Seriously, I miss the enjoyment of smoking. I'm on day 12 giving up (new years quitter!) and I really believe I have the willpower to stay quit but I do pine for it quite a lot. I still like the smell and obviously crave it badly after meals / when bored etc etc....i keep asking myself if am I really ready to relinquish it for good?
I know 2 types of "ex-smokers"...
1. The ones who can now no longer bear to be around or near anything to do with smoking (ex-smokers?) or
2. people who miss it, don't mind smoking or people who smoke around them (smokers who packed in?)
I'm in the second category for sure....i don't know i'm actually asking a question here, i suppose many other people have felt like this at some point. So tell me if you know ex smokers or smokers who quit and if you've stopped if you still get the pangs and mounrful feeling of losing something that was really enjoyable...
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I would say I am an ex-smoker but I don't mind people smoking around me and actually do like the smell of smoke from a cigarette but not stale smoke on people. I did enjoy smoking but I weighed up the pros and cons and there are a lot more cons to smoking than pros. Smoking when you are ready for the nicotine fix gives you a short lived high which makes you remember the enjoyment but you are a slave to a cigarette when you smoke. I remember getting irritated in a meeting and wishing it would hurry up and be over so I could go and smoke and having to go outside in the Winter. Most importantly there are the health implications, I didn't realise how many poisons were in cigarettes until Jillygirl on here posted a list of what was in them.
Then of course and this was the reason I packed it... the cost, it is disgusting the cost of cigarettes now.
All in all for me the cons for smoking certainly outweigh the short lived enjoyment I got from it.
Well done on giving up for 12 days, it does get easier. I still want one but the cravings are nowhere near as bad as they were just a few weeks ago and I know they will get less and less until I wont think of it anymore.
Just stick with it Rob, you are doing really well.
Its strange but I feel better after writing this, the "vent you spleen" method definately helps! I agree with you about stale smoke and i also hate ashtrays but more than anything, i hate the cost, £7 a pack now! Thats a car or a holiday for my family over the course of a year....
I suppose its pretty normal to feel like this as it was a substantial part of the daily / normal routine, i'm slowly getting used to simply not smoking when i used to, on the way to work, on a break while working, after a meal but it takes concious effort at the moment to not smoke, in time, not smoking will be normal too!
Well that is what this site is for Rob and without it I don't think I would have managed to give up.
You need to reprogramme your brain to not smoke and that does take time. Every time you don't have a cigarette when you usually would you are reprogramming. There have been times when I have forgotten that I have given up such as after a meal and just automatically gone to head outside for a cig. When I have remembered just a matter of seconds later I have felt so sad and disappointed. It didn't last long and I don't get that feeling anymore. I do still want a cigarette now as it's still early days for me but the cravings aren't bad anymore and I've forgotten about smoking after a couple of minutes and I certainly don't feel irritated and down now.
Hi Rob, I'm in your category 2 as well and agree totally with everything that Kazz has said. I think I'm over the mournful stage now but sometimes think it might be nice to have one when I'm with other smokers but have to say to myself now that I won't as I have now chosen not to rather than I can't.
Aww hi Rob, I know exactly what you mean and how you feel, I feel the same too. They do say some smokers feel a great sense of loss (ironically a kind of bereavement) when they stop smoking. After all it's been a 'friend' that you think has seen you through thick and thin, every up and every down in life. But we have to be honest, smoking is no friend, its definitely a woolf in sheeps clothing and we need to turn our backs on it. Like Kaz says - think of the cost, just think if every single smoker gave up this year the Treasury would be really sorry they kept raising the duty if they had no one left to buy them. So think of giving up as a poke in the eye to the Government, you're depriving them of a tax and that can only be a good thing.
My husband gave up smoking about 10 years ago which would make him around the same age then as I am now. He gave up cold turkey but he admits it took a long time to get over the cravings and that he did used to sneak one of my cigarettes now and again while he was quitting. He's never bothered about being around me when I smoke though, he's even lit cigarettes for me when we've been out and about and its been really windy and I couldn't do it. I always used to say "how can you do that, does it not make you want to smoke again". He said it was of no interest to him any more and he would never start smoking again, so you do eventually forget about them. As they say just take one day at a time and if you fall, don't think oh I've spoilt it now I may as well forget it, just accept it and carry on quitting.
Yeah, "old friend" definitely fits the bill. I still find myself going outside in the freezing rain at work only to sharply turn around and go make a cup of tea instead....
I've stopped using patches as they seemed to give me really bad headaches and i had horrible nightmares aswell! I still use the inhallator occasionally but that is slowly losing its appeal too. The NRT i've got is actually from my partners pregnancy when she packed in; she never used it so its lay there for about a year...I may try those microtabs or that spray thingy as theyre really quick to use under the tongue.
My "craving" isn't anything huge, like i said smoking was a really enjoyable habit I used to have.
Hoping I'll get to the stage where the enjoyable habits i learned no longer appeal sooner but this is a process i''ve never gone through before (by choice). Onward!
Hi Rob , congratulations by the way and happy new year
I suppose you need to think smoking as an enemy, it was never really your friend. You were just addicted to the nicotine. I have no problem of being out with other smokers. I have no problem because I really do feel free from the addiction that I had. I just acknowledge that used to be me and now I've found something better than a nicotine fix, I have found the person I was before I tried my first ever fag.
Now you are at a really early stage of quitting. Try and think now that you haven't given anything up, Try and imagine being smoke free is ridding yourself of an addiction. Every time you see others 'enjoying a fag' , look at them. Are they really enjoying smoking OR are they just feeling a sense of relief because they have topped up on their nicotine ? A drug addict doesn't enjoy the shooting up, they just feel relief of the drug going into their system. I know this sounds very extreme but once I got my head round that smoking was just a way to fix my nicotine addiction, I kind of accepted I would be able to stop.
Give yourself a few more weeks. You will soon feel all of the positives. Once you have stopped wanting to smoke the smokers will actually envy you, not the other way round.
I would say I'm a type 3 ex smoker, someone who feels that they never smoked in the first place. I feel like a non smoker. I have only been stopped for 10 months and smoked for all my teens, on and off until 41. I was so addicted. So thought I loved it. So thought smoking was part of me and would be my downfall.
Ok so I sound like a nutter, I sound so positive and knew I'd cracked the addiction the minute I put out my last ciggy. This is cos I was anti brainwashed and read a self help book about why I smoked, why I started and how I got addicted. The method also took away cravings and the fear of stopping. When everyone says it's going to be hard, you believe it. I believed it on the numerous failed attempts of stopping, because I always failed and went back to my fake friend the cigarette.
Congratulations on stopping, if you find that you need will power and the craving in your brain (because by now you will have no physical need for nicotine) is so strong have a look at the book I read. It takes away the fear of stopping and kills the part in your brain that is still addicted and feels deprived and missing out on something.
I also enjoy social times so much more. Imagine having a meal, drink or conversation with friends and not thinking ... must go out for a cigarette, I'm desperate ! I feel so much more relaxed that good times are not interupted by me nipping outside in the cold and coming back into a warm room reeking of smoke. I do still look forward to pudding and coffee though
Yes I know everyone I go on about it, but when you find a method that worked and it can help others, you wants others that are suffering to give it a go. Good luck, keep up with stopping as eventually you see light at the end of the tunnel, which is freedom
This is all so true what you are saying.I have been stoped 21days have my good days and bad days!I so want to be a non smoker.Reading peoples posts helps so much,as it makes you go on positive tracks again.
Hi Helen, Your post was great for me, like I was writing it. I'm also positive and feel absolutely wonderful about being free from my slavery to cigs. I smoked for 40 years since I was 13. Today is only day 4 and very difficult but I know my body is healing every day in every way as long as I abstain. Right now, I want to satisfy this craving so bad, but I try to keep busy and go online to read about other successful people who have quit. Congrats and thanks again
Thank-you, Helen. You should be well and live many wonderful years. Wow, you replied! I looked at your profile and realized it had been started 4 years ago. I didn't think you would still be on the site. Great news, that you are still free, so happy to hear. What activities did you start doing instead? I want to start exercising again, (a) to keep in shape and (b) I want/need the rush. It's so exciting to walk and climb stairs without feeling winded. It's also fun to think about doing crafts with my hands again…not sure what. Anyway, I'm finishing my final semester of a masters' degree next month in finance and accounting…No stress there, lol.
I left a job in retail banking (28 years same employer) that I found stressful and more damaging to my health than smoking ever was. I have two totally different part time jobs, one office based the other more physical. My only exercise is dog walking but I do wear a fit bit to increase my steps. Good luck with your future and enjoy taking deep breaths and enjoying life without nicotine
Im in the process of stopping smoking and I would be number 1 on your list.
I would be like this because I would be scared that I will start again which I really would not want to do so I will probably be like a hermit for a while so then I dont get the usual urge.
We dont smoke in our house, we go out to our garage to smoke and our visitors who smoke go out there too.
When I stopped for 6 weeks a couple of years ago I made my husbands friend go outside because I didnt want the smell of it in the garage to give me the urge to smoke again.
he wasn't very happy about having to stand outside so he wan't very supportive at all, so much that he told me last week that I should get another job so I didnt have to stop smoking! lol
haha it was my husbands friend that said it no my husband
thankfully my husband is being really supportive, he has wanted me to stop smoking for years now so he is really keen for me to stick with stopping smoking
I also quit recently, on the 25th of January, still not two weeks. I crave a little during the day, specially if there are friends around I used to smoke with. But I do have a bad time whenever I go out for a drink. I stayed home for the first 5 days and then decided I had to keep on doing the same I used to, so I went to the bar, but still not totally possible. I can only drink a couple of beers, because the cravings just get worse and I don't enjoy. I feel like 'why am I doing this to myself?' But I stick to it. Because I want to live the experience, first of all. I have been a smoker for 14 years and now I want to try what is it to be an ex smoker, every stage of this new phase of my life. Even if it takes tears the first few weeks. Stay strong, you owe your life this new experience.
Absolutely! I am definitely a 2. I stopped on 29th August, still miss it, I love the smell of tobacco outside, although now I have to admit when someone comes back in now after having one it really does pen and ink. I can quite happily sit amongst smokers that doesn't get to me, it really is just the missing of it that is the difficult bit. Others tell me this eventually wears off. I'm pretty sure I won't go back now but still mourn the loss.
Yes, as a matter of fact I feel the same way! It's day 42 for me and I still strongly crave one! I hope it goes away soon.
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply to
Hi ya Smokeless, a big warm welcome to quit support and a massive well done to ya for reaching 42 days quit
I hope your feeling very proud of yourself cos all of us on here know how hard it can be to quit the smokes
Please feel free to come and have a chat with us, cos we dont bite, ermmm, most of us dont anyway
Smokeless, if you could please let me know when your actual quit date was, then I can sort you out with a Winners badge and add you to the Wall of Winners
I meant January 1st, 2016! My brain must be fried from smoke or lack of it! I do feel less alert and more tired. Has anyone else experienced that?
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply to
Hi Smokeless, dont you going listening to that flippin Andy flippin Pandy it was just a typo, thats all
I have your quit date well and truly logged in now thankyou very much
Smokeless, please feel free to ask any questions or join in the chat, cos chatting helps to get rid of ermmmm, you know who eh
You just remember NOPE, Not One puff Ever
• in reply to
Welcome Smokeless😊
My first month I was exhausted and couldn't stay awake..... Very normal I was reassurred by quit support friends on line..... For everyone it is different..... I'm going into my 5 th month next week and my energy is definitely not here I want it.... You'll connect with people who are going through what you are experiencing and that will help you Not take that 1 puff ever
All the best!!!!!!
• in reply to
Thank you for the insight! I have found the comments in this group really help! Today is my 50th day and I find myself still alternating between lower energy and anxiety. Also, still fighting those awful urges! I can't wait for it to warm up some so I can walk it off! But I am amazed I've made it this far!😉
You're doing really well and 42 days is a great achievement👍🏼 I can promise you it will get easier and every day you fight those cravings, it will make you stronger. Hang in there and as our lovely Monky says, we don't bite😂 It keeps us on the straight and narrow path to a better non smoking future🚭 and there's some great 5 mins craving buster tips on the right which might help. Good luck🍀
heavens yes--I cried off and on the first month or so--first it was like losing a best friend --then my right arm and sometimes my mind--You have to want to get clean and stay that way--I look at people now--my daughter for one--and it seems she is constantly lighting one--It stinks in her car now-and it looks stupid too--That's not to say I don't want one--I just want to be an ex-addict more--and give my poor little body a break to see what normal is!! It is a journey--and not always easy--Take it slow and know your lungs will thank you--and food will taste better and your voice wll soften and you will sleep better and breathe better-There are far more reasons to stop then continue-the biggest being it is poisoning your body--and turning it into an incinerator--Hang with us --glad to have you MmeT
I used to love smoking. Then I quit now I'm not sure what I loved. I know I don't mind smokers I work with them every day and my partner is one. But I hate the smell and I used to love it!! Keep up good work it's worth it though I think you will never understand the full relationship with smoking same as me xx
I am a healthy, happy non-smoker. My body is healing everyday in everyday. I love being free and breathing fresh clean air :)) (my mantra for the last month). Only on Day 5 and still so exhausted even though I'm sleeping 14 hours a day. I definitely want to quit forever, focusing on the positive things for my family and I and our future. My husband quit 5 years ago and I don't know how he put up with my smoking (outside only but still!). He is a wonderful support now. Thanks, I like this thread and comments that are posted. It's beyond tough, hang in there if you going through what I'm going through.
I think people get addicted to nicotine physically and mentally. If you are in your first year it's nicotine withdrawal. You have to just go through it till your body get adjusted to not having it. The mental aspect is much harder specially when you are not in the favourable position in life . It doesn't mean that nicotine can solve any problem but the progress from wanted no smoke to having smoke is a progress on its own. It's progress on surface but it's better than nothing
I just posted this as a new post. Thought I'd share my experience with this topic:
I was just talking to a friend about quitting smoking. He reminded me that I used to say I enjoyed smoking.
Looking back, I now see the lie for its reality. Without realizing it, what I ENJOYED was the cessation of the ANXIETY that the cigarettes created to begin with!
THAT is what I mistakenly thought was enjoyment, back when I smoked. (I've never been able to adequately express that so succinctly.)
When I figured that out, it made me MAD. Mad enough to never look back.
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