Burnt clothes: It just struck me this afternoon... - Quit Support

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Burnt clothes

4 Replies

It just struck me this afternoon when I was putting clothes away and getting out winter woolies how many of my clothes have ciggy burns in them, only small ones from ash that must have dropped, but still holes, some have small singe marks also. Must have been really stupid, a good excuse though to buy some new bits with my Ciggy money.

4 Replies
Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

I hadn't given that a second thought mad, but it is so true. There has been many an occasion when the wind has blown the top I am wearing onto the cig and sometimes burnt it.

Also I had just bought a new car, this was last year and I smoked in it when I was on my own. I threw the fag end out of the window and didn't realise it had blown straight back in and onto the back seat. Luckily they are not flammable but it did leave a big hole on the back seat. I was not happy, I'd only had the car about a week. Another good reason for quitting, thanks for that mad :)

Anyone else have any tales of cigarette damage and destruction? xx

in reply to Kazzachoc

Hadn,t thought about the damage a cig can do in a car, a few years ago a friend of mine had a brand new baby jag, it was her pride and joy, she doesnt know exactly what happened but the jag was a total wreck after it went on fire outside her house, she had been smoking in it ( she chain smoked ) and it was early hours of the morning and nobody was around to see the car in flames before it was to late.She thinks she missed the ash tray and thats what started the fire. At least it wasnt the house that went up during the night, I think smoking should be banned in car and I thought like that before I gave them up.

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Yeah it can be dangerous. Your friend must have been gutted, I was bad enough with just a hole in my back seat. Does she still smoke in the car? I know I did but I was more careful but it's happened before where I've knocked the end of the fag on the window and it's fallen into the door compartment holder thingy, if you know what I mean :)

I think smoking should be banned full stop and I thought that before I gave up as well. At least there wouldn't be the temptation to just go to the shop and buy some we would just have to deal with it and I truly believe it wouldn't be so hard to give up if they weren't available. That will never happen though because of human rights and the tax the Government get. Did you see the list of chemicals in fags that Jillygirl put on the blog a few weeks ago? I can't believe that something so poisonous can be sold legally.

Sorry got on my soap box there :D

in reply to Kazzachoc

Good morning Kazza I agree that smoking should be banned but it wont happen because of the money being paid in Tax etc: If it were to be banned people would get them from other Countries anyway and that could be even worse, God kows what they would contain, I least we know what chemicals are in ours ( or do we ).I surpose there,s no easy answer. I only know I dont want to smoke again and thats my aim, its 7 mnths for me tommorow and I can honestly say it was not that hard for me, I should have done it years ago but I didnt want to, I did want to do it this time and I think thats why I found it quite easy. Yes my friend does still chain smoke but not in the car, her Husband gave her such a hard time she wouldnt dare, ha ha.

Take care


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