Ex smoker checking on short and long term issues. Anxiety is number one issue.
Mark: Ex smoker checking on short and long term... - Quit Support

Hi Mark,
Welcome to quit support.
If you take a read under the topic headings you will find a wealth of information on the symptoms of quitting.
There are no two quits the same, so you may experience 1 or 2 of symptoms or you may have more.. No says quitting is easy but well all say it is worth it
In relation to anxiety, this tends to be a very common symptom, for some it can be a sense of loss (not having the cigarettes) if there is some mild anxiety at when starting to quit the anxiety can increase. However, once you get through the early months it changes to a sense of calm..not having to worry when you can duck out an have a smoke, not having to worry if you have enough smokes to get you through to the morning or payday etc.
Let us know where you are up to..Have you quit or just thinking about it..we have a great support team here who will do their best to help you through
I have quit. Almost 3 weeks. Found this site and like the candid conversations.
Hi PapaM
I love coming on here and spouting about my experiences, its a therapy in itself. And remember we are all going through the same thing.
We are all trying to achieve the same goal.
To a non smoker its "you should have given up years ago" "don't see its a big deal giving up".
To us its a habit that is entrenched, that we almost grieve over when we stop.
Keep going you're doing really well to get to 3weeks. First month was really tough for me.
Hiya Mark and welcome😃 if you asked all of us quitters I reckon anxiety would definitely be up there....😀

Hi Mark.
Anxiety and/or depression can be a huge part. Particularly if you are pre disposed to it.
I talk from experience. You end up with a Generalised Anxiety Disorder. Nothing specific makes you feel anxious it just sits there in the back ground.
For years I have been on and off citalopram and about a month after giving up smoking , I would feel anxious not wanting to socialise, worrying about my health.
I had been there before and knew the trigger for this GAD episode was becoming a non smoker, I had to work at talking to myself and also talking myself out of it. I was tempted to go back to the GP but I persevered and it is a whole lot better the longer time has got on.
It will get better for you, just be "mindful". Some posts on here talk about breathing techniques which you can do and do work. They give your mind and body a little "holiday" from your negative thoughts.
Keep going you are doing really well.
Keep coming back on here and tell us your thoughts. It will help you and help us to help you.
Thanks Jim.
I do the breathing exersizes. Works ok for the head, but body stays pretty tense. It's getting better. I find that keeping busy is best therapy.
Aup Mark, a big warm welcome to you and a massive well done to you for reaching the 3 week mark on your quit
I'm sorry Mark, but I just havnt got a clue about anxiety sooo, I have left it upto the experts of this lovely community
Am just wandering Mark, have you ever been for a massage cos this could help your body to relax eh
or do some exercise and get rid of that tenseness in your body
Good luck with your quit Mark and dont you ever forget, WE are here to help you if we can

Hi papa and welcome to our lovely quit family 😃
Short term issues with anxiety are very normal but long term the relief from being smoke free is enormous, so there is definitely light at the end of the tunnel👍
It's almost like panic because we don't know how we're going to manage without a cig but as we learn how to cope without lighting up, we feel more relaxed about it. You've got some great advice from our helpful members already and the deep breathing really helped me. I can honestly say it will all be worth it, just one day at a time😃x
sorry for the delay, this site is a bit difficult accessing and making comments by smart phone.
The anxiety seems to come and go. when it comes it lasts for hours. Seems like more of panic attacks, maybe i have always beenm prone to them and the nicotine masked this for all the years. Its been 34 days and the last couple days have been as bad as the first two days. Have a call into the Dr to see if its mental or physical.
Hi Mark,
I know exactly were you are coming from mate!
Take a read of my quit story:
I suffered really bad from GAD when I quit and I actually needed a few months of work to recover!
The further down the quit journey you go, it will get easier, but you may need to learn new ways to deal with your anxiety. Understanding anxiety is also a big help.
Speak to your doctor and ask if there is a NHS wellbeing service, or if you can afford it maybe asked to be referred for some private sessions.
Stay positive,
Very informative post (your Quit story) WIth your anxity treatment did you take any medications?
other than Damazapan for sleep. My attacks are not that bad................yet.
Thanks for the post.
I went 3 days on anti depressants, and they screwed me up.
I have a theory. Because smoking causes a decrease in serotonin (chemical in brain which control mood and anxiety) when you quit it can take a couple of months for those chemicals to balance back out again. I was given serterline, which is a serotonin booster right in the middle of of my chemicals balancing out, and that pushed me to breaking point I think.
Bad choice by my GP. I don't think AD should be prescribed without a mental health assessment done.
I think it's really good that you have a Dr's appointment. I had the terrible anxiety quite a way into my quit, after maybe a couple of months, and left it far too long to sort out. I hot help from the Dr, and it really did help quite quickly. There is definitely some changed chemistry for some of us, I think, not just the nicotine
It's no answer to go back to smoking, that's for sure! I hope you are giving yourself the credit you deserve for quitting, it's a tremendous achievement!
I will not go back to smoking. I do not want to 'ever' go through this again. And I really want to grow old with my wife and watch the kids grow up.
Morning Betts, Just an update. Dr took me off some of the meds, Anxiety is much better and I have slept two nights in a row for more than 3 hours.
Chemistry of smoking is a scary thing.....