Hi folks I'm 6 wks quit today using nrt lozenges and haven't looked back.. but just found out today I'm having a missed miscarriage which I am devastated about. I'm so worried I wont have the willpower to stay away from cigs once the miscarriage starts properly. Has anyone been through similar and if so any advice to help me stay smoke free?
Worried my miscarriage will break my willpowe... - Quit Support
Worried my miscarriage will break my willpower after 6wks a non smoker

Hi Tricia, So sorry to hear your sad news. May I suggest you have a word with your doctor, he/she may prescribe you some nrt. whilst you are going through your ordeal.
Miscarriages are very common so please try not to dwell on it. I have had 3 miscarriages ,(50 years plus ago) but you have to think positive and take care of your body.
I wish you lots of luck and hope all goes smoothly for you. xxx

Dear Tricia.
In times of loss we are at our weakest.
I'm right there with you.
I'm certain there are others too who are
in the same boat.
We all know the truth, smoke 1 cigarette and the devastation will only feel worse.
Time is the only healer, stay strong for your future x

Dear Tricia, I'm so sorry😞 . this is a hard time for you. Please stick to your quitting plans if you can. We are here for you.🌷

Hi Tricia I am so sorry for your loss. I had 4 miscarriages before I had my first son. The only thing I can say that may help is remember if you smoke it's not going to change what's happening. I had quite a few tough times during the beginning of my quit. I kept telling myself smoking wouldn't stop bad things from happening and if I smoked I would be disappointed I myself ontop of it all.
Take time to grieve and keep on trying to stay smoke free. Turn towards friends , family and all of us for support.

Thanks everyone, your messages have helped me realise that staying quit is something I can control during a difficult time of things happening to me that are out of my control. Thanks so much for your kind supportive words, they mean a lot xx

Not One Puff Ever
Plus it will help you to be super healthy for future pregnancies.
I suffered 5 miscarriages. Everyone but me forgot them pretty quickly. Was tough x