Good morning everybody.
I see you're all champing at the bit to get chatting today so........ start chatting!
Good morning everybody.
I see you're all champing at the bit to get chatting today so........ start chatting!
Well the bad weather's moved up north now and the sun's shining brightly this morning.
Well done to Lizzie who's starting week 9 today - why don't you come and share it with us all?
Morning Andi, its a lovely bright sunny day here, wont last though, so they say. I take no notice of weather forcast,s its hit and miss with them I think. Have a nice day whatever the sky throws at you.
Good morning andi, Hope your ok love. Your right got the rain here , although it did say it would clear by dinner time. Going to do some last minute ironing before tomorrow. Trying to think in advance with just one brain cell aint easy.
Catch up in a while. xx
Morning Jilly, all the very best wishes for your days ahead.
When everything seems like an uphill struggle,
Just think of the view from the top!!
S-- the ironing, go out and enjoy the day.
Buenas dias John, hope your well. Its lovely and sunny also here in liverpool so we enjoy it while it last.
Take care,
Hi everyone, sorry i had a lay in this morning, well it's Sunday
Just finished cooking dins, made my lumpy gravy, and paprika roast tates, thought i would try them this week, emmmm yummy or what
Lin who lives next door went to work this morning at 5 am, and told me that there was a foot of water at the bottom of our lane, i suspect it was about 2 inches of water cus i know how you Ladies egxa------ erm add things on
Going to have a read at the blogs now, speak soon
As for us ladies exaggerating your right there Andi Sue and I thought you were intelligent.
see ya! Swooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh.
Huh tipical flippin Woman cant take her drink
Jillygirl, you enjoy your drive out after all that ironing you've done, cus you deserve it
Andi, what you up to today then ? gardening
Mad, you doing enything, or just chilaxing today
John, you enjoy your walk, and i hope you get back home before the rain starts again
Lizzie, week 9 today then, fabulous gal, just ace, you keep the good work up, and like Andi says, come on and have a chat with us, we are all in the same boat as you are gal, but your personal views may help somebody else out there
Back in a bit
Hi everyone, just got back from visiting my daughter she feels much better today, thank goodness
last night was a big surprise for me, i didn't know my aunt and uncle had come over, we had a great time and caught up on everything
hope your all having great day, i'm away to get a cuppa be back in a bit xx
Hi y'all too. Just got back. Not a lot going on today so took myself off for a little walk to see the sea. The sun didn't last long this morning and it was raining again by 11 o'clock and we've had showers ever since so I got a bit damp on my walk. There was one mad windsurfer out and loads of mad surfers by the pier. I had to be careful I didn't take off with my brolly.
How lovely for you to have your visitors last night Sue.
Jilly hope you enjoyed your ride out. I found some information on how to increase your number of brain cells. It was from Readers Digest and the main ingredient was ..................... exercise! I suppose that means that I must claim to have at least two now.
(Don't think Pete's done enough yet to earn another one - once he's mastered his bike maybe.
Pete, you deserve a lie in with all the hours that you work. You're not even allowed one on a Saturday as you're roped in for trolley duty.
Hope John enjoyed his walk and Mad didn't do too much of a whirlwind impression today.
As for Kazz - I guess she's still in her pit after all that booze last night!
Just been for my daily walk, only 30 mins but thats enough cos my poor sore legs in one of its moods. Its nice and quiet if I go out when its dark and I dont have to worry about people rushing around like headless chicken and getting under my feet lol
Tea time now and I,m starving
Hey Everybody, hope you've all had a nice day so far
I've been up and out early and then to a christening. It was sunny earlier today, but cold. It is now tiddling down again.
Andi, I have completed my W1 D1 today, loved it It's a little bit more but just as I start feeling it, the little voice tells me to start walking
Hopefully I've gained a few extra brain cells from it anyhow
Jillygirl, hope you enjoyed a nice ride out and are all set and ready for tomorrow. You should get your hubby to take his slippers in with him and he can pretend he's an inpatient at the hospital too
Pete, I've been all by my oneself this afternoon, hubby is at a beer festival so that means I've had no dinner (I never cook when I'm by myself!) so the thought of your lumpy gravy and paprika potatoes are making me salivate!
Mad, I love your out look on life, it's fab. Keep marching ahead
Sue, glad to hear your daughter is feeling better. Each day will bring different things to her I expect. All exciting though
John, hope you enjoyed your walk and made it home dry. It is absolutely teaming it down here now from when I first stared writing this post!
Lots to catch up on here from today and part of last night too, I'd better go and get myself a cuppa and settle down for a good read
Keep smiling everybody, you are all doing brilliantly and for those of you who have stayed smokefree, thats almost another week under your belt! Yaye!
Hi Emjay, thanks for the hint do you think we will pass as in-patients now. ?
Dont know about going home like that though.
Brilliant, He is already wondering what he can make himself for meals. I wouldnt mind when I was working he used to do most of the cooking. Ah well thats men for you. Ironing is out of the question.
Well if you did it all this morning there won't be a problem for him then will there? Hang on a mo though, does he know how to work the washer first?
Us men know exactly how to use a washer, thankyou very much, just got to remember to put the washing in first
err! I think he knows how to use it. Might have all blue or all pink whites though.
Ha ha ha ha you flippin lot tickle me pink, of course hubby will be able to look after himself, us blokes arnt all like me you know some of us have brains, well i think thats what you call em
Off to get my bath now, will call back later.
Oy you flippin lot, do you really think i'm brainless,
Well if i am, then i am
up your's
Ah Pete, of course we don't. This is what we really think of you.
That is a beauty pic gal, thank you so so much,
You have no idea what that pic has done for me Andi, i was on a downer, i was, but you just pulled me out of it, thankyou again, dont half love you flippin Woman you
Hey, hope everyone is well!
Lunch was tickled pink that you tried my paprika taties Pete
Good luck tomorrow Jilly...all is crossed!
Aup Chickles; erm i must be honest, I did some norm roasties as well just in case, but , i didnt need them, cus followed your instructions, and hey presto, flippin beautys gal, just emmm
yummy or what, they will now be part of our dins in future
thank you so much Chickles for giving me the recipe
I will help you in any way i can gal
Hi everyone, i fell asleep after my tea, didn't get much sleep last night, there was a right barny next door the police were up twice, just hope i can sleep tonight now
hope you've all had a great day got everything crossed for you tomorrow Jillygirl, will be thinking of you
Hi Sue, was wondering where you were, thought perhaps you were knee high in water gal
Hi Sue, no wonder you end up with funny sleeping patterns.
I'm finding my eyes drooping now so am going to sign off for tonight.
Pete, let us know what shift you're on next week please?
Jilly, don't forget to take your noras in with you - although they'll probably supply them anyway.
Nite nite all and sleep well. xxxxx
Nite nite Andi, and a luv ya gal xxxx
you dont have to say please to me Andi, cus i know you are all Ladies on here
i'm working 6 am toooo 6 pm again so will get on here about 7.30 -- 8. tish tomrrow all beeing well
Sweet dreams Andi, luv ya loads gal, well you know i dooooo xxxxx nite nite
Nite nite Andi, sweet dreams xx
Well everyone I am worn out now, so off to bed early see if I can manage a bit of sleep.
Wont be on site now for a few days but will try and let you all know what I am doing .
So all of you thanks for your lovely thoughts and wishes. Your all just magic.
Take care, keep focused, and support each other. Will see you all soon. xx
Nite nite sweet dreams. luvs ya. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Nite nite Jillygirl, my spears are on there way to help if needed
you take care, we'll be talking again with you soon
sweet dreams luv ya Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Nite nite Jillygirl, am keeping everythink crossed for you gal, you know there is no reason why you cant come on tomorrow gal,
you dont go in the hospital untill Tuesday afternoon, so hey young Lady, you make us all laugh Jillygirl, you really do, and i'm expecting you to be here tomorrow night, otherwise i aint half going to give you some hassle, you flippin kind, loving and considerate Lady you, you flippin listening to me Lady
I'm away to have my shower Pete
nite nite, see you tomorrow, sweet dreams,
love ya xxxxxxxxxx
Nite nite Sue, you enjoy your shower Sue, cus i love a shower too
I have a shower when i get in from work, maybe, just maybe, if you have a shower earlier, then you might be able to sleep better
sweet dreams gal, and luvs ya loads, speak tomorrow