all, sleep well. Love you all. :) xxxxxxxxxx

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toandi22

Nite nite Andi, sweet dreams to you gal, erm what's up with the sofa then :o :o love you too Andi xxxxxx :) :) speak tomorrow :)

Bellabella profile image
Bellabella18 Months Winner

Now isn't that a good idea Mr Monky.... with abit of luck chickens won't confuse me for a scarecrow when I feed them their midnight treats!!! ;-)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toBellabella

Am sorry Bella, my names Pete :)

You wouldnt be a Lady sales rep then :o :|

Bellabella profile image
Bellabella18 Months Winner

Nite nite Andi xxx

See y'all, time to get ready for the fun factory tomoz. Good night :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply to

Nite nite Sinfree, sleep well and have fun tomorrow :) :) xx

Bellabella profile image
Bellabella18 Months Winner

Yep but Monky suits u so much, please don't be offended....

Absolutely not sales rep, hate sales useless at it! Nope work in Agriculture on more a consulting kinda basis.... Strong advocate of Uk Agriculture, farming and the need for sustainable farming...

Pete, what is it that has you working lotsa nights?

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toBellabella

Sorryyyyyyyyy Bella :o

If you want to call me Monky, then let it be gal :) :)

I , well we make animal feed, if a farmer rings up wanting some food for his animals, then we have to make it and deliver it to his farm before they run out :o :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toBellabella

Nite nite Bella, sweet dreams gal and take care :) xxxx

Bellabella profile image
Bellabella18 Months Winner

Don't be sorry, you make me smile so Monky is good. So' Pete, whatever u prefer....

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