Daily chat: Thursday 3rd January 2013 - Quit Support

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Daily chat: Thursday 3rd January 2013

andi22 profile image
29 Replies

Good morning everyone.

I'll be glad when these mornings start getting lighter. I'm just waiting for it to get light enough to go out and have a run as I prefer to run when I can see where my feet are going. :o It should have been a pt session this morning but my pt has got the lurgy and I don't want to catch it so running it is. :(

It's nearly the weekend again so then everyone can get back to normal next week. :)

All you New Year quitters, just hang in there and keep coming here because you CAN do it and prove all those disbelievers wrong. :)

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andi22 profile image
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29 Replies
monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Good Morning Andi, I hope your tooth is better now :)

So you want to get rid of your tummy then, hmmmmmm you cant hola hoop then :o ha ha ha I would have loved to have been a fly on your wall in the hallway :D :D

I'm older than you, and a bloke, but i can do it :P :P just hold the hoop around your waist - set it going - and wriggle your b__ erm hips - try to get a rhythm going, see its easy eh :) :)

This might give you some idea, if it works, Emjay you watching gal, huh hula hoops that dont work :D :D


monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Good Morning Mad, so are you into this er chocy lettuce then ??

Hmmmmmmm just wondering if you can get chocy cabbage :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Hi Jillygirl, its lovely to see you on here again :) :) aint half missin ya gal, luv ya new pic toooo :) I hope you get your tablets sorted out :)

Loads & loads of love and huggs heading your way Jilly xxxxx you take care now eh :) :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Hi Sue, hope your feeling ok today :)

Love the scan pics gal :) he looks just like me when i was his age :D :D you'll soon be a Grandma :) :)

andi22 profile image

Morning Pee Wee! I can hula hoop - learnt it about 8 years ago. :o When it was all the rage when we were young ( :o ) I used to try with my sister's but could never do it. You obviously are not a hula hoop connoisseur! This one is supposed to be weighted - light-weight more like - and it's too big to get going and keep going. Why didn't you put on a film of you hula hooping so we could all have had a laugh! :D :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toandi22

Hi Andi, do I detect erm a bit of something in your voice :o :|

I learnt how to hula hoop about 50 years ago, cos if my 2 elder Sisters had anything new to play with, it was Pete come here a minute !! and they would make me try it out first, skipping ropes, roller skates, bikes that were toooo big for me, and so on :o


monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toandi22

Andi it was only meant as a joke gal, but now i know i went too far, so i do apologise to you, and i assure you it will not happen again.

Am sorry Andi.

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply tomonky

Are you still up?

Looking at Emjay's post, I think you should go for option 1 - just like (nearly :o ) Delina did - you know it makes sense! :)

Day day, sleep well - see you tomorrow. :)

EmJay profile image

Good Morning Everybody,

Mad, its lovely to hear you say you can smell the trees :-) Something that most people would never recognise. Your sense of smell is one of the first things to return after stopping smoking and the smells you pick up on are quite amazing. Enjoy your walk this morning, do you go alone or do you have the lovely company of a pet dog or friend? :-)

Andi, I've just taken a look at Pete's Hula Hoop post. I agree, seeing Pete in action would be more fun ( :o) )That lady makes it look so easy! Shall maybe have to dust off mine again, oil it up and give it another whirl!

Pete, I hope you are feeling much beter today and are ready to think about getting 'back on it'. I would suggest you do one of two things;

1. Stop smoking now. - See this last relapse as a slip up and pick up where you have left off. What NRT to do you have left? It really is important to make sure you have all the right resources and tools in place to help you to reach your target. Maybe think about how your NRT has worked for you the past couple of weeks, thinking also about how you have used them and what strength you were using? What has made you relapse? If it is drinking, then is it worth considering not drinking for a while until you overcome your smoking addiction? I think Kazz has done this.


2. Pick a date, further ahead and really knuckle down into making changes on the run up to your quit date. Even if you decide to quit in maybe 3 - 6 weeks down the line? It would be better if you had a quality quit attempt rather than try and give it a half hearted one.

What do you think about using Champix? This may be an ideal non-nicotine based therapy that has fantastic outcomes for those who use it correctly.

Let us know what you decide to do and we'll be there for you all the way :-)

Thanks for the hula hoop basics, although I think that the lady is just standing in the middle of that hoop and its help up by fishing line at the top..... :-/

Big waves to everyone else, remember that we are all here to help and support you so please let us know if there is any part of the stopping process that you feel we can help you with :-)

Right, off to put the kettle on if anyone fancies one :D

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply toEmJay

Morning Emjay, W4R2 done this morning. :) What time are you off to the physio's? Is it a good one - sports-related? All going well at the mo with my running - R1 on Tuesday was quite hard and I could really feel my legs but they were much better today. Hopefully get through W5 next week before I go back to my sister's for a couple of weeks. That will give you time to catch me back up then maybe we can finish together in February. :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toEmJay

Good Morning Emjay :)

Rite I've set my new quit date for Monday the 7th January, I've just got to get hold of the Lady at the chemist to get help with the NRT, but she wasnt there today, so i will try tomorrow. But they only do 8 weeks, and now you've mentioned champix again, its got me wondering.

I would have to buy it myself, but if it worked it would be worth it, dont you think !! erm got some more thinking to do now :) but not now cos have got to get to bed for some zzzzzzzzzz

As for the hula hoop vid, am keeping stum.

I hope you have a lovely day gal and thank you so much for your help :) :)

sue52 profile image

Good Morning everyone, that's me just up, had all my tablets, i feel like a walking pharmacy :D :D

Andi and mad I hope you both enjoyed your walk, it's lovely to get out in the fresh air first thing in the morning :) I used to love country walks at that time :) I hope you've recovered from the dentist Andi, horrible people that they are :D :D :D

Think I'll need to go buy a hula hoop, try it as well, although i did try it years ago and was hopeless at it :D that would be a funny video to see, me hula hooping, if one existed :D :D

I've just registered my meerkat, my son got me one to adopt for a Xmas present, best present I got :) :) can't wait to get the newsletters etc :)

I'm off to the shops now, need to buy odds and ends, will chat later, hope you all have a brill day :) xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply tosue52

Hiya Sue, i hope you had a good nights kip and charged your batteries up :)

I'm sorry Sue, but you just made me chuckle to myself when you said you feel like a walking pharmacy, my Dad used to say that he rattled when he walked, cos he used to have 31 tabs a day :D not all at once of corse :D thats why i went to live with him, cos he used to get mixed up with them :)

Hey if ever i meet up with you Sue i will bring a spear, and a hula hoop with me :D :D

Take care Sue, am off up that wooden hill now for a noddddddddd

sue52 profile image

Have a good sleep Pete :) and if you bring a hula hoop you'll get a right laugh at me trying to do it :D :D

sweet dreams, see you tomorrow, take care, :) xx

delina profile image
delina21 Months Winner

Afternoon everyone, Can't believe I got up at 11am today, all that partying over Christmas and the New Year had caught up on me. Glad you have decided to pick a new quit date Pete :) you can do this :) Just ordered some more e-cig cartridges they really have helped me and I am not to worried about cutting down on them yet, Anyone know when I should be thinking about doing so? don't want to become dependent on them but on the other hand they really are helping me. Got my hula hoop down the shed :) me and my daughter bought one each last time we was on a healthy eating plan, mine spent my time around my ankles lol, you all have a nice day hopefully pop in later x

delina profile image
delina21 Months Winner

That should be more*

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Good afternoon everyone

It's busy on here today and everyone is talking about exercise which is good :) I am going to go out for my walk soon I probably should do a longer one today as I have friends coming round for tea tonight, doing a chicken roast. I am going to have loads of veg and chicken and keep sticking to my diet.

I need to find a nice route to walk on as I just walk aimlessly round the streets, well just round the block at the moment and I get bored of it. It might be nice to walk along the canal but it's raining today so I imagine it will be muddy.

We should have a hula hooping competition who can do the most without the hoop falling to the floor :)

It's great news that you have set a quit date Pete, you are determined to do it and I have every faith that you will. As EmJay said, it can take a few attempts before it clicks as we all know.

Sue, does your meerkat have a name? I watched a programme the other day about tame meerkats and they are so cute. I would love a pet but with being out at work all week I wouldn't be fair unless I got a gold fish. I would love a cockatiel or a small dog like a shih Tzu, my friend has one and he is gorgeous just like a little teddy bear :)

I tried Champix Pete and it was fantastic, I felt like I had never smoked, no cravings at all just didn't think about smoking. The only problem I had was about 2 weeks before I was due to stop them I started getting cravings and the nurse who was my no smoking advisor was ... well lets just say she shouldn't have been acting as a no smoking advisor. I have been told since that it was psychological because I knew I was coming off them I panicked. I am pretty sure if I had some good support I wouldn't have started smoking again and I wish I knew about this site at the time. I would highly recommend Champix Pete.

Have a good afternoon everyone xx :)

sue52 profile image

Hi delina, that made me laugh cause my hula hoop spent more time round my ankles as well, i gave up in the end :D :D :D

I hope you find a nice place to walk Kazz, the canal walk sounds nice, once the weather is less wet, we have a burn minutes away from the house, if i go there at dusk or dawn i see lots of wildlife,it's lovely :)

I don't know the name of the meerkat yet, will know when i get the picture through :) I can't have a pet either so adopting one from South Africa was the nest best thing :)

Have a brill afternoon all :) xx

sue52 profile image

I don't think I've got the hang of this yet :D :D


andi22 profile image

All this hula hoop talk - I wonder why there's no images of men doing it? ;-) :)



sue52 profile image

Here's one of Santa Clause :D


EmJay profile image

Afternoon Everybody :D

Delina, it all depends on which brand and type of e-cigarette you are using. The best thing to do is check with the manufacturers instructions. Most NRT is based around a 12-16week programme but I'm not too familiar with how the many different e-cigs work. I'm sure some of our members will also be able to let you know about theirs though :-)

Mad, we could all stand there whilst you throw the hoops over us maybe... :-/

Sue, I love the meerkat adoption gift. A brilliant idea. Shall look forward to updates :-)


(hope that worked!)

Pete, Champix is a non-nicotine based prescription only therapy. You may be able to speak to your Saturday morning Advisor about it and she could quite possibly recommend to your GP that you are given it. Or you could make an appointment to go and see your GP yourself and get it prescribed. I think it's worth you giving it ago, I really do :-) We would support you with the pschological side then and you could also get hints and tips from Kazz following her experiences of using it.

sue52 profile image

Hi mad, I just walk to the shops, with difficulty, but I do it cause as you say we have too, to stop seizing up, I was told no impact exercise, so no gym e.g.

I just listen to my own body now, between this and my hypothyroidism i'm fed up of doctors, i think they just say anything, cause they don't really have answers.

I'm with you on the cheese and onion hoops, there my favourite :), we should have our own competition, how many bags can we eat in one day :D :D :D

sue52 profile image

Hi Emjay, I love the picture :) it takes about 28 days for all the stuff to get here, I'll put a picture of the meerkat on here when it arrives :)

hope you've had a great day :) xx

sue52 profile image

I'll need to buy some as well, I did have them a couple of days ago, they didn't last long :D :D :D

as for the gym, i tried that but because i have Raynauds as well i couldn't hold on to stuff, it's in my toes as well, so that can bring it's own problems, I'm just falling to bits :D :D I feel like 90 some days instead of 54 :D :D :D

andi22 profile image

Hey John, it's a very up and down rocky road this quit smoking thing isn't it? I hope the patches help you with those pesky cravings. We'll have to sort you out one of those spears to help you - just don't throw them when Amor and Vida are flying around. :o :D I hope the cake makes it to your mother-in-law's tomorrow. :) Oh, and if you run out of windows to clean you can always pp round and do mine! :D :D

sue52 profile image

I hope the patches help you John, here's some spears in case you need them :)


I'm off to bed now, i can hardly keep my eyes open :D :)

nite nite everyone, sweet dreams, luv yas :) xx

andi22 profile image

Wow Sue, those are some spears!!! :o :)

Hope you have a good night's sleep, nite nite and sweet dreams too. :) xxx

delina profile image
delina21 Months Winner

Good luck with the patches John :) Thanks Emjay its early days for me hope it is 12-16 weeks as I think I will struggle without them :)

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