Bella really doesn’t care that I need to set up the printer in ‘her’ box.
I really love this box: Bella really doesn’t... - Quit Support
I really love this box

Love that pussy!! 😸😽😼😀😘

Oh Twinnie she is soooo pretty. So ,what are you waiting for,go and buy another printer,lol XXX
Haha, trust you 🙄
If I buy another printer that box will belong to Archie. I can’t win, then again I don’t expect to with these mogs.
My 8Kg 's favourite box, is the one full of whats left of crystal glasses. I don't really want to open it because then I'll find out whats missing,so he can use it. XXX
I know there is Gamblers Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous but is there a Cats Anonymous? I’m sure you, Az and I should join. We need to be taught how to be alpha cats. xxx

Hahaha. Great pic Catmad👌
She is so photogenic (and she knows it) that taking her photo is easy. How are
You Twinnie2?
I’m pretty good except on Saturday I went to a party and the sofa 🛋 was lumpy lol and now my left hip is completely out of line. Just took a couple ibuprofen. I won’t be visiting the chiropractor yet. My last resort I’ll wait a week. 😊💕☕️☕️
Sounds like you should take a leaf out of my book, avoid parties (except when us lot get together for our virtual raves) 🤪😜🥳

Jake has a favourite large cardboard Christmas 🎄 bag that is part of my decor now. He took to it before Christmas when my friend brought me a gift 🎁 in it. He also will go into your handbag if you come for a visit 👜🐈☕️☕️
See, proof that we need therapy!!
Having seen the size of Big Jake I’d better make sure I bring a massive handbag when I visit 🤓
You guys make me miss my cats!!!! I have had two in the past, both are gone now, and I haven't felt ready for a new fur baby just yet. They really are the best though.
We will be working on you to change your mind, after all why should Tubs, Az and I keep all that furry love to ourselves.
How are you doing on the quit journey Penguin?
It wouldn't take much, I am starting to miss having a kitty around. As far as my quit, it is going extremely well. I have been amazed by how well I am doing. I have put on a considerable amount of weight already, but trying not to focus on that until I am a little further along in my quit. I have always done well in the past losing weight, so I just have to put that on a back burner for now and focus on staying quit. I have been around more smokers as of late, and it really doesn't bother me nearly as much as I thought it would. So far, so good! I just hope I can keep up the momentum. Thank you for asking, Catmad!
That’s great Penguin you are three months in and still determined. From now on things should get easier for you. As far as putting on weight, just think, it’s a little bit of weight to you but it’s a soft cushion for a kitty 😻

Oh Twinnie,you are so right. Every cat I've had has been special,but they don't live as long as us. I know it's sad and I cry for something like fortnight,but the house feels cold and empty so I adopt another couple. They are all special while they are living with me.😻😻XXX

It’s the same with me Twinnie, as I get older the pain of losing them gets worse. Before I had these babies I was 6 months without cats, then I looked after my boss’s white Maine Coon called Spider whilst his family went on holiday and that was it for me. When he went home my home became a place I didn’t want to return to. So Archie, Bella and Daisy Pickle arrived. Little Daisy was the runt but what a big personality, it turned out she was a he which caused a lot of laughter. Unfortunately he died when he was just over 2 years old and the pain was terrible. Again I am saying to myself that after these two I won’t have any more but as they say, never say never.

You guys crack me up with your kitty tales, or is that kitty tails😻
Thanks for the laughs😹😹xx

CM, Bella looks just like my Monky, she's long haired but has a white bib below her chin
I will try to get a pick of her

Love the pic 😁

Jake is sleeping a lot right now During winter he sleeps a lot ❄️❄️☃️☃️💨💨🥶