We had a beautiful dawn this morning and the sun is shining at the moment. That's a whole week since we've seen it in my part of the world. The grey days were getting a bit depressing but the most important thing with that was that it wasn't raining! I even bought some daffodils yesterday as they are such cheerful flowers.
Last night I went to a new gym to do a class. A nice girl was chatting before and I had to try not to back off too much against her smoke breath. I used to be paranoid that I didn't smell like that when I opened my mouth. It's great having the freedom that you don't have to worry about that any more.
Went back to said gym this morning and couldn't park anywhere so came back home to open the chat. When this 5 day temporary membership runs out I don't think I'll bother joining in the future.
Have a good day wherever you are in your quit journey.
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I haven't seen any daffodils yet, they are so lovely and as you say a cheerful flower to be seen
See how it goes with the gym, January always tends to be a busy period for the uptake of gym memberships so you'll find that given time many will drop out and I'm sure you'll get a car parking space then. Looking back to a year ago, how much exercise did you used to do? I find your enthusiasm amazing and love that you've kept up the momentum
Good morning to everyone else I hope you are all okay
I am doing a little bit more as in the running thing. I asked you the other day how you got on with the physio and how much longer you'll be out of it cos you should catch me up again in the next couple of weeks whilst I'm away.
That is a stunning picture Andi, it's dull here today. Now that you have mentioned it I think I will get some flowers when I go to the supermarket at lunchtime, good thinking batman
The smell of stale smoke on someone isn't nice, I used to notice it even when I was a smoker if I was stood next to someone who had just smoked. I don't mind the smell of a cigarette being smoked but the smell on someone after they have had a cigarette isn't very nice.
It's a shame you had a wasted journey to the gym. There is no point in joining a gym if you can't use it because there is nowhere to park. So are you planning on doing some other form of exercise today or is that a stupid question?
My boss has just gone into a meeting so I thought I would come on here while he is out of the way and see what is going on but I think everyone is still in bed Ok, ok I know you lot aren't in bed but busy with your daily schedules
Wondering if I say 'cake' if JC will suddenly appear out of nowhere
Speak to you later and have a good smoke free day, keep up the good work everyone. xx
Hiya Emjay and Kazz, my normal gym membership is suspended cos of my hols so I took this opportunity to use my voucher and try a different gym to see what it was like. My usual gym is a "council" gym but I still think it's the best one around for what I want - and there's plenty of parking! I might try something else about teatime instead and hope that parking will be easier.
Ha! As if by magic Johnny Cakeface appears Sorry JC there is no cake I was just testing to see if my theory worked and it did You must have an internal cake radar
I actually like council run gyms, you can usually pay as you go as well so don't get stuck with a monthly direct debit.
Morning Everyone, I've just back to the land of the living still have a bad headache though
Love your picture Andi, wish i was there :), although i am going to Thailand next year sorry you couldn't use the gym this morning, hope you didn't get withdrawal symptoms
What no cake left :D, JC and Kazz i was looking forward to that with my morning cuppa
Hi Sue, sorry you've got a bad head this morning. Just lie back with the travel brochure and have some lovely thought about Thailand. Is it next year or this that you're going?
It's next year Andi, in the summer, going to visit the brother in law and his wife, will be staying with them, and even better, he is paying our airfare :), he's paying for all the family to go out, in different years though, not all at once , so will just need spending money :), oh to be that rich
Hi all, all this talk of cake is making me hungry, started healthy eating yesterday to get rid of the 10 lbs I have put on since quitting, just had some nice home made soup and wholemeal bread, never had breakfast as I never got up till 12-30 All christmas goodies have gone so no more pigging out lol Wish I had the energy to go to the gym on the bright side my breathing is getting better by the day so might get the wii out and do a little bit daily, Love to Jilly hope your infection clears up soon. Hope everyone has a lovely day, Still very proud that I only had that little slip up over Christmas and that I got straight back into it, its now 8 weeks and I am feeling really positive
Hi delina, you should be proud of yourself, we are all proud of you, It's brilliant that you've got to 8 weeks I'm glad your health is improving, keep that positive attitude ), and you'll beat this, then you'll soon be on your wii, you'll be a whole new you
Hi all, Happy New Year and all that mullarkey, and a big well done to everyone for staying smoke free (ish)! If at first you don't succeed try, try again! Everyone who is trying to stop, whether it be by cutting down, having a slight lapse, and still trying, or wanting to stop, is doing tremendously well! Persevere, you'll get there! I have lost times of the number of times I have tried to stop, this time I am determined to do it! I am 19 weeks stopped this coming Saturday!
Jilly- I hope that your infection is getting better and that you're feeling lots better! You're in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery!
I was ill all over New Year with a bloody awful virus, no energy and high temp! I probably wished everyone a Happy New Year, but hey you now have it twice!
Have had Monday and today off this week, my house is gleaming and the ironing is nearly all done! Yay, I can't do with my house being dusty etc. I am a very tidy person, and I am so pleased it's done! I shall finish the ironing tomorrow when I finish work. My daughter has a friend over for tea tomorrow and then revision time for them both. Tis a bit of a stressful time January, first lot of exams on friday! My baby is doing 6 A levels, so she has a very heavy workload and revision schedule. I know that she will do the best she can!
Am doing well with my weight, have now lost1 stone 4 pounds since stopping smoking on 1st September. I am on my feet all day, have a physical job which helps! I work about 20 hours a week. I retired from my career job 4 plus years ago, but can't sit about all day. I had six months off, doing projects at home, and then I had to get a part time job, there was only so much cleaning, shopping and lunches out with the girls that I could do
Tonight it's spag bol for tea... I can smell the garlic and basil (the herb, not Basil Fawlty or Brush or Rathbone for that matter, ha!)
Will try and pop later. Am feeling very 'energised' again!
Well another first today. The first time i have ever had to deal with teaching without having my regimented fag breaks to break up the day. Seriously my work day was absolutely designed around when I smoked almost to the minute. So those particular times were pretty hard today but I didn't smoke so that's the main thing! Each day can only get easier and not being able to get through a day at work without the fags really was my biggest fear. I've proved to myself that I can teach and not smoke so onwards and upwards.
I just hate the waves of emptiness that seem to come over me at times - like now when I'm home from work and the house is empty and I don't really have too much to do. This might sound stupid but I feel very lonely at times which is something I've never really felt before. Is that 'normal'?
A very big well done on being smoke free, and a bigger well done for facing your 'nemesis' and not smoking during your work day! You can have a Gold Star!
Regarding waves of emptiness, I guess that stopping smoking gives us time to contemplate more. I am sure that this feeling will subside. Stopping smoking is a mammoth thing to do, and we go through withdrawal feeling depressed, fed up and alone!
Well Fraz, let me assure you that you are not alone! You have us peeplies who live inside your computer to encourage you to stay stopped, and to make you smile, and to provide you with virtual sweeties, choccie ( soz Kazz, but Fraz need some choccie, ha!) and cakes (even though John eats all the cakes, ha!). You could have some virtual vodka, 'cept I drank all that at Christmas! (another ha!)
Joking aside, you will start to feel lots better soon chuck!
Hi Chickles, thanks for the message. I'm a savoury kind of guy myself so am happy to let you guys fight it out for yourselves among the choccies and cake, so long as I get a big old wedge of PIE!! But a sweet treat once in a while is always welcome so thanks for the choccie
Hi Chickles, happy new year I'm sorry you were ill over new year but thankfully your feeling better now :), that happened to me a couple of years ago, it sucks
That's brill weight loss, how did you manage that I can't lose an ounce, even though I'm trying, gold star for you
Hi Fraz, Gold star for you, I knew you could get through your day and not smoke, and now so do you, well done
Feeling empty and lonely can be part of the withdrawal symptoms of not smoking, it will soon pass, I'm sure others who have gone through this will come on and help you with this, is there anything you can do to occupy yourself just now till it passes, that might help. We're all here for you
Here's a cake for you, Kazz won't eat it there's strawberries on top just eat it quick before John gets it
I have a very 'physical' job, plus I am more of a savoury person myself. When I go shopping I don't buy crisps, pringles etc, plus have reduced the amount of cheese I eat. I have been on a healthy eating kick for a while, but over Christmas I did lapse. I use the spray olive oil for roasting veggies and potatoes, plus I use honey too. I menu plan every week, and before I go shopping I write out my list for the week and very rarely deviate from it.
I would just like to add re the withdrawal symptoms, I had a really bad chest from week 7 to week 15! I have had x-rays, and am due a 24 hour heart monitor, I went to A&E, via my GP (she wanted to fone an ambulance- I said NO!), I have an extra beat in my heart apparently, it was 'doing it's 'dance', when I had the ECG.
I have smoked for more years than I have been alive! Started agted 14, am 53 next ( even though I look 39 and a bit :)) Every year the bit gets bigger, ha! I was a very heavy smoker, and I admit I enjoyed it, but I know it's not good for me!
I guess the longer you have smoked, the longer the body takes to rid itself of toxins!
I am deffo on a 'high' at the moment. My virus has gone and my chest pain has gone too! Please all persevere, you can do it!
Fraz, I don't really like pie, but I will let you have a piece of my Wensleydale cheese with cranberries and 3 Ritz crackers Enjoy (virtually!)
Sue, I like Strawberries, whoops, I ate the cake! Soz Kazz!
Hiya Chickles, I hope all is okay when you get your heart monitor, it must have been bad if you GP wanted to phone an ambulance. I'm glad your feeling better just now, and in a great mood
I started smoking at 18, am now 54, I got up to about 20 a day, I look more like 90
I'm really glad your losing weight cause i was at my GP last week, trying to get more thyroxine, and she told me I would never be able to lose the weight since my thyroid causes it, i was really down after that. I do watch what i eat, plenty fruit and veg, chicken, fish etc, i only eat the cakes on here, glad you enjoyed the choccy one
Hi everyone. I am having terrible skin reaction to patch (24 hr/15 mg) calling my Dr for the inhaler as suggested by some of you for help with my cravings even though I wear patch. Smoking 4-5 a day but do not intend to give in and committed to quitting totally. Practical advise desired and welcome. Going to Yoga class now.
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply toGardenbunnie
Hi Gardenbunnie, its nice to see you on here
I used the 25mg 16 hour patches, which were better for me cos got a better nights sleep with them
The step 2 16 hour patch is 15mg
The step 3 16 hour patch is 10mg
As I said to John on his question, the skin reaction does get easier and easier as your body gets used to them
Thanks so much, Pete. Went to dermatologist and got a med. that is working well on skin burns. Waiting for the inhaler though. Smoking 4-5 a day and really hate taste, smell, etc. nex t week I am going away for a weeks' yoga training ( I'm a Yoga Therapist) and can't really smoke at facility. Don't want to be put into position of "sneaking" away to smoke so seriously considering giving all up. But as you know, this is scary.
Chick, sorry to hear you were crocked up over New Year - there's a lot of it about (as they say) and glad that you're now back and fighting fit. If I could lose that much weight I'd be a very happy bunny. As Sue says, the best cakes to eat really are the virtual ones on here - slight hiccup today as my friend gave me some of her delicious Christmas cake this afternoon. It was a ginormous piece and I polished off the lot! - at least it's good for you with all that fruit in it.
Fraz, another gold star from me. Each day at the beginning is all about "firsts" as time for doing things without just having that fag first or after etc. I think the loneliness feeling is part of the process as you are unknowingly grieving for the loss of your "friend" (and crying is also part of that I think). It will get better and you are still in the very early stages. You are doing so well so far and you can do this.
I didn't do what you suggested Pete cos by the time I'd have got there it would have been too late for my class. Will try again tomorrow - probably go half an hour early and read a book in the car while I wait for the right time to go in! >)
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply toandi22
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply tosue52
Hey Sue you enjoyyyyyyyy tomorrow gal at your Daughters, well I know you will anyway dont know why I said it, perhaps I can picture you chasing the cat about speak tomorrow gal and you get a good nights sleep, do you hear me gal luvs ya xxxx
Hi everyone, not even sure how I managed to find what looks like a UK-based smoke support group but hey, I guess that's a testament to how random the internet works. Plus any help is good help when it comes to quitting. I'm new here, started smoking when I was 16, that was six years ago. It's day two of quitting smoking... I'm using the Nicorette Inhaler, it really seems to be doing the trick as I'm still getting a little nicotine as well as satisfying the "hand-to-mouth" ritual that I've heard is a big part of the addiction.
Looks like most people have turned in for the evening, so I'll catch up later on tomorrows chat. Looking forward to sharing my challenges and hearing about yours.
welcome to our lovely online stop smoking community!
The great thing about the inhalator is that you are only getting the nicotine as and when you need it.
It'd be great to see you over on our daily chat. If it hasn't already started when you log on, feel free to open it up I guess you may log on nearer the end of our day here though. Where about are you from?
Hey, are all you guys in the UK? I am in Calif. this is the only good quit smoking support I found on Internet, so "you guys rock". That's a crummy Americanism and sorry to share it here but the sentiment fits. No wonder you are always talking about "a cuppa" and the morning chat is always over when I get up in the a.m.
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