DAILY CHAT / SUNDAY 17/06/2012.: Good Morning... - Quit Support

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DAILY CHAT / SUNDAY 17/06/2012.

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee
55 Replies

Good Morning everyone, and happy fathers day! to you if it applies. :)

May we all welcome Lilythepink to our community. Our little group seems to be getting bigger, which means more support for each other.

Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday, wether its laying in, which a lot of us don`t seem to manage, or getting some exercise, or going somewhere nice for the day. Let us know your plans.

I am having the family over later on, so will be baking this morning. (Yes Pete I will save you a piece of cake) :D

Meanwhile stay off the piggies , stay positive , and well done to everyone no matter what stage of quitting your at. :)

Off to make my boiled egg and soldiers now. will nip in later . xx

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jillygirl profile image
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55 Replies
andi22 profile image

Morning Jilly, had a lie-in til about 6.30 today. ;-) A bit annoyed that I can't go for a run this morning as I'd originally planned but at least I can go for a spin later. :X

I've got to make a cake on Tuesday as I'm having a coffee morning - something resurrected from my mother's era. A few of our old neighbours get together once a month and catch up on the goss. It's my turn this month so I'd really better knuckle down and do some housework. :(

Weather's not too bad at the mo though so that always helps.

Look in later. x

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply toandi22

Hi andi, 6.30 dont suppose its too bad. I was 5.30, just a bit early even for me.

weather is iffy today :-O could go either way. bit of sun but lots of grey clouds too.

whatever you decide to do today enjoy. see you later. xx

jarvo profile image


Thank you Jillygirl, your are up far too early but its nice to think you come on here and check in ! You've both done amazing, how are you both feeling? ITs lovely to see our little community is growing and everyone welcomes all the newies ;-) Everyone really seems to appreciate eachothers comments and suggestions.

I will check in again later, enjoy your breakfasts 8-)

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply tojarvo

Wot? it's nearly lunchtime! :D :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

hi claire , dont feel too bad this morning . :) probably start yawning about 5.00 this aft.

Like you say its nice to see new people appreciating this site. I for one would be lost without it.

see later. x

andi22 profile image


You outa that bed yet? I don't know how anybody can sleep that long! :D :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

PETE! Pete! PETE! shan`t tell you again get up NOW! :D :D

Andi and I are waiting for you.

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply tojillygirl

Hehehehehe - can't stop laughing! :o

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply toandi22

Well its the only bit of fun we early risers get. great innit. :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee


andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply tojillygirl

I hope he's all right and not in his greenhouse finding those little white sticks in the flower pots again :( :o

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply toandi22

i think he` s growing grass of some sort. lol.

Bet we get some welly from him later on.

Going out for an hour see if hes up by then. :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply tojillygirl

For your information Jillygirl, i do not grow grass in my greenhouse, although i might grow some weed :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Alright alright you flippin lot, am up now!! rrrrrrr it's my hols week :D

Andi all my sticks in the greenhouse are green!! so there :P :P

Jillygirl, yes please you save me a bit of that cake gal, yum yum :P

Claire-- you work on a Sunday gal????

Pete :D :D

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply tomonky

Thank goodness for that - I was really worried you'd fallen off the wagon again! :o I know that you're even stronger now than before and that you are NEVER going to smoke again - that's right isn't it?

Deal? ;-)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toandi22

Yes deal, if you rest your leg!! ''ok'' ;)

Andi, i've been noseying around and have found this site about running!! :)

It says that it takes 10 weeks to become a runner- :o as in starting walking- then brisk walking- then jogging- and then running - also a warm-up exercise before and after the run!!!!

I'm no expert gal, but i dont think you did that, you take care-do you hear me gal !! :)

Actually i am finding it hard going today, those piggies keep nibbling at me for some reason gal, but am staying strong :)

Pete :)

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply tomonky

Hiya, think that's for unfit people as in Couch to 5K in 9 weeks! :o I'm quite fit already and of course I ALWAYS do warm-ups/downs/stretches etc. I do have an on-going back problem though so I think it might all be related. Anyway, before running again I am going to have a physio session to get checked out and see if he can get to the root of the problem or that it's just one of those things that happen when you start something new. :(

Had a little read earlier with leg up on ice/warm before doing a bit of overdue digging! :)

Thought it was good that your neighbour distracted you from those piggies - probably did you good. :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hi Pete, Forgot you were on your jollys. hope you enjoyed your sleep.

swap you for some of that stuff yer growing in your greenhouse , for my yummy cake. :) deal. xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply tojillygirl

Now then Jillygirl, you have got a deal gal :D yum yum again :P :P

Just finished doing the salmon salad, gosh a flippin good job anall, i was gettin cheesed off with the cat around my feet !! :| i think she likes salmon as well somehow?! I nearly fell ar-- over t-- cus of her, then i thought of what you put last night, about me having a bad leg aswell :D :D so i didnt tell her off, i just laughed instead :D

Speak soon Pete :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply tomonky

Pity we dont all live near each other we could have a right feast. nibbling at cake, instead of piggies . salmon salad sounds good. we having a prawn salad tonight. stay strong love. see you later. xx

andi22 profile image

That's really weird Jilly - you and I blogging at the same time and making deals? I think that's really SPOOKY!!! :o

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply toandi22

Pity we can`t play that spooky music to go with it .

Great minds think alike! :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hi LTP. and anyone else thats new. Quick tip.

Just let you know if you use the inhalator as your nrt. If you go to Boots, they do their own brand , and its slightly cheaper, also they put offers on too so you can get them even cheaper. They are no different in taste etc than other brands . Also they do a 15mg. and a 10mg.

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Just a thought to you all,

Lin next door came around in a 'flap' asking if she could use my hoover, cus she had got her family coming around for dins, of course i said yes, and took it around for her, she said that her's had died, but me being a bit of a mr fix it,had a look, it was an upright samsung hoover, so i took the front off, and then the bag, to my horror!!!! i could not see the filter, it was covered in sh-- erm dust!!, i thought to myself, poor little motor :( no wonder your red hot :X

I cleaned it out, and she tried it, she said it sucked like new!! :)

Bless her she has just bought a 4 pack of lager around which i will have later. :)

Like i say - just a thought, as in when did you last clean your filter out, :D :D

Pete :)

Lenne profile image

Good afternoon fellow kickers-of-the-cigs! I won't write piggies there incase I get told off for animal cruelty or something lol but you know what I'll be yammering on about ;)

I've been catching up with the convos, you lot do make me laugh so hard! Such wonderful friends I feel so lucky knowing you all.

I think I am over the rough patch, got pretty hairy there for a while but even though I almost had one slip I survived all of this without smoking. I think if I can handle all the poo I have had to deal with over the last week I am prepared for pretty much anything when it comes to not smoking. It was a real test, and I passed. Goodbye old life, goodbye you revolting ciggies forever.

My other half and I are still together, but I think the cracks that have formed will always be there unfortunately. Not entirely sure how it's going to get better but we are both going to try to make it all work out. It's probably because I have been a stroppy cow with the quitting smoking on top of a lot of other problems but I guess all we can do is get on with it, a day at a time. I think as long as I don't go back to smoking everything will be just fine ;)

Andi, you'd be so proud of me on the fitness front. I don't like running because I look like a windmill when I do it and people find it hysterically funny (think Phoebe from Friends) but I do love bouncing about so I purchased a dancemat game. Oh, my God it is the best thing EVER! I've never worked out so hard in my life. I am going to measure my progress by keeping track on how long I can work out for and if it's no longer a challenge I will step up my game again (I say again because I was so unfit because of smoking going for a 20 minute walk made me wheeze and pant before I quit).

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply toLenne

Glad you've sorted out your differences and getting back on track. I've never watched Friends but I do have a good imagination! :D :D

I think those dancemat games are really good, specially if you can't get out much. I'm sure it will really complement your WW and if we stop eating all that excess that we are having at the mo we'll all feel better! :)

It's really weird how people ask me if I feel better since packing in but I honestly don't feel any different and even before I quit my PT got me to do something that made me a bit breathless and my comment after was "not bad for a smoker, eh?" to which he just gave me an old-fashioned look! :o :D :D

Lenne profile image
LenneLONG TERM WINNER in reply toandi22

That's pretty amazing that your lungs have been okay during smoking- blimey, can you imagine their capacity now you don't? Like superpower lungs!

jarvo profile image

Hi everyone

Sunday afternoon already, can you believe it :-(

No I don't work weekends pete or Wednesday's and Thursday's ;-)

Lenne, your strength and focus is amazing, I hope your so proud of yourself. Phoebe running on friends really makes me laugh, hope your enjoyed your dance mat.

What a lovely neighbour pete ;-)

Thanks for your advice regarding the inhalator

Speak soon, I'm off for my scouse mmmmmm smells lovely 8-)

Finley2012 profile image
Finley201230 Months Winner

Hi Lenne. You're an inspiration, so positive and a big well done for not giving in to the evil weed under pressure :D

Lenne profile image
LenneLONG TERM WINNER in reply toFinley2012

Cheers Finley, that means a lot to me *hugs* it's the focus on quitting that's making everything else seem less scary which is weird right :|

Finley2012 profile image
Finley201230 Months Winner in reply toLenne

weird or not you're doing great big hug to you (::)

Finley2012 profile image
Finley201230 Months Winner

ps - just went out and bought an exercise bike with some of my smoking savings - my daughter's been nattering at me to get one for ages. Trouble is I'm so knackered from putting it together, (well, twice actually, cos the first time I forgot to take a tiny bit of plastic out that stopped the resistance thingummy from working - don't know why they put it there if you're just supposed to bin it!) so will be working out - when I've got the energy. Hoping to do the race for life next year, and so will be starting walk/jogging. NHS choices has an MP3 download "couch to 5K in nine weeks" so will give that a go......my daughter'll have to download it for me though, cos I'm so rubbish at anything to do with computers :D :D

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply toFinley2012

I've been stalking the site and it's really inspirational - if you get on it, I don't think you'll want to wait til next year. Now you've made the mega-jump of quitting smoking I think you'll find the sky's the limit! :)

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply toandi22

ps I'd have done it myself but am already pretty fit so going down a different route although I would love to have done it.

Lenne profile image
LenneLONG TERM WINNER in reply toFinley2012

Cool- Might have a lookie at this too sounds like a fantastic challenge, even if my 5k run will be around the block with my carer following me on a bike (laughs madly at this idea)!

Finley2012 profile image
Finley201230 Months Winner in reply toLenne

Yeh - me too hee hee - I need to get a bit fit b4 I dare be seen in public :D Also, need some 'firm support' if you know what I mean ;D

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply toFinley2012

There's loads of blogs about all that. What I've done to start is go out really early in the morning (when there's hardly anyone around! :D :D ) but you soon get over that "everyone's watching me" thing. There's also bogs about the extra-strong undies that may be required :o check under the tags. It will really keep you focused to stay off the nasties! :)

Finley2012 profile image
Finley201230 Months Winner in reply toandi22

Thanks Andi - I fancied the NHS 'couch to 5K' cos that's pretty much what it would be for me - although I have been swimming quite a few times since I stopped smoking, and really enjoying that. I will have to get meself to a good undie department and invest in something extra strong b4 I inflict myself on the public though :D :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply toFinley2012

Hi Finley, exercise bike eh! why not I am sure you will get even fitter now. what a good target to aim for race for life. You can do it. :)

will have a look on the nhs site got me curious now. :O

see you soon

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

whats this you lot are talkin about then- support

You mean the support for your leg Andi :D :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

HI Lenne, So glad your back on track now. Take it a day at a time. As for being snappy with your partner, dont worry I am just the same , either that or weepy. and whats more We`ve been married for 46yrs now. I think he his very patient with me as he packed in smoking over 10 yrs ago. so he understands.

Dance mat ! do you think it will be ok for over 60s to do? Especially when I

have to put support stockings on. what a sight eh! :D

see you later love. and well done.

Lenne profile image
LenneLONG TERM WINNER in reply tojillygirl

Hey Jilly! Not sure it's a safe idea to wear your stockings incase you slip over :( It is great fun though, my mum loves it she's 55 and a big kid :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hi Pete, hope the salmon was good. what a kind neighbour you are, you deserve the lager. As for washing the filter I do my dyson all the time. The filter got hung out on the washing line more than the washing some weeks., when we were doing this house up. (knocking plaster off walls etc.)

As for the girls wanting firm support, I dont think they mean support stockings like me. I do believe they are talking different parts of the body. Sure they will tell you. :O

t t f n

Finley2012 profile image
Finley201230 Months Winner in reply tojillygirl

ha ha jillygirl - no, it's not me legs I'm talking about - just let's put it this way, I don't want to end up with two black eyes after I've been out for a jalk (jog/walk - geddit?) :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply toFinley2012

I thought it might be that. (or those) I think Pete will get the drift now. Unless the lager has taken effect. :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply tojillygirl

Jilliygirl, NO the lager has not got me yet, but close!!

erm yes well,erm lets just say i will close my eyes, and i aint sayin no more.

You now what you are dont you gal !!you are one hell of a gorgeouse young Lady :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply tomonky

Hey young man your making me blush :X

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply tojillygirl

An old name used down in my part of the world is an 'over shoulder boulder holder' or an 'upper decker flopper stopper'. :D :D

lilythepink profile image

Good evening all - had a really busy day today - up and out with the dog - both like drowned rats when we got back. Brother came and took me to the supermarket for a few bits (mainly for the dog) - I actually find it helpful now that they don't display tobacco products anymore as I wasn't drawn to it as I walked into Morrisons! Went to the crematorium - both my parents died last year so felt sad.

Decided to have a proper Sunday dinner this week - getting a bit fed up with rice and pasta dishes and in memory of my mum and dad had the works - they did love a proper Sunday lunch with lots of roasties - mmm lovely.

After that went for another walk with my brother and the dog - sun shining - heaven.

Did find time to log on througout the day for my "fix" of support.

Just settling down to watch Doc Martin (recorded earlier) and then it'll be an early night for me and another "free" day under my belt!

Talking about belts - mine's getting really really tight - all the chocolate/roasties/crisps etc etc etc I'm putting in my mouth! instead of you know what!

See you all tomorrow

Love LilyTP

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply tolilythepink

Well done lilytp. Bet your proud of yourself. keep up the good work. :)

see you tmoz.xx

Lenne profile image
LenneLONG TERM WINNER in reply tolilythepink

Hey LilyTP, wow roast dinner *drools* I am jealous! :D Don't worry about snacking and putting on weight, I know it's a pain putting it on and I tried dieting and quitting smoking and almost pulled my own face off in frustration! Remaining a non smoker is way more important I reckon so if I want a bacon sandwich I bloomin' well have one :D We deserve treats xx

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply tolilythepink

Think we're all in the same boat - won't take much more to sink it at this rate!!! :D :D Mind you if everybody starts running we'd loose a bit of ballast along the way. :o

Well that's your first weekend under your belt so 'tick' and onwards and upwards! Nite nite. :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply tolilythepink

Hey Lilly, the main thing is ''YOU HAVE QUIT'' job done gal, i cant fault you,

I think we all snack, on things that we shouldn't . i am trying to find healthy snacks, for us all, but it is taking longer than i thought, sorryyyy

Pete :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Off to put my feet up now.

Night Night Andi, Finley, Lenne, Lilytp, all the other girlys, and Nite nite

Pete , wont wake you up too early tmoz.

luv ya all! xx :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply tojillygirl

Hey Jillygirl, just let me lie in till about 10 if that is alritee as i am on holls mode, but what the heck, i just love you all, i'm sorry , but i do

Nite nite everybody

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