True to form its raining again, but very humid. Hardly slept for being too warm. No I didnt sleep in, Computer wouldnt let me in to the site until now.
Got no plans today, just nip down to the shops. Anyone else doing anything good.
will catch up with you later. hope the piccy of the anti smoking device gives you a laugh.
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Love the picture - it reminds me very much of Pete - you can visualise him sat in his greenhouse or shed checking his left shoulder.
Well it's Friday today so Pete I'll give you the weekend off from now.
I don't know what it is but as I walk around it seems that more and more people seem to be smoking - I'm sure much more than when I was one of them!
Weather-wise I think we're going to be very fortunate down here and although not full-blown sunshine I think we're supposed to stay dry. Bad news if you live above the M4 and especially if you're in the northwest (eh, Emjay? )
Am considering going out on my bike today before the deluge starts again but should do something at home first - we'll see!
Just catching up with your visit to the doc's yesterday. I had tennis elbow a few years ago and had to train myself to use my other hand for certain jobs that seemed to affect it. It took a few months for it to go away though and it was just a bit of a nuisance at the time.
Glad you've got the water tablets now - hope they help and allow you to leave the dreadful nora batty's off more!
Thanks andi. Yeah I hope the tablets work. got enough water outside at the moment. As for my elbow its not the arm I use , so hopefully it will settle down.
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply toandi22
Morning Andi,
Huh i see you and Jillygirl are starting on me allready anyway he's more handsomererererer than me, whats that white thing stickin out of his mush ????
Yerrrrrr and get that cleaning up dun first before you go out to play
Morning Jillygirl i hope you have a great day and don't get any rain, we've not been to bad here, the odd shower only. I've not been on cause i've not been very well, doc is doing a full blood work and checking my bowel and heart, i don't like the way she's thinking to be honest, but i'm going to stay positive, if i can lol, been in bed most of the time, plus problems with my dads insurance company, thankfully that's all sorted now, i was so stressed out i very nearly had a cig, but somehow i managed to steer clear of them, i did a celebration dance then lol, sorry i've rambled on a bit, i could talk for Britain lol, hope you all have a great and pig free day
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply tosue52
Aup Suepagal, its just great to see you again it sounds as though you've had a rough time of it gal, but the main thing is that you didnt give into them piggies, am so proud of you Sue
I'm sure the Doc will get you sorted out, you stay strong Suepagal xx
Morning Sue, What can I say , your one hell of a girl. To still be smoke-free with what your going through is brilliant. Dont worry too much about the heart and bowel checks. It sometimes is something and nothing. Last year I had a lump on my stomach , which was painful like when you get a stitch in your side. Doc sent me for colonoscopy which proved to be clear. Very relieved about that as bowel cancer runs in my family. Then I had blood tests . all clear . they then sent me for a c t scan. All clear. Consultant said I had torn a muscle and it was the scar tissue that was causing the pain. Then I quit smoking. because I didnt cough all the time the pain went away. I was aggrevating it with the smokers cough. I do get a twinge on odd times but nothing to worry about. At least I have had a check over which is good. So please stay positive I`m sure you will be fine.
Hi Jillygirl thanks for that it's so good to talk about these things it makes me feel much better and helps me stay positive, which helps me stay off the piggies, talk soon xx
Morning Jillygirl, ha ha where did you get that from ??
Plans, hmmmmmm yes i'm building a boat so that i can come and rescue you, cus you aint half gona get some rain, it says moreso in the east of Yorkshire !!
brilliant Pete I told you , you always make me laugh. By the way i am in West yorkshire not east. About half mile from Leeds Bradford airport. But your right
Its thundered and poured down all night and still doing it.
Hope your night shift went reasonably well. It soon comes round to Friday.
Morning Pete it's great to be back and get a laugh, haven't done that in a while, hope you don't get any rain, we've been lucky here in Dundee, just the odd shower, yesterday it was really warm see ya soon xx
Sue, lovely to have you back You've done really, really well with everything that has been going on for you and still managed to stay smokefree In terms of any health checks, see it as a positive in that at least you are getting a good check over and will feel more relaxed once you know the outcome Welcome back!
Jillygirl, I love the photie... I reckon there are many folks who will certainly be able to relate to it. It's like a lovely little surprise logging on to here each day and seeing what photie we have to brighten our day and motivate everybody. You seem to be in a really positive place and it's really nice to see
Pete, I'm curious to see what is developing behind the scenes in terms if this Master plan of yours. Just wondering whether the ladies are in for a nice surprise or Andi is right in thinking about calling everyone together... Hmmmm... I shall be watching and ready to support the underdog... whoever that may be
Andi, it is absolutely belting it down here now. I dropped my niece and nephew off to school this morning and got absolutely drenched! How do you feel when you see smokers now? Do you feel sorry for them, envious of them or would you like to help them. It's funny how we notice things depending on what is going on with our lives at the time
I have asked the HealthUnlocked people (The folks who host this site) if there is any way of us knowing who is on-line at any time as I worry in case somebody hasn't got anybody to chat to if they need it... they said that they are looking into it for the future. I think it would be nice to know who is on-line
Anywhose....I am around for most of the day so if you need anything... just ask
I tried to put pic on to comment box like you said yesterday . but when i select copy image url My list doesnt say the image url bit . it only says copy. and that wont let me paste into box. never mind.
Hope your day goes well. good idea about knowing who is on line.
Hi All i've just joined you. I am 5 days without cigs ruling my life yeh!!
still get twitches of craving though and yes it is raining here too. I am sat at my computer with a card with picture and the Smoking causes lung cancer at the side of me, go the others scattered around the house one at the side of the kettle. I find it helps to remind me why it is good to be a NONE SMOKER.
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply tosure2
Aup sure2, its nice to see you here, i'm Pete and you are doing fantastic, and nearly got through the first week !! which i think is the worst
Thats a good idea of putting pics around the house just to remind you !!
This is a great site to be on for help and support, and we have a laugh now and then as well, i'm sure the others will get in touch very soon, speak soon sure2
Hiya sure2, Andi here and great that you've found us. I guess you've been doing a bit of stalking before coming on here!
Well done on 5 days - I'm sure Emjay will catch up with you before long and add your quit date to the list. This weather is sending us all to sit goggle-eyed at the computer.
Hi Sure2 welcome to this brilliant site, you'll get loads of help and support here as well as a laugh, great that your nearly 1week into being a non smoker, i love the idea of the pics, that will help to keep you strong talk soon Susan
Sorry your all having such bad weather, we've got lovely sunshine here, it's really warm, a lovely day for a walk if only i could go on one, anyone else have problems getting on here, i couldn't get on health unlocked earlier, i had to go on surveys first, which eventually let me on, and then to here xx
Welcome to our happy place sure2, what is your quit date? Let me know and I shall add you to our Hall of Winners In fact, I think it's time I popped the whole post up again actually... Give me a minute.... Going 5 days is brilliant, you just have to try and stay as positive as possible. Remembering that every single one of your cravings is a good sign... In fact, the more the better
I've just checked with HealthUnlocked and they don't seem to be having any problems so I don't know what's going on with everything sorry....
It's absolutely teaming down here, the grass, the tree's and the flowers are going to smell and look blooming marvellous once it's finished
Rite then, i'm off to bed for a noddddddzzzzzzz, as in cant keep my eyes open any more, yarn yarn. Will speak later, erm well thats if you want to speak to me that is!!!! think i will push off now and nice to meet you sure2
Sure2, if you were to carry on smoking, then you wouldn't have any cravings really. So, the fact is that if you do get them, then this is a sign that both your mind and body are just letting you know that they are starting to miss the poisons and nicotine that you would normally be feeding them. The more cravings that you learn to overcome and deal with, the more likely you are to stay stopped. If you do get cravings, they will finally go away... whether you have a cigarette or not. However, if you do smoke, then they will always come back again once you set a new quit date... Does this make sense?
Hang on a minute whilst I find a link for you... back in a mo
We've had so many new people joining us, welcome. I hope you're finding the site very helpful in your quit. You’re doing an amazing thing, don’t forget if you have any questions just SHOUT!!!
Hope everyone is well.. Yet another day of weird weather.. Right now it's raining yet I'm over heating! Hardly slept last night as I was just too hot! My poor dogs are feeling the effects too they are desperate to go for a walk but 2 of them refuse to walk in the rain!! So they just sit there staring out the windows looking all sorry for themselves!!
But on a more positive note I've done 14 days today with no piggies!! This second week has been so much easier. Still having some amazing dreams however last couple of days have not been as nice!! I actually wish I'd wrote them all down now!
Mad question time!! I wanted to ask people who are using patches where they stick them and do they get any irritation.. After 2 weeks of using the patches daily I can literally tell how many days I've quit for. I have red raised squares everywhere my patches have been! My chemist said they should have faded after a couple hours of them being off! But I'm now starting to resemble a patchwork quilt!! I've found putting them on my arm makes my arm numb for the whole time the patch is there! Maybe I'm having some time of allergic reaction, as I know I'm allergic to some types of plaster.... However I'd rather be like a quilt for now than go back to smoking!
Also another question I'm on step one patches and reading the box it says you should be on them for 6 weeks however when I went to my appointment he said in 2 weeks he will put me down to step 2! I thought 6 weeks wasnt flexible ??
I too am noticing just how many people smoke.. The last couple of days have been spent a fair bit of time on trains and can't believe I once contributed to that smoking smog when you come out station!! Also I'm noticing just how much my friends smoke! I spent time with an old friend and he couldn't belive I'd stopped.. Kept saying if I can quit anyone can... I left him to think about that one!!!!!
Hey Lisa, I was wondering just how many dogs you have?
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply toLisa-Jane
Aup Lisa-Jane, I'm Pete
I'm using 25mg invisie 16 hour patches, and yes i had the same problem as you have with the red marks, and they used to itch like mad as well, plus talk about wind gal but after a couple of weeks, they got easier, and now on my 5th week and dont know i have one on. I also use an inhalator for the hard times.
Ha ha at the start, i even shaved some hairs off my chest so that i had more places to stick them, so i do know what you are going through, and i stick them on my legs, tops of my feet, i think i still get the same help from them nomatter where i stick them
Hmmmmm step 2 patches in 2 weeks, not sure about that !! i couldnt have done that, going to have a job after 6 weeks i think ?!
I dont know whether this has helped you or not, but the best of luck with your quitting, and stay with it gal cus you can do it
Hey Lisa-Jane, the patches make me itch like a crazyperson but I'm ignoring the itch. I only stick them on my upper arms because I'll only forget to take it off before going to bed if I left it elsewhere. What patches are you using? Some patches are 3 steps- 8 weeks, 2 then 2 that might be why your doc said leave it two more weeks- maybe he thinks you're on those patches or something. Also I think it's okay to be flexible, it's how comfortable you feel, you step down if you're ready not sure it's set in stone (either that or my nurse is going easy on me heh).
A big pat on the back for you, you’re doing so well . Hopefully we will get your patchwork quilt to settle down
If you are allergic to some plasters it might be that causing the reaction to your skin, there are other brands of patches that maybe more suitable to you. Some people put the patches on their back, legs or arms we do advice not to put them on your chest or stomach though. It is normal to get a small raised area when you put the patch on for the first time as we are taking nicotine in through our skin instead of through the lining of our mouths. This should settle, see how you go.
Has anybody got anything they would like to add to this??
In relation to reducing your patch; usually you stay on Stage 1 for 6 weeks and reduce to Stage 2 and then on to Stage 3, for approximately 10-12 weeks (depending on the brand).
A best practice point is that all NRT should be prescribed for at least the duration recommended by the product specification. After this time, it is either at the discretion of your G.P. or whoever you are receiving your Stop Smoking Support from.
Afternoon all, I gave up earlier as I thought Health Unlocked were messing around with the site so had my lunch and a doze in front of the tv (zzzzzz!!! ) Must be getting old
Well done Lisa-Jane on a fortnight now. Sorry I can't comment on the patches though.
Sure2 - I was wondering - are you on patches or some kind of nrt?
Jilly - you look like you've been working out since I left you earlier! How's the ankles?
hi andi, dont know whats up with pc. only just got on again. Feet not too bad today , just been and given them a massage. and foot spa. New pic was just me getting a bit hot. xxx
I've tried my legs and they itch to bad I end up having to take them off!! So far I just plonk em on my bum !! That's the place I've found least reaction so far!!
At present I say at present as my 18 year old son seems like he's forever bringing home stray dogs or dogs who's owners can't cope... Never mind poor me! I have 3 dogs a toy chorkie,Staffy and a Staffy cross. All rang from about a size 7 shoe up to huge!! Which means we look a right bunch of weirdos when we go far walks!!I will see if I can post some photos a bit later when I get home.
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