Daily Chat: Monday 11th February 2013 - Quit Support

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Daily Chat: Monday 11th February 2013

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER
45 Replies

Hi everyone

I hope you are all having a good day.

It's cold here today and we had a bit of snow this morning but it didn't stick. The plumbers just arrived so fingers crossed he will fix it and I can have a nice hot shower and be warm again :)

Speak to you all later. Keep strong and come and have a chat if those cravings come calling

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Kazzachoc profile image
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45 Replies
sue52 profile image

Hi everyone,

I've been busy all day so now I'm on strike :D hubby's making the tea, so glad he's off today :) :D

I hope you get your boiler fixed today Kazz, you'll need it to sat warm, we didn't get the intended snow today, hope it stays away. I like your picture, it made me chuckle :D

I'm glad your not getting cravings today John, it will make your day much better :) and it's great you were able to beat them yesterday :) I know you want to cut back on the mouth spray but it's better that than a ciggie :)

I'm away to have a cuppa if anyone wants one :)


I know we're all on diets but we need something to cheer us up on a Monday, that's my excuse anyway :D :D

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Hands off JC :D i've had my share anyway (3)

Good for you going on strike Sue, I hope your hubby cooks you something nice for tea, you deserve it and thanks for those cakes, they are gorgeous, almost too nice to eat but not quite :)

Good for you John coping with the cravings and as Sue says, you should use the mouth spray when you need it, rather that than smoke.

I'll have a cuppa please Sue, as long as your hubby is making it with you being on strike. Please tell him coffee, milk no sugar if that's ok. I don't like tea.

Well the boiler is fixed hooraaaayyy. Heating on and I'm going to have a nice hot bath as soon as I can log off from work. It only took him 10 minutes to fix, £288.00 for 10 minutes, I'm in the wrong job :)

sue52 profile image

Hi Kazz,

Soooooo glad your boiler is fixed :), that's some price though :o but as you say, you can now have a hot bath and get your heating on :)

I'm having Lasagne for tea tonight, hopefully with some garlic bread, yummy :) Kettle is on, coffee coming :) :D

and you managed to beat JC to the cakes as well, he must be sleeping :D :D

Orkneysarah profile image
Orkneysarah25 Months Winner

Sounds like everyone is having a ok Monday.

Im the same as Sue, had a busy day, cleaned out the kitchen cupboards and have a rough shopping list and a menu plan for the next 2 weeks!!! Im a saddo I know but this watching what I eat and trying to save money I have to do everything I can lol

We're having roast turkey (leftover from xmas that i put in the freezer) and the trimmings, yummy ;)

Really cant wait till bedtime tonight, looking forward to a nice long hot shower and a hot water bottle and bed to watch the soaps while Stew entertains his visitor and hopefully he wont stay till 10.30pm tonight.

It is 7 whole weeks till the school holidays and it cant come soon enough...... I only had 1 day in at work last week coz the kids were off for 3 days but Im dreading going in tomorrow :(

Not having a good day today (not had a fag and not really bothered about one either but Im very tired)

Glad to hear you got your heating fixed Kazza.

John you like your sweet bread eh? I'll have to make it sometime to see whst its like

sue52 profile image

Hi Sarah,

Your not a saddo lol, doing shopping lists and menus is what i should do really, especially when hubby goes shopping, he goes nuts and usually costs me a fortune :o :D :D I'm gonna start doing that :)

I hope you get a good sleep tonight, it's not nice feeling tired all the time, glad your cravings aren't there though :)

Have a great day, and put your feet up for a wee while, you deserve it after a busy morning :)

sue52 profile image

Thank you for the recipe John, i'll be trying this :)

sue52 profile image

Hi John,

I buy gluten free flour for bread, there's lots of other gf ingredients you can get, it does give things a different taste but nicer than the pre cooked stuff :)

andi22 profile image

Hi everyone, glad to see your all getting along okay today and all have the positives:-

JC, hit the cravings into touch - I think it might be a Sunday thing for you. Maybe you'll have to try and upset that routine for a week or two to see if that helps. I bet all those rolls are eaten now. :o :| My cake's just come out of the oven and it's got a very, very special anti-JC impenetrable shield around it so don't even bother trying! :D :D (Those ladies would be very upset tomorrow if they didn't get their cake. :( ) ;-)

Sue, being cooked for today - aren't you lucky - you get to eat today! :D :D Hope the lasagne didn't come from Tesco's, Aldi or anywhere like that - I'd only eat one if I made it myself so knew what was in it. :o

Kazz, hope you've enjoyed your bath with the heating turned up full blast - bliss! :) (Shame about the cost but s**t happens. :( )


Sarah, re-cycled Christmas dinner sound great. I think it's great that you make menus and shopping lists - shame a lot of other young people aren't like that. :)

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Lasagne and garlic bread sounds lovely Sue, I haven't had my tea yet not sure what I feel like.

Do you have anything with your bread John i.e. butter or jam on it?

Sarah you are not sad working out what food you need each week. Trawling round the supermarkets just picking things up willy nilly cost a fortune plus a lot of food can go to waste that way. My mum always planned ahead for meals and bought what she needed. We had sweets and biscuits but we couldn't got and get something like a cheese butty because she would say 'that cheese is for Wednesday's tea' :)

Being in bed with a hot water bottle watching tv sounds lovely. You might fall asleep before the soaps are over. It's not good feeling tired like that, ask Sue who always has trouble sleeping and ends up feeling really tired. I hope you get a good night's sleep if you are working tomorrow.

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Thanks Andi, I don't wear socks in the bath though :D Yes it was expensive but it was worth it now I'm nice and warm again.

It's great news that you've found a special JC impenetrable shield :) Don't forget cake number 2 for us and an extra one for Peetie Weetie who requested 3 ... greedy guts :D

All this horse meat in things does make you think, we have no clue what is in our food and drinks, almost makes you want to become self sufficient like in the Good Life (for those who are old enough to remember that) :)

sue52 profile image

It's okay Andi my hubby makes the lasagne from scratch, that way i get more, there's never enough in the store bought ones :D :D

Think i'll do the same as Sarah, bed and a hot water bottle sounds bliss :) :D

Hope everyone has a good evening :)

Orkneysarah profile image
Orkneysarah25 Months Winner

Just had a bath, in bed feeling rotten, I think I might have the sick bug :( im too scared to move in case im sick arghhhhhhh

sue52 profile image

Your in the best place Sarah, hope you feel better soon x

Orkneysarah profile image
Orkneysarah25 Months Winner

Shame ive stopped smoking, when i felt sick like this before I used to light a fag and it made me actually be sick, i had to stick fingers down throat tonight :( first time Ive ever done that and its awful

sue52 profile image

That sounds awful, did it make you feel any better? I prefer to wait until I am sick naturally

Orkneysarah profile image
Orkneysarah25 Months Winner

It did indeed until just now :(

Think its going to be a long long night

sue52 profile image

I hope you manage to get some sleep, try to drink water if you can to stay hydrated.

cara62 profile image
cara6222 Months Winner

Hi all.. Just in from work and catching up with all the goings on here, Between cakes, baths, showers, hot water bottle I think you all have been quite busy bees today and its a good old fashioned way of keeping in touch with each other, Nice to be on here getting all the gossip and keeping off the fags,, I am still off and doing good,:) :) :)

sue52 profile image

Hi Happyme,

It's great to know your still off the fags, your doing great :) :) sounds like you've not had many cravings today either which is brill :)

andi22 profile image

Sarah, sorry you're now a bit icky - hope it's not going through the family and you'll feel better tomorrow. :(

Happy, I'm sure you're very happy as you're still of the fags and doing good - way to go! :)

Have just got back from the gym and tried a Body Balance class but not sure it's really for me - lots of stretching and contortionism and I'm not really that bendy! :o Did a run this morning so thought it might complement it. Ah well, day off exercise tomorrow and sensible eating out the window with cake and probably a pancake somewhere along the way. :o :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Evening everybody :) :)

Andi, hmmmmm Body balancing eh, erm maybe stick to spinning :) it sounds safer :D :D

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Sorry to hear you're not well Sarah and you were looking forward to a nice night snuggled up in bed as well :( I hope you feel better soon hun xx

HI Happyme, well done to you, it's great that you have had a good day with giving up smoking. I hope the rest of the week is just as good.

sue52 profile image

Your not half full of energy Andi, think i'd have to draw the line at body balancing, i'm not very bendy either, i'm lucky i can bend my ankle :D :D :D think i'll join you with the cakes and pancakes, much nicer

andi22 profile image

Evening Pete, how was your day? :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toandi22

Looooooooooooong :( :(

sue52 profile image

Hi Pete,

how's you doin, good I hope :), you not fancy body balancing then :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply tosue52

Aup Sue, yes thanks am ok :) how about yourself ??

I think I will stick to my rowing machine Sue thank you :) :)

sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply tomonky

I would stick to that as well Pete, it's much safer :) I'm glad your day has not been tooooo bad :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Sarah, am sorry gal :( it sounds like you have got Man Flue Gal :o :| you keep nice and cosy in bed :) :)

But try and not make too much noise about it, cos as you know us blokes keep quiet about it when we have it :D :D

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Good evening Pete, I hope you've had a good day.

Shame that Body Balancing isn't your thing Andi, but if you don't try these new things you will never know, so at least you tried it. I forgot it was pancake Tuesday tomorrow, my favourites are with strawberry jam or lemon juice and sugar.

You do loads of exercise so you deserve the odd day off, I hope you enjoy your day tomorrow.

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toKazzachoc

Hi ya Kazz,

So glad you got your boiler fixed :) :) i hope your nice and cosy again now :) :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Aup Kazz a love your opening piccy by the way :D :D

sue52 profile image

Sorry folks but i'll have to go, my legs are killing me, i need a tablet then bed so i can stretch them out

nite nite everyone, sweet dreams, luv yas xxxxxxxxxxxx :)

nite nite Jillygirl, I hope your feeling a lot better, love and hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxx :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply tosue52

nite nite Sue, you get them pins up of yours and try to have a good nights sleep :)

Keep nice and cosy now, speak tomorrow xxxxx :) :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Sue whats this about you goin on strike then :o :o

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Night night Sue, sleep well, luvs ya xxxx :)

Yes, I'm nice and warm now thanks Pete. Not sure why Sue went on strike but she said she'd been busy all morning so I think she had had enough so downed tools :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toKazzachoc

Yeah and so she should :) here here Sue :) :)

andi22 profile image

Nite nite Sue, hope you enjoy getting stretched - sleep well. :) xxxxx

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Did you save any for me? Or is that a stupid question? :D

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

It would be yak. I certainly don't want any... naaaayyyy lad :) I'd rather have some clapshot.

andi22 profile image

Oh dear, yawning here.

Nite nite everyone, sleep well, luv you all. :) xxxxxxxxxxx

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toandi22

Nite nite Andi, and you have a lovely lazy day tomorrow :) hey and no sneaking out of your coffee/cake morning :o and keep an eye open for JC toooooo :D :D

Sweet dreams Andi, luvs ya xxxxxxx :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Hi Happyme, :)

A massive well done to you for keeping smoke free :) :) you stay positive, cos your doin just fine :) :)

Keep poppin on here to let us know how your doin eh :) speak soon.

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Night night Andi, sleep well xxx luvs ya xxxx :)

I don't think Andi made 3 cakes today Pete, I think she only made one, so we didn't get any unless there are some left overs tomorrow but I doubt it :o

I heading of to bed now as well, so I will say night night to you lovely people. I hope you all sleep well and I will speak to you tomorrow xxx luv yas xxxxxx

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toKazzachoc

Kazz, I think your right gal, cos she didnt mention any cakes to me :( :( not bothered am not :P :(

Nite nite Kaz, and you enjoooooy your nice warm and cosy sleep tonight :) :) luvs ya lot gal xxxxx :) speak tomorrow :)

Nite nite everybody, cos am about ready to hit the sack now :) luvs ya all xxxxx :) and i hope you all have sweet dreams xxxxx :) :) Sarah, you keep snuggled up nice and warm and I hope you get better soon :) :)

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