Not been on in a while but i do read the blogs to see how you are all doing. Glad to say i have not had a cig since i quit in September. I have enrolled at the local leisure centre and swim, 50 lengths at least 4 times a week. To help i also go to flabelos 4 times a week. I am still eating just fruit during the day and either chicken, steak or fish with stir fried veggies at night. I must admit, i fill the wok with veggies, spinach, broccolli, peppers garlic, mushrooms, cauli, hell yeah, bang it in!!!. My secret ingredient ..... which i love for adding flavour.... fennel seeds. All in all i'd say i am happy with not smoking. The smell off smokers is enough to make me sick. Continued success to all you other quitters ... if i can do it, anyone can
HAPPY SUNDAY PEOPLE !!!!: Not been on in a... - Quit Support

Hi lanemorph, well done on still not smoking i don't know how you manage to eat healthy as we though, i seem to crave chocolate all the time, maybe i should stop buying it
continued success to you as well
Working on it, I will do it. 5 months eh, something for me to aspire to.
Cheers for the encouragement.

A massive well done to you Lanemorph for getting to 5 whole months on your quit journey
AND healthy eating AND exercising tooooo
can't fault you gal
Stay positive and focused Lanemorph, speak soon
my God you must be like a stick insect with all that healthy food and exercise, you'll live to be 100. Brilliant, bet you feel really proud.
LOL I wish. One day though i will be. I wont give in until i reach my goal. Thanks to not smoking i am going away again in 3 weeks and i want to wear my new bikinis without feeling like a beached whale. Also, i have met some really nice people at the pool ... wouldn't recognise them in the street with their clothes on but it beats sitting home alone. The hardest part is doing a full days work, feeling dead beat and motivating myself to go. When i do that, yes, i feel very proud of myself. At the end of the day, no one can do it for me, i am in charge of my own destiny.

Thanks for all your comments. Just had my swim and i love it !!!!! Can i say that when i first quit and had no support, i remember you helped me Pete. This site was a Godsend to me.!!! I hope all the words of encouragement help others too. Stay positive and focused people. We all have hiccups but they pass. Fags you can do it and Sue, i must admit I'm not a chocolate or sweet person but i love my fresh fruit cocktails with yoghurt. Once again, Thankoo to you all x
Hey LM, I thought I recognised your pretty face gal, gosh thats going back to November, when we last spoke am so so glad you have got this far with your quit gal
and thank you so much for coming back to let us know how you are doing
and sharing your quit journey with us, cos it will help others too
So I thank you Lanemorph xxx you take care now gal