Weekend Chat : Sat & Sunday 2nd - 3rd Jun... - Quit Support

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Weekend Chat : Sat & Sunday 2nd - 3rd June 2012.

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer
26 Replies

Good morning everyone.

Well it's the weekend again, yippeeee!! i've got 3 days off, huh some of you have got 4 days off, HUH and some of you are on one big long weekend, i'm not bothered. :(

Flippin raining now, i did'nt order this for today, i think my computers gone a bit wonky!! :o Bin shoppin, so thats done with and i didnt get run over by them flippin trolls either!! :)

Jillygirl, nice blog gal, it just shows you what those ciggies can do to you, it certainly opened my eye's. I hope you managed to lay in this morning :)

Sue i hope everything went alright yesterday, and you know that all our thoughts are with you gal. :)

Rite got to go now cat wants her breakfast, just cant do anything until i've fed her. :D Speak soon, and don't let them piggies get you down.

Pete :)

I hope everybody is in good spirits and that today brings good energies to all

Please use our daily chat to let us know how you are doing with your quit attempt, at whatever stage you are at - Planning, preparing, quitting, staying stopped and even relapsing....

However, if you have any specific questions, then please still post in the questions section, or if you want to blog seperately on your quit story then please do so.

Remember, that any questions that you have may help others wondering the same thing

Soooo..... chat away!

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monky profile image
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26 Replies
jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Good morning pete, hope you are ok. As for a lay in , I didnt get to sleep until after 1.30 this morning. Neighbour had grand kids round overnight. didnt stop running round etc. until about 2.45 this morning. wouldnt mind but one of them is 5yrs old eldest is only 10. Then to top it all hubby started snoring.

There was a time i would have gone downstairs made a cuppa a and had a ciggy. but I was good I went into the spare bedroom with my earplugs. Doesnt half put you to the test this quitting job dont it.

Anyway young man, still not given us all the answer to your age. are are you teasing us all. Try and have a lovely weekend. xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to jillygirl

Morning Jillygirl, getting to like you more gal-- hmmm young man eh!! ;)

I thought kids of that age were in bed for 9.00, i had to beeee!!!! well, that was until i found a way of staying out later :D maybe tell you about it when you have an hour to spare :D :D

I was about 8 in the pick, ha ha i used to be blonde until i was 3, then dont know what happened!!

You tried a peg on hubbies nose!! te he

I hope you have a nice weekend tooooo

Pete xx

andi22 profile image

Good Afternoon everybody, well it looks like everyone's been having a bit of a busy day judging by the lack of blogs on here so far today. So, date-wise for me it's one month. :) Can't believe the time's gone so quickly. Had quite a few moments during the day when I thought "I really fancy a fag!" but managed to successfully shove in a mint and distract myself. I was out and about and at every turn there seemed to be someone smoking but I didn't even catch a whiff! :o

Hope you've all had a good day with not toooo many temptations getting in the way. ;-)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hi Andie, well done with your 1 month. why not celebrate , never mind the jubilee, think we all prefer to celebrate are own achievements , wether it is 1day , 1 week or 1 month Keep up the good work . xx.

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to jillygirl

Thanks Jilly, perhaps I'll have an ice cream for pud as I didn't make the shops today and haven't got any chocs in the house!! :) xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

WHAT!!!! no chocs in the house :D :D tell me another one gal, you Ladies have always got chocs!!, maybe they are not on show, BUT!!!! you look in the tea caddy, or the knick-knack draw, or even your , no i had best not say that, your small's draw!!!!, you Ladies have got stuff stashed all over the place, it's just remembering where???? :o

Anyway Andi, i congradulate on your month of quitting gal, it would have been nearly 6 weeks for me!! if i hadnt made a co----- erm blunder, you keep at it Andi, cus i know that you are a strong Lady, and i too have had a bad today with them cravings, they aint half getting at me, for some reason!! but like you say, fight the bbbb erm blighters off. You take care now!

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to monky

Oh no Pete - you shouldn't have blogged back here - I've just been to search me drawers and found some Ferrero Rocher then I looked in a wardrobe and found a box of After Eight! :o :) Which one shall I open? :D :D (They must still be leftovers from Christmas!!!)

Wonder profile image

Hi everyone, felt a bit patriotic today and went and bought some union jacks....wish the weather would cheer up. My Son today asked me if I wanted 5 packets of chewing gum from Home Bargains for 99p.... I thought for a moment and said No.... as I no longer have permanent dog breath :)

Anyway the pound shop has the flags still but couldn't find any bunting.....so if you are still craving for a fag ... why not do something creative like bake cakes for the jubilee or make some bunting ? I will not be lighting up as I've deffo cracked the smoking habit ...it will be nice to see a lot of my family on Bank Holiday Monday who haven't seen me since stopping.....wonder if they will notice ?

Hope you all have a smoke free jolly weekend with lots of good company and good food X

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to Wonder

Hi Wonder, happy bunting making. ;-)

Just looking at your new photo - is this a recent photo or is it one from the silver jubilee? :D :D

Wonder profile image
Wonder in reply to andi22

1977 I was 6 years old

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to Wonder

Blimey, you're a lot younger than me! I don't think men are as observant as women are they? :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Wonder

Hey Wonder, dont listen to her gal, she's MAD!!!!! :D :D

I cant fault you gal, you went for it!! and you've got it, :) just super gal, and i bet your family are enjoying it as well :)

I suspect that the 2 young gals are yours, in the pic i mean!!!!

you look after them, well i know you will anyway, dont know why i said that, perhaps 1 to many cans!!!! sorryyyy

Pete :)

Wonder profile image
Wonder in reply to monky

it was taken back in 1977 ... I was 6 and my sister 7

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Andi Andi hold on a minute gal,

I say you wait until after 8!!!!!! if you can!!!! and then you munch gal, you flippin munch :D :D

Enjoy Andi

All i've got is ''nuts'' not bothered though, i shall enjoy them!!!! :)

depressed now, huh

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Good night everybody, and Go bless.

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to monky

Nit nite Pete - you get earlier every night!!

andi22 profile image

Good Morning all, hope you managed to have a good night's sleep - mine seemed worse than ever so I got up at 6 and went out for my first ever run on my own! Nice fresh air - didn't think of the piggies once. :)

Try and keep strong today - especially you Pete as I know you're finding it really tough going at the moment. Maybe you should follow me in the running lark - it doesn't affect the nether regions so much - but I could feel my calves after so had to do lots of stretching.

Wonder profile image

Fantastic that you've took up running...... and even better that it's outside and not in a gym..... your mood should be more positive all day ..... i find walking, jogging or taking my sisters dog a walk (on my own) really sorts out my frame of mind.... have a lovely Sunday X

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hi everyone, it's flippin sloshing it down here!!!! :(

Andi it is a tough time for me at weekends for some reason, but will try and keep strong gal, thankyou for your thoughts. I'm glad you like running now, as for me, hmmm, theres no paths up our lanes and the cars dont half go some!! but its a thought, maybe i will try it!!!! :)

Anybody seen Emjay!! she usually pops in on a weekend?? perhaps she thinks that we are old enough to play on our own now!! :D :D see you soon.

Pete :)

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to monky

Maybe she's got a delayed hangover!! :D :D

andi22 profile image

Been trying to get on here this afternoon but everyone on computers again so mine kept going soooo slow and crashing! :( Ok at the mo though - watered my plants. Half the neighbourhood seem to be having barbies round here - all that smoky smell!!! :D:D

Pete, went shopping today and got new choccie supplies in - wasn't going to but I am a weak person at times - no wonder my weight ain't changing - still, it's not going up. Had to buy more hula hoops too. :o ;-)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

Hi Andi, yer my comps on a go slow as well, dont know whats goin off!! te he, is weather still good thier then???? flippin rained nearly all day here gal.

I'm glad you've got a new supply of chocs & hula hoops in, ( i presume the hula hoops are edible ) :D :D cus you dont know when you might need them, better munchin on them than ciggies eh!! :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

I hope Emjay is allright, she has usually shown her face by now!!!! and she didnt finish Fridays chat off.

Andi what are we going to do about Mondays & Tuesdays chat????

I can open tomorrows chat, but am back at work at 6am Tuesday, :( :(

Unless i open a bank holiday mon & tues chat???? what do you think??

Andi--Jillygirl--Lenne--Wonder-- well do one of you want to do it?? i dont mind, you can have a go if you like, i will tell you what to do!!

Pete :)

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to monky

Hi Pete, yes, you do it for BH Mon & Tues. They making you work on a Bank Holiday then mate? :(Do you still get paid double time like in the old days?? :D :D My how times have changed! 8.45 - have you gone up that wooden hill yet?!!? :

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

Hi Andi, thankyou for getting back to me :) and no dont get double time, its a day off in loo now days gal,,

Hey you stay happy, and keep with it gal, you have a munch if you want to!!!! :) got to go now her-in-doors is shoutin down, so will have to take her dins up to her.

Good night Andi, sweet dreams to you gal

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to monky

Same to you Pete, keep blowing those flying piggies back out of the window. Nite nite. :)

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