Daily Chat : Monday 24th December 2012 - Quit Support

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Daily Chat : Monday 24th December 2012

sue52 profile image
21 Replies

Good Morning Everyone, the weather here is more settled, no rain, thankfully, I hope none of you have been caught up in the floods :(, my thoughts are with you if you have

Christmas is nearly here :), are you all organised now?, no doubt I'll be in the kitchen all day getting the Christmas dinner ready, it means less work tomorrow :) I hope Santa is good to you all :)

I hope you have a wonderful relaxing day with your family Jillygirl :) and feel even better and stronger :)

Just be careful of those pesky cravings everyone, especially if your partying, that's when they can rear their ugly head, be strong and don't let them win, we can all do this together, and you can always come on here and moan if you need to, it does help :)

I'm away to have a cuppa now, see you later :) xx

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sue52 profile image
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21 Replies
sue52 profile image

Looks like the gremlins are still about, it took me ages to get this to post, and my picture has not gone on :(

EmJay profile image

Good Morning, Good Morning Everybody,

Sorry I've been off the radar the last couple of days. I've been laid up with this pulled muscle. After a visit to the Drs, a couple of pills and 3 days of sleeping I feel in tip top condition (almost) and looks like I have lots to catch up on here too!

Sue, in about to pop the kettle on if you fancy another cuppa?

Speak to you all properly in a bit :0)

sue52 profile image

Good Morning Emjay, I'm sorry to hear you've been having bother with you pulled muscle :(, I hope the pain has gone now :) at the right time as well, so you can have a wonderful day tomorrow with all your family :)

I would love a cuppa, I can't go long without one of them :D :D, I've brought the Christmas biccies :)


jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hello Sue and Emjay, bit quiet on here today. thought everyone had nodded off like me.

Got plenty of painkillers if you need some Emjay. Think I will be rattling. :D

Sue those biccies look yummy. I am now getting my apetite back


sue52 profile image

Hi Jillygirl, that Baileys look good, just what i'll need after a busy day :) :D I'm glad your getting your appetite back, that's brill :) you'll be jigging before you know it :)

I hope Santa's good you :) xxxx

Chickles profile image

Hi all!

Hey Jilly, great to see you! Am so glad that you're on the mend! Rest is proper good for you, that's when the body repairs itself when you're asleep! It's good to hear that your appetite is back too!

Hope you're feeling better Sue and am glad that your shoulder is on the mend Emjay!

Am having a good rest today, watching telly and doing nowt! Tea tonight is our usual Christmas Eve tea...Sirloin steak, with mushrooms etc, with a bit of a sauce and new potatoes fried in galric butter (sod the cholesterol, ha!), with salad. No alcohol for me tonight, am not in a drinking mood, but am happy ;) Tomorrow we're out for lunch, yay! Am taking a bottle of champagne and some wine. Am going visiting relatives in the morning. We usually go to my brother and sis in law's for Christmas day, but having a change this year, going to one of my closest friends, and she is a superb cook! I have brother and sis in law etc here on Boxing Day.

Hope that everyone is having a super day! Am just going to watch another DVD. Hopefully pop back later.


sue52 profile image

Hi Chickles it's great to hear from you, i'm feeling better thank you :)

Sounds like your gonna have a great day tomorrow :) and no cooking, now that's my kinda Christmas :D :D i'm just watching films today as well, all Christmas ones :)

I wish you and your family a merry xmas :) xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to sue52

Hi ya Sue, thank you ever so much for opening the Daily chat, and as you said that your pic went missing, so did mine yesterday, so I had to edit it, and search again for the pic, huh the things we have to go through eh :D :D

sue52 profile image

Hiya Pete, wish i could have got my pic up, but hey ho never mind cause it's Christmas tomorrow yeeeeessss :) :D :D

How was your day? hope it went okay :) xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to sue52

Yes Sue your spot on gal, cos am a kid still, I just love Christmas, always have done and allways will doooooooooo :D :D

as for my day, those piggies have been getting at today :( :( but i'm on step 2 of the patches, so am using the mouth spray more, but so far so good, as they say :)

sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply to monky

Hi Pete, don't let those cravings get you, you've done amazing :) especially living with smokers, your one strong person Pete, so use that to kick them out the door, we're all sooooo proud of you, and here for you every step of the way :) xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hi Jillygirl :) :) :) :) its lovely to see you again :) :) :) :)

Hmmmmmmm i see your tipple is a Baileys then :P :) :) slurp slurp :P no I just cant get on with that gal sorryyyyy, but I know you gals like it :) :)

Erm I hear you have got some pain killers, just may need some tomorrow morning :D :D

Jillygirl, I would LOVE you to open the first ever Christmas Daily chat tomorrow :) :) I would just love it gal :) :) I think I'm talking for all of us on here, so if you think you can do it, then flippin do it gal :D :D cos that would be just ACE gal, cos it would make my Christmas :) :) but hey if your not up to it I will understand :) :)

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Hi everyone

As most people, I have had a busy day today and still have things to do before tomorrow. I just wanted to pop on here and wish you all a very happy Christmas. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas day and get the presents you want and if you don't then you know you were on the naughty list and must do better next year :D Enjoy the food and drink but as Pete said, don't let those craving sneak up on you, be strong. Why blow all the hard work you have done on just a couple of days celebrating.

I'm glad your shoulder is on the mend Emjay, it's taken it's time but maybe now you can get to the c25k with Andi in the new year :)

Hi Jillygirl, I hope you are relaxing and getting better day by day xx.

Boozie Suzie, Peetie Weetie and Tickles Chickles, have a great time tomorrow and please try to be good for a change :) :P

Speak to you all Boxing Day, luv yas xxxxx


monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Kazzachoc

Aup Kaz, :) :)

You flippin enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyyy tomorrow gal, and as Sue said i will try to behave :P :D :D

A BIG MERRY CHRISTMAS to you toooooooooooooooooooooo :) and you take care gal, do you hear me flippin Woman you :) :)


sue52 profile image

Hi Kazz, i'll try and behave :o :D :D, hope i'm not on the naughty list again :D :D

Merry Christmas Kazz i hope you have a wonderful day :) :)

See ya boxing day, luv ya

Ho Ho Ho :) xxx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to sue52

Sue I will say a big big Happy & Merry Christmas to you gal, cos am cream cracked, and got to go for a wonder up that wooden hill :) :)

Luv ya gal xxxxxx :) :) and hey, you flippin enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Sue :) :) :) :)

Hopefully speak to you tomorrow :) :)

sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply to monky

Merry Xmas to you and your family Pete, have a fab time :)

I'll see you tomorrow, sweet dreams, luv ya :) xx

Chickles profile image

Yoo Hoo Kazz...

I am always good, a proper angel I am...deffo not on the norty list. Am staying up til midnight and then we're pressie opening, oh yes we are, cos we can :) Can have a little lie in tomoz then, method in mi madness! Back to the telly....Sends Pete a mince pie and a glass of milk...

Have a wonderful Christmas Day everyone!

Festive felicitations to all!


monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Chickles

Chickles , loves ya tooooo gal, flippin flippin Woman you :P :P :D :D MILK ?????? huh at Christmas tooooooooo :o :|

Chickles, you enjoy gal, luvs ya ta bits gal :) :) and a very merry Christmas to you tooooooooooooooooooooooooo :D :D :D

Chickles profile image

Yup. milk....can't have Santy Pete getting tipsy :)

I'll send you a rather large whiskey for when you've finished delivering pressies!

Big hugs to all! You are all wonderful peeplies and you have deffo helped me get this far without smoking! twas 16 weeks on Saturday just gone and although I have had some little 'urges' to smoke this week, I haven't given in! I think of everybody else on here doing so well and I am not going to let myself down...

You're all stars!

Slushy moment over...back to the telly again.....


sue52 profile image

A BIG MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone :) hope you all have a fandabbidozi day tomorrow cause you all deserve it :) You are all the most amazing group of people i have ever met, :) You've all given me strength to do this and a lot of laughs along the way :)

Well done reaching 16 weeks Chickles, way to go :) :)

I'm off to bed now, see ya all later, luv yas :) xxxx

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