DAILY CHAT. SUNDAY. 08/07/2012 - Quit Support

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DAILY CHAT. SUNDAY. 08/07/2012

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee
46 Replies

Morning everyone. Taken me a few times to get on here. Maybe its a hit and miss day again. Weather wise up here in Yorkshire its overcast and grey clouds. More than likely rain soon.

Probably stay in and watch tennis.

Got Sunday lunch on the go as you can see from the pic. tee heee! :)

Hands up those NON SMOKERS who are joining me. :D

But theres no nipping out for a quick fag.

Hope you are all fine and are staying focused.

See you all soon.

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jillygirl profile image
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46 Replies
andi22 profile image

Good morning Jilly and everyone else.

Mmmm, yorkshire pudding - my all time favourite! My record is 8 in one sitting (as well as the rest of the dinner!! :o ) I had a wonderful one in Whitby once. Mind you, it's a bit early to be looking at a piccie of roast dinner before breakkie. :D

Cloudy when I got up (still hammering down at 4a.m.) but stopped raining so went out at 7 to try a trot around the Head. Doing really well, got to the top and the sun came out 8-) - amazing! :) Unfortunately, about 2/3 round my calf seized up on me and I had to walk the rest. :P Hope it's not another couple of weeks off - I really want to do this now. :(

Oh no, starting to rain again. See you later. :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to andi22

Hi Andi, well done in getting out. but what a shame about your calf again. See what your trainer says. I am nearly as bad with my oedema, yesterday didnt swell or hurt all day then wham! nearly in tears with pain about 8.00pm. We just can`t win love can we. May be we are having these problems to take our mind of those piggies. Although it`s pretty hard test sometimes. Anyway gonna stop moaning. Off out around the tarn whilst its sunny ish. 8-)

see you soon. xx :)

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to jillygirl

Just been round my friends for a change of scene. Her husband (the bombastic one) says it's probably something to do with my age! Silly b****r - I nearly kicked him but didn't want to fall over. :D :D

Been told to ice it etc so off to catch up on the Tour. :)

PS Sun's still out off and on. 8-)

sure2 profile image
sure229 Months Winner

One week smoke free !!! yeh My treat will be going to see Ice age 3D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to sure2

Well done Sure2 1 week, thats really great. I bet you feel really proud of yourself.

You do right treating yourself, makes you feel good.

Seeing you`ve done so well why not join us all for the cyber Sunday lunch, hope roast beef ok. Ha ha. :D

Going to see where Pete is today. so catch up later love. and keep up the good work. :)

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to sure2

Dadaaaahhh!!! (fanfare :o )

Congratulations on getting through your first week. Onwards and upwards! :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Sure2 thats just super, and yes :) like Jillygirl says, you treat yourself, and feel proud about it tooooooo, you can now hold your head up high, cus you've '' BEAT'' those white sticks, and told them who's boss !! :) :) you stay with it, cus you know that all of us are behind you, and here to help :)

Rite think i'm late for dins, best go and check in with Jillygirl :o

Pete :)

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to monky

Afternoon Pete, you bin hiding in your shed/garage/greenhouse again? Glad you surfaced in time for your dinner! ;-)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to andi22

Typical a way to a mans heart !

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to jillygirl

Your so right, yum yum :P :P

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hey guys, gotta go neighbour just called in. save me a bit of cake . back in about 1hr. ( can never get shut) you didnt hear me say that. :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to jillygirl

Jillygirl, well im surprised at you for sayin that gal, is that what you say behind my back ????? :D :D

Not bothered am not, so there :P

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Ok neighbour gone.

Pete why would i talk behind your back, You know i would tell andie first then you would find out. lol. :D :D

Anyway didnt want neighbour to stay , she might have wanted to join our elite club for dinner. :)

She can be nosey as she asked me what my inhalator was.( which was on the table)

I explained it was to replace having cigarettes.

She looked disgusted at me, and said " I didnt know you smoked"

I replied , I dont. So off went my dumbstruck neighbour. :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to jillygirl

Ace gal just Ace, you are one hell of a gorgeous Lady, and as for you talking behind my back, i just know, if you did, Andi would let it slip, cus i know that she couldnt keep anything to herself, :D :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to monky

there should be more guys like you around pete , they dont all make me laugh or make lumpy gravy.. luv ya. :)

sure2 profile image
sure229 Months Winner in reply to jillygirl

love this made me laugh

thanks for the fanfare andi22

sure2 profile image
sure229 Months Winner

I mean - She can be nosey as she asked me what my inhalator was.( which was on the table)

I explained it was to replace having cigarettes.

She looked disgusted at me, and said " I didnt know you smoked"

I replied , I dont. So off went my dumbstruck neighbour. This made me laugh

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to sure2

Glad we are keeping you going sure2. We are all crazy here but love it. :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Do you realise Emjay has kept a low profile this weekend. Bet she is hiding around the corner ready to pounce on us all. HONEST ! we have all been good. :D :D :D :D

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to jillygirl

I was wondering about that yesterday - she usually pops up at some time or another (just to make sure we're keeping on the straight and narrow! :o )

Maybe if her husband has any sense he's whisked her back to the sunshine in Turkey! :D :D

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to andi22

Either that or she's sneaked up and quietly perching on Pete's left shoulder. ;-)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

Andi , i've looked and loooooooked ers not there gal, also keep lookin behind me !! but ers not there either,

Hope she's ok, like you say she usually looks in on us, just to keep us in check!! :D

andi22 profile image

Anyone watching the tennis? (I'm not :P ) I bet it'll go on til bedtime! :D :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to andi22

Nah fed up of tennis. more fun on here than tv. :D

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to jillygirl

Think it's nearly over. :)

andi22 profile image

Hey Pete, what shift are you on this week - is it earlies? :(

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

Andi, i'm back on 12 hour shifts, next week gal :( :( so i dont think i will be on here next week, cus by the time i get home, at about 7.30 pm, i will have to cook dins, and make packup, for the next day, plus what ever else, but i will try, i promise you, just dont think i will have time thats all, but i tell you gal, i will see you at the weekend, and wont half give you some asselle, cus I WILL BE READY, that is if i am still living here, cus got my doughts now, as in i try to do my best, but that aint good enugh for some people

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to monky

Oh Pete, 12 hour shifts sounds totally pants! Is it legal? :(

Don't know what to say about the rest of your post - it sounds like you're in a really bad place at the mo. :P

Shame we can't all come round to yours and give you a group hug. :|

We'll have to give you a cyber one instead.

Please try to stay strong cos those piggies won't make the blindest bit of difference - just make you feel even more like sh**. (Hugs, Andi )

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee















monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to jillygirl

Jillygirl, how the flippin ech do you come up with these rhyms :) :)

You are a Woman in a Million

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to monky

Thanks Pete. luv ya. :) Like Andi asked what shift you tomoz.

Hope Caz joins us. sure emjay will help.

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to jillygirl

Pete sorry just seen post from you to andi. ta. computer keeps playing up tonight..

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to monky

I have now met a Woman in a million yes i mean you Jillygirl,

I used to be shipped off to my grandmas & grandads on a friday night, for the weekend, cus i was a bit of a handfull, my grand dad was very strickt, but he used to erm prophisise to me, as in that i would always, learn the hard way, and i would, never learne but he also said, that i would not be luky in love, which has also come true!! :(

Out of all them!! they have come true!! :) :) but there is one left, to which i will never know the outcome

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to monky

oh boy you got me thinking then pete. dont get me all emotional or my hubby will be giving me funny looks. Mind you he does anyway. He thinks i`m crackers . and he`s right. .

Gonna make a cuppa now. and put mi nora battys up. not swollen yet touch wood (my head). :D

Will probably call back about 1 hour. If your off to bed before that , take it steady next week at work. we will all be thinking about you.

night god bless. xxx :)

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to jillygirl


jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to andi22

I did hear him andi but this b.........y computer wouldnt let me in. think theres a conspiracy with your computer and mine. May be Emjay is hacking into them, thats why she isnt here. Not big brother its big sisters watching us. :D

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to jillygirl

That comment was attached to the poem but everything's getting a bit confused on here now! :o

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to andi22

I`m confused now too. never mind. I just sent a post to Caz wishing her good night from us all. hope she joins us tomoz.

call back in about 1 hour. :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to jillygirl

Hey, Jillygirl, your rite, gal cus this keeps hicuping, as it did at the start, !!!!!! are you listening, Emjay, the wiz kids have put this site back to the start.

as in the, erm erm I'm not saying, cus i know that your

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to monky

I have to go to bed now, but i tell you, that i knowthat you are a lovely Girl, :) :)

Bye, for now xxxx


andi22 profile image

I think we need to start a comment again instead of keeping on replying on Jilly's poem. :o

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hi andi , I think if anyone can make sense of these last few comments they deserve a medal. Who needs a drink , feel tipsy just reading all these posts. :P

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Okay guys and girls, I am going to call it a day. Been a good Funday Sunday, thanks everyone for making me happy. love you all. Pete take it easy next week. Andi you take it steady with that calf of yours. Sure2 will see you tomorrow.

Night and god bless. :) xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to jillygirl

hey Jillygurl, luv ya, and i mean that gal, good nite now and will try to speak tmoz, dont you ever foget that i luv ya, sweetdreams, everybody, and enjoy :) :) slepping

andi22 profile image

Goodnight all of you and sleep well. :)

EmJay profile image

Boo! Aaaaah I know it's a bit late in the day and I'm so sorry I've not made it on here any earlier.... My step daughter spilt a freshly made cup of tea all over her this morning so i spent the best part of the day at the hospital and then round at her house. She's okay now thankfully, jst a little bit blistered. :-/

Oooooh I'm loving the dinner, shall tuck in what's been saved whilst I have a catch up on here :-)

Andi, you take care of yourself with that calf of yours missus, you may need more time for it to heal. Maybe a few gentle walks instead? :-)

Jillygirl, I love your poem, definitely can't match that! I had a few problems with getting on here yesterday so I'll check up with HealthUnloced again tomorrow and see if they know what's goin on :-/

Congratulations on stepping into your 2nd week sure2, you are doing really well and as long as you take each day as it comes and stay positive, then you'll be fine :-)

Pete, I hope everything is okay for you. I know that your job is very trying, the long hours and funny shift patterns... But you have come so far and risen above each challenge that stopping smoking brings. You've more than entertained us all here, you've inspired everyone to stay strong when they felt like giving in. Please keep that smile going and remember that we're all here for you xx

Lenne, big positive vibes being sent out to you :-)

Lisa-Jane, another day under your belt or you again, I hope all is good. Don't forget to share those photies of your pooches, big and small :-)

A big fat huge welcome to all our newbies :-)

Looking forward to a fresh new week :-)

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