I have been (still am) getting indegestion/heartburn/chest pains & at times feel very fragile as in: when the washing machine spins I can feel the vibrations right through my body, Same when pushing the shopping trolley!! Has anybody else suffered bad side effects, & how long do they last? had the dizzy spells etc, they went after a few days.....
I have been off the cigarettes for a week now... - Quit Support
I have been off the cigarettes for a week now, I went Cold Turkey as such, I wasnt aware of the side effects, of which I have been getting.

Hi Darren, welcome aboard!
A week without smoking is a fantastic start, you are doing really well so hang in there
However, it sounds as though you are having a tough old time. Side effects, or cravings from giving up smoking can range anywhere from moderate to quite intense and affects different people in many different ways.
To get a bigger picture, so that I know what advice to offer you - I need to ask you a couple of questions;
Were you a heavy smoker? How many cigarettes each day were you smoking?
Taking into consideration your heartburn, have you changed your diet at all, for example are you eating more healthier or are you just eating more? Have you tried taking a simple antacid tablet of any sort which you can generally buy from your local pharmacy or supermarket?
Are you feeling chesty at all and finding that you have something to cough up? However, with regards to chest pains if you are at all worried, then it may be worth speaking to your GP.
You have certainly come to the right place for help and support Darren, just try to stay positive

Hi, I had been smokingfor about 25 years, I am now 39 years old, I was smoking between 20-30 per day.
I visited the local A&E last friday as was worried about the chest pains, the Doctor said I was fine otherwise & prescribed me Lansoprazole for the heart burn/burping issuue. I hadnt changed my diet at all until visiting the Doctor, now I have stopped eating spicy foods, reduced my portion size, & stopped drinking Diet coke (would drink 4 cans a night easily) just to help with the heartburn/indegestion issue. I am still getting all sorts of random stomach aches/feelings etc. Im back at my doctors on Thursady so will speak with them again for re-assurance.
Have had a slight cough but not really noticed coughing anything up. I think i have a bit of anxiety now also, never had any issues like these before.
I also have had no cravings for a cigarette at all, my wife smokes still & it doesnt effect me. I just wish i would feel more motivated & healthier soon.
Hiya Darren well done for doing a whole week Ive been suffering not with indigestion or chest pains but like you ive had strange vibration feelings in my head ears and nose also like a floaty feeling had an awful cough too but been told thats to be expected and just a general feeling of being unwell Keep up the good work as im sure these things will pass sooner rather than later good luck Kim

hi darren this is just how i felt the first 2 weeks of quitting im now entering week 5 the first 2 weeks all i wanted to do was sleep felt like poo to put it midly i had no get up and go what so ever. i used to have heart burn a lot when i smoked but do not suffer any more, i get stomach ache a lot think thats part of quitting too going cold turkey is amazing im on the patches and gum which has helped me a lot, i didnt consider cold turkey because ima bit of a coward couldnt face the withdrawls i still get them a lot but im learning to ignore them they seem to appear when i least expect them, i think anxiety is part of the withdrawl process, but you should be very proud of the your quit cherish it and hang in there as it does get better i promise if it didnt id be back on smoking now each day gives you the freedom of not working your life around ciggies i hardley think about smoking now maybe about twice a day and thats good compared to about 50 times a day in the 1st two weeks. we need to help each other on our quits it keeps us strong when we feel there is no suport there because there is support here for you
Thanks Lin, your comments are reassuring! To be honest I didnt think about the Withdrawls Process, I simply decided I didnt want to smoke anymore & stopped a week ago last Monday without any knowledge of what I was in for. I think because I wasnt aware of what I was about to go through I kind of scared myself with worry in the process. Having sites like this & other people that are going through the same issues is a real comfort. Thanks.