Well, I would like to say that it has been easy and the time has flown by but alas, no. Sometimes it has been really hard. I still crave a cigarette but have not given in today. My husband and I have an engagement party to go to tonight and two thirds of the guests smoke. I am really not feeling like going. My husband is looking forward to it and I promised I would go. Bummer.... I will reblog how I got on later.
Two weeks.: Well, I would like to say that it... - Quit Support
Two weeks.

i have also managed two weeks without smoking. i find when i wake up in the morning the worst but on the postive side i have saved £94.00 which i am saving towards my Audi TT long way to go yet lol
Gosh an Audi is much nicer than a pack of fags, put a giant picture of your dream car somewhere you can see it all the time and keep thinking I CAN HAVE ONE IF I DONT SMOKE, that will give you a reason to stop.
Well done !!!
Aup Tracey, so you've got 2 weeks under your belt then, that is just ACE gal, cos now I think your over the worse bit
As Mad has said, why dont you print a big pic of the Audi TT and stick it on a wall somewhere, and you could even print a small pic off and put in your erm purse so you have reference to it most of the time
if you see what I mean Tracey
Speak soon gal, Pete
Haha, my favourite car too. Bit ambitious though? Maybe you should lower your sights a teeny little bit there, otherwise you might get so far and then say oh what is the point.
That was in reply to TCC56's desire for an Audi TT. I didn't put the reply in the right place. Because I can't concentrate basically because it is two weeks since I had a cigarette also. And it is 1 week since I had that one lowly little emergency nicotine lozenge that I had left. Today has been one long craving since the minute I got out of bed and it is still ongoing. Am very, very fed up at this moment in time and am going to make some jam on toast to cheer myself up.
YOU CAN DO IT, dont give up on partying just because you give up on ciggys, be proud and shout from the rooftops ( or ceiling ) that you dont smoke, Enjoy the party.
Thanks for the advice.
Congratulations on getting to 2 weeks Andrea. If you drive tonight then you won't be able to drink so you'll be much less likely to be tempted to have a smoke (but you've chosen not to any more now, haven't you?
) Just think also that you won't be having to go and stand in the damp cold with all those other people and come back in all smelly - you might be able to enjoy your perfume for once. Enjoy the party.

Well done Andrea.
The time sure does go so slow when your stopping smoking eh? Think this had been the longest 4 weeks of my life.
You could not go to the party if you really dont want to go, Im sure they would understand and if they dont they are not very supportive people....it is early days for you and you have to feel comfortable around these things.
Just take your time.....
Congratulations on making 2 weeks smoke free ..brilliant Andrea I agree with Andi..just think of the poor smokers having to stand in the rain and cold and then being noticed when they renter for the smell they carry..not nice at all.Stay strong Andrea you are worth more than a qick fag that will make you feel crap very soon after..and youd have to go through all this again..good luck hun i will be willing you through and hoping you enjoy your eve xx jan

Aup Andrea, lovely to see you again gal
I see you've had loads of good advice from the Girls
this will be your hardest challenge yet, so you just think
if you do it this time you have done it
stand up and shout you've beat the fags
On the other hand, if your hubby dosnt smoke, then just tell him to pour a pint of beer over you if you go outside for a fag
see it's easy

Hi Andrea,
You will do this, it will be hard, but as Pete said once you've done it this time. you'll be able to do it again Go and have fun and be proud of yourself, you've stopped smoking and that's brilliant