One week smoke free 😴, I’m not sleeping, bloated stomach.. the smells coming from my bottom is seriously traumatising my kids.. the mood swings and the lack of any kind of mood.. so I’m hoping week two becomes easier... on the plus side, I’m extremely proud of myself 💋
One week mark: One week smoke free 😴, I’m not... - Quit Support
One week mark

Hi Charlie, well done on being one week smoke free, yes the flatulence is a surprising unexpected and traumatizing withdrawal symptom, I sympathise with your kids! LOL.
You have every right to be proud and please with yourself as its not easy but it is so worth it. If you let us have your actual quit date, we can add you to our database and assign you with a winners badge.
Keep going your doing the best thing ever for you and your family xxx

Welcome Charlie, Well done on your first week. The symptoms you describe are perfectly normal and should soon pass. If you have a read through the pinned posts there is lots of information and tips to help you. Make sure you keep hydrated to help get rid of those toxins.
Look forward to supporting you. xxx

Well done Charlie, Welcome to Quit Support.
As the lovelies have said you're experiencing normal withdrawal symptoms. Hang in there 💪as it really does get better.
Have a look at the pinned posts,there's lots of hints there. Here's a link which may help.
Good luck with your quit.🍀🚭xx

Huge congrats Charlie, your first week smoke free is a great achievement👍🏼
Well done👏🏼👏🏼
Enjoy your Sunday roast, you deserve it. Just hope you’re not having brussel sprouts😷😂xx

Well done Charlie3306, sleeplessness is a bit of thing when quitting, likewise mood swings. It gets better but it may take sometime. Be patient and kind with yourself, it's pretty hard core for the firstmonth. You can do it. Best wishes happybear