Weekend Chat : 26th - 27th May 2012 - Quit Support

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Weekend Chat : 26th - 27th May 2012

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer
32 Replies

Good morning everybody, flippin gorgeous one too 8-)

Sorry a bit late this morning, as in catchup on sleep.

Garry you picked a good week, didnt you pal, hope you kept smoke free.

Elo Vera Lenne, i hope your having a cool day gal, and staying happy. :)

Emjay, i think i've court this noddin off you gal, mind you i enjoyed it, have a nice weekend, not too much noddin eh!! :D

Suepagal, all our hearts are with you gal, dont you forget that will you!! and try and keep them piggies at bay. :)

Pete :)

Please use our daily chat to let us know how you are doing with your quit attempt, at whatever stage you are at - Planning, preparing, quitting, staying stopped and even relapsing....

However, if you have any specific questions, then please still post in the questions section, or if you want to blog seperately on your quit story then please do so.

Remember, that any questions that you have may help others wondering the same thing.

Soooo..... chat away!

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monky profile image
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32 Replies
EmJay profile image

Oooof! Seemed that by the time I finally finished posting, you had already posted too Pete! I should've checked first.... I shall copy my comments onto here....


EmJay profile image

Happy Saturday Everybody :-)

If you love the sunshine, then it's another glorious day 8-)

If not, stay indoors, 'tis much cooler :-)

I cannot believe how the weeks have flown over and that we are fast moving into June already!

Thinking about how the summer months may bring holiday seasons... How many of you haven't had a holiday yet as a non-smoker? Think of the challenges you may face and how you can put a plan in place to overcome this.... This might be a good idea for somebody to blog about... "My first holiday as a non-smoker"....

Was it Garry who went on holiday to the Isle of White?

Always, I hope today brings you lots of energy and strength in staying stopped. You're all doing fab :-)

Just in case you read this, Sue... I hope you're coping okay with the loss of your lovely Dad xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to EmJay

I'm sorry Emjay,

you should have put your!! weekend chat up, and i would have deleted mine!! as in yours is far more important than mine.

Had a bad day gal, with one thing and another, keep up the fantastic work your doing!!!!


EmJay profile image

All done and I've deleted my weekend chat blog.... Thanks again Pete, you're a goodun' :-)

I'm loving everyone's names on here.... Norah, Vera Lenne, Supagal!!!

Hope you are all hitting a number 10 today and flying in the face of those piggies!


andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to EmJay

Number 10? That's what my mum & dad used to smoke!!!

They used to send me to the shop to get their supplies!!

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to andi22

I had no hope did I??!!

EmJay profile image

Whoops-a-daisy.... Think I should have chosen a better line than that eh?! On a scale of 1-10!

I remember Number 6 King Size... Evidence shows that if your parents or Carers some, chances are very likely that you will too....

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to EmJay

When my mum was expecting my sister she gave up smoking but when she was expecting my brother and me (I'm youngest, brother in middle) she didn't. My sister tried one as a teenager and didn't like it but both my brother and I became smokers. He gave up about 3 years ago and finds it possible to go to a mate's house for the weekend and smoke and then stop again for months on end!

Me? I don't intend to ever have another one!

andi22 profile image

Not been around much the last couple of days as I went into a downward spiral on Thursday! :( Seemed to have dragged myself back up a bit now though. :)

Am off down the beach now for a couple of hours. I'd really like to try to get in the sea even though it's really, really cold. I think that might shock it out of me and perhaps re-invigorate me - watch this space! (Hahahaha) :o

(Who wants to take bets on whether I make it?) 8-)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

Aup Andi, nice to see you gal, No 10s, gosh that takes me back a bit, i think they were the cheapest fags around then!!, I used to smoke Goldleaf in them days, when i was skint i used to smoke No 10s ha ha.

Sorry to hear you had a downer yesterday gal :( i know what you mean!!!! i think we all do!!!!

I really envey you Andi, for having the sea that close to you :X you get in there gal, once your in it gets warmer!! ha ha just thought of a name for you too, but not tellin ya untill you get in there!!!!

I am going to watch this space, :D

Pete. :)

Lenne profile image

Hey everyone! Ooh Andi I think that's a fantastic idea, Going for a lovely cool dip. Hope you're feeling better now, don't forget if you're having a down day we are all here for you, we all get those days so you aren't alone *hugs*

Tomorrow I celebrate my first month as a non smoker. Most days I am 10 out of 10 in the craving department but yesterday I was out for a mosey to the shops for my weekly scratchcard treat (I won £10 hurrah)! My other half sparked up a stinkie piggie, and I almost reached out to take it from him. He didn't notice, but I literally caught myself in that split second and started laughing- it was such a habit to go "twosies" on a cig and even though I didn't want it subconciously I must've. Naughty subconcience! I told my other half to make sure that he keeps his cig in the hand away from me (hello, common courtesy anyway)? Or I will stomp on the ruddy thing.

Hope you're all keeping comfortably cool (or warm whatever your preference), have a brilliant weekend xx

Lenne profile image
LenneLONG TERM WINNER in reply to Lenne

Erm, to clarify, stomp on the cig, not his hand. Ahem lol!

sue52 profile image

Hi everyone want to thank you for your kind words, they were very much appreciated, all the posts on here have given me a laugh as well, no funeral yet as there has to be a post mortem first, hopefully this will happen soon, have managed to stay off the cigs so really pleased about that, what with the stress i've been under. I'm sorry you've had a hard time Andi you should be proud of yourself coming through that without giving in, that will make you strong have a great time at the beach, if you have it as hot as me i'm sure you'll get in the water,i'd love to do that right now lol, keep strong everyone :) xx

Lenne profile image
LenneLONG TERM WINNER in reply to sue52

Hey Sue, your willpower is admirable during this really tough time. Sending you lots of love xx

sue52 profile image

Thanks Lenne i did have to sit on my hands a few times, and there were tough moments but i gave myself a talking too, i think the neighbours thought i was nuts lol x

EmJay profile image

Afternoon All 8-)

Sue, well done to you for saying so strong at such a trying time. This is a perfect opportunity for those little blighters to sneak their way into your life.... You're amazing xx

Lenne, I love your wit... You are so upbeat too :-) One month tomorrow... Yaye! Keep up the good spirit :-)

Andi, the times you are feeling a bit low, down or are struggling a bit.... These are the times that you should tell us about... We're here to help and support you. Even if you just send us a :-( then we'll get the picture.

Usually in the first few days or weeks, we come up against triggers that would normally lead to us having a smoke - jst like most of you here have alreafy experienced but won your way through.... Sometimes, there are other triggers that only hapen every now and again. These triggers are the ones that, if we are not careful, then they will catch us out... Times they are likely to happen could be during the early months or even first year or so of being a new non-smoker. Lenne talks about going 'twosies' on a smoke, this is a good example, Sue, with the loss of her Dad is another. Other examples may be your first holiday as a non-smoker or being around an old friend who you may not have seen for a while and the last time you were with them, you were a smoker. Always be on your guard....

You have all done amazingly well. There may be other members who just like to read and don't post much, that's okay - just as long as you are getting the help, advice and tips that you need.

If anybody relapses, then this is the place to share as we can help get you focussed and back on track. Rather than boing down and fed up about the ones you have smoked... Think about ALL the ones you haven't!

Hope everyone s enjoying a smoke free Saturday so far or are contemplating about a nearing quit date :-)

Together we can do this


andi22 profile image

Hi all, just got back. Very windy on the beach and watching the smokers! and thinking about all the times I used to spark up there.

After about 4 attempts at paddling and my feet nearly dropping off, I managed to brave the stones just at the beginning and get right in the sea - WOOHOO!!!! :P I stayed in for about 10 minutes and even got my head under!

It was f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f. - VERY INVIGORATING!!!!!! :D

Oh dear - I might have set a precedent now if this weather keeps up. :o 8-)

Thanks all for your kind words - I know I should have come on here but just didn't feel in the mood at the time - I know you're all there for me as we all are for each other. :)

Lenne profile image
LenneLONG TERM WINNER in reply to andi22

Haha water a bit cold eh :D Bet it was heaven, I am going to daydream about the sea now! xx

EmJay profile image

Good Morning Everyone :0)

Hope you all had a lovely Saturday night and have a nice relaxing day today.

It's lovely to be able to enjoy this weather, feeling the nice cool breeze as it passes and leaves the scent of these lovely flowers that I'm sitting by.... Probably couldn't smell them as nicely if I was a smoker ;-)

Happy Sunday everyone 8-)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hi everybody

Marina Andi, you took the plunge gal, nice one, bet it woke you up!!!! :o

Marina was a mermaid back in 1964 on ''Sting Ray'' Troy Tempest's bit of stuff,if you are wondering where i got it from, ha ha i just cant believe this, '' Maria'' by P.J.Proby has just come on the radio, how cool is that!!!!

I hope your having a better day than i am gal, keep in there, i know your strong. :)

Suepagal, my heart really does go out to you, you are alot stonger than i am gal, you are!! your just one hell of a fantastic Lady, i know you will get there gal, cus you've got what it takes :)

Vera Lenne, hope your keepin cool gal, you just crack me up with your comments, your just magic gal, you really are!! you stay with it ''A''

Noragirl, i hope you find your dream bungalow soon, and hey dont you smile too much eh!! and let your hubby have a few of your snacks, like i said before, he's a goodn gal, :)

Emjay, this is one of the hardest things i have had to do gal, erm how do i put this???? I had a big row with her-in-doors and yes you've guessed it!! i'm back on the weed again!! :( :( God do i feel like erm well i wont say it 'A' i've let you all down, i know now that i am a mouse and not a man!!!! any more.

I really do want to get rid of this evil habbit, i know that i ''CAN DO IT''with your's and everybody's help, but not today ''A'' :( I luv ya for all the help that you have given to me, and the others, your a goodn gal, you really really are!!

If i may, could i come back onto this site when i've got a quit date please, for i dont think i should be here whilst i'm smoking again!!!!

I am so so sorry, i've let you all down BIG time, please forgive me!!!!

Goin for a walk over the fields now to give them cows n sheep some hastle, and boy are they goin to get some.

Pete :(

sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply to monky

Pete i'm really sorry this has happened to you but please stay on this site so we can all help you, i was on here before i'd stopped, i'm sure others were as well, i know you probably feel really down just now Pete but you will be able to do this, i've tried umpteen times before now, this could make you stronger, you'll know what the trigger was and be able to handle it better the next time, please stay on here Pete we're all here for you and will help you through this so that you will succeed, keep your chin up, and remember you are a man, not a mouse x

andi22 profile image

Hey Pete!! What you talking about - a new quit date!! Don't talk daft - go and shout at them cows & sheep - perhaps they might want one, finish the whole pack if it's that bad or just chuck them in the river in a few hours. You can't throw all that hard work away now and what would we do on here without you making us all chuckle?? :P (It's purely selfish you see)

Perhaps you ought to re-read that book everyone was talking about the other week. Don't forget you'll be spoiling Lenne's one month party and you don't want to do that do you?? :(

With regard to Marina - of course I remember her - as I said before we're the same age (well, you may be a few months older but hey, who's counting!) I used to come home from school and love watching Stingray and all those other Gerry Anderson shows. :) By the way, I went to the beach again today and went in the sea twice!! :o FABULOUS (The only other people in were either kids or MAD or blokes thinking there were macho - bet you'd come under the latter - or maybe the one before like me!!!!)

Andi Marina

Lenne profile image

Hey everyone- sorry, just gonna jump right in there and say OI, PETE, NO! Mouse indeed. No way. You are such a huge part of this group, a massive part, and heck we all slip once in a while in whatever we do it took me 3 attempts to kick the drugs and I managed eventually by not kicking my own bottom every time I did slip up. Fact of the matter is sure, you had a smoke, so what? You can leave that behind knowing that this time the nicotine monster won, but you haven't lost the war just one small battle. Every day we start a new battle in the war, so don't be so hard on yourself. It might even make you stronger in your resolve. Just shrug it off, you haven't let us down, and live to fight the battle another day.

Love and hugs my darlin, keep your chin up and let us know what you decide we are all here for you xxx

andi22 profile image

Hey Lenne, you say you live near Brighton so not too far for you to go? Only problem there is there's too many stones!! :D 8-)

As I said earlier, congratulations on one month today, great for you girl. :) So now you have to start counting in months?

andi22 profile image

Hi Sue, hope you had an ok weekend and managed to switch off a bit - if it's all down to you I know there's lots of work ahead. My Mum died nearly a year ago and we still haven't got everything sorted - one word - taxman!!! :P

Hope you managed to get out to the coast again today - it really helps to clear the head doesn't it? Glad to hear you've kept the piggies out too. :)

sue52 profile image

Hi Andi Yeh i'm just relaxing this weekend as much as i can, can't do anymore at the moment, just helping my brother, which is a challenge, but managing so far, just need to stay on guard for cravings, hope you've had a great day and keeping those piggies away :) x

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

HI Sue, Andi, Lenne, i thankyou so so much for your comments, God have you just biult me up again, :) and yes i did give them cows n sheep, what for, ha ha i luv em, cus they dont tell me off!! they give me some rite funny looks though, :o

Sue, I admire you for the way that you get through each day, with your troubles, God gal i could never do that, i havent got the gutts gal!! and i thank you again for helpin me. :)

Andi, i thank you so much, for being there for me, i know that you are a hard Woman, ''no'' thats wrong!! an up to date Lady!! :) And i admier you for your tremendouse vigour you have!! :) and i hope you didnt mind me callin you Marina, i'm sure you will tell me off if you did!! and i asure you Andi, i am not the later!!, cus i'm maddddddd. :|

Lenne, you sayin i'm not a mouse, well i am!!!! untill i ''DO'' beat the weed, then i will become a man again, and i have got that into my head, even the cows n sheep agreed with me!! :o

As for stayin on this site,

That is up to Emjay !!!! She is the boss!!

Love you all, and please please, dont you ever forget that. :P


Lenne profile image
LenneLONG TERM WINNER in reply to monky

Well Pete, I am definitely not a man nor a mouse lol! I truly hope you're okay, and won't be a stranger here because we will miss you whole big bunches. Don't make me come find you matey! :) Take care, lots of love xx

sue52 profile image

Aww Pete i'm sure Emjay will want you to stay on, and you are strong and you will get through this, and get that out your head cause you are a man, everybody on here is rooting for you Pete xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to sue52

Sue gal, i havent got an once on you gal!!!! i'll tell you that now, you stay firm, cus you are doin fab, as in i cant spell the rest of it!!!! :o

Keep in there gal, cus i know that you can beat them piggies.

And i am rootin for you.

Thankyou again for your help!! and comments. See you soon hopefully :)

Pete. xxxx

andi22 profile image

Hey Pete, glad you came back to us - we wont let you get away cos you CAN beat this just like the rest of us so get that MAD out (and yes you can get a bit of macho out too) and get back on the rollercoaster!!! :D

Of course Emjay wont let you get away either cos this site's not just for people who HAVEgiven up as you well know. You call me a hard'n well we'll have to gang up and come and find you and sort you out!!! (hahahaha)

(Cor, three women on at you and we're all so completely different!!!) ;-)

EmJay profile image

Hey Hey Hey, just ready for bed and I thought I'd pop on here for a minute and see how you are all doing..... So glad I have.... :-)

We are here for anybody who chooses to either stop smoking, cut down smoking or stay stopped.

Support to you all, (I like to think) is provided in a complete non-judgemental way and we try to offer as many choices to you as possible so that you can make your own decision as to which route to take.

Along the routes we choose, sometimes we get 'stuck at a red light' or traffic jams... Sometimes it's green lights all the way...

However, it's what we choose to do afterwards that counts.... What happens if say, we don't get the green light all the time? Or do we carry on as we are doing once the traffic jam has cleared or the lights change from red to green...?

Take a look at our poll about the number of times most people have attempted to quit smoking in the past....

This just goes to show the huge learning curve that we quite often have to go through before jumping back on the path where we want to be.

Pete, you are such an inspiration and breath of fresh air to everyone on here. What you are feeling and decisions you have made are pretty normal to most people trying to give up smoking. :-)

The best thing to do is to think back to your reasons for wanting to stop smoking in the first place, learn from all the times you have tried to stop in the past and then either set a new quit date or get back to where you were at before you smoked last....

Think about all the cigarettes that you haven't smoked, rather than the ones you have.... :-)

Remembering, all the time that we are all here to support each other and this is something that you all have done so amazingly well at. As I've said before, there are quite a number of our members who just like to read and not post, this is okay as long as they are getting something from our site. Lapses and relapsing is such a huge part of giving up smoking, quite the norm actually and for some of our members, hearing others doing really well will spur them on, but equally - hearing about others who have to go through the relapsing process will help them to realise that this is normal too.... Stopping smoking is easy... It's the staying stopped that's hard! :-/

Pete, thank you for your honesty, you have helped so many people on here, (as well as entertaining a few more ;-) ) Please don't wait for our permission or decision to get you to move onto the next step... As i said further up this post, we are here for you at whatever stage of stopping smoking you are all at.

Anywhose... Must dash as I'm up early in the morning as my co-pilot isn't up and about to start off the daily chat in the morning ;-)

Luv n hugs

Stay strong xx

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